Jack Flashcards
Key quotes for Jack from Lord of the Flies.
“You littluns started all this with the fear talk. Beasts!”
Chapter 5 - In Jack’s meeting he talks about the littuns being the blame for the talk of the fear on the island. He makes out he wants the boys to be afraid so he gains power over them.
“Who cares what you believe – Fatty!”
Chapter 5 - This is Jack’s reaction to Piggy telling the boys that he doesn’t believe in ghosts. Jack shows he doesn’t care what Piggy believes him and insults him.
“Bollocks to the rules! We’re strong – we hunt!”
Chapter 5 - This is Jack’s reaction to showing he doesn’t care about the rules anymore which is just after Ralph telling the boys that the rules are the only thing they have left on the island.
“This’ll be a real hunt! Who’ll come?”
Chapter 6 - Jack is determined to kill the beast, this is the first real hunt of the book where the boys go and hunt together.
‘Let’s be moving,’ said Jack restlessly, ‘we’re wasting time.’
Chapter 6 - Jack rushes about going to hunt for the beast, he doesn’t want to waste time when he could be killing it. Starts to show his savage side.
Jack’s face went so white that the freckles showed as clear, brown flecks. He licked his lips and remained standing.
Chapter 6 - Ralph finally stands up to Jack and Jack gets embarrassed in front of all the boys. Jack shows he still has civilisation by showing his human emotions.
“He began to dance and his laughter became a blood thirsty snarling.”
Chapter 4 - Jack paints his face and then he starts dancing wildly. the boys around him become scared. This shows Jack’s clear transformation to savagery.
“Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.”
Chapter 4 - Jack leads the hunters in this chant after they kill the pig and are now celebrating. This shows savagery and civilisation falling apart.
“Jack transferred the knife to his left hand smudged blood over his forehead”
Chapter 4 - Jack and Ralph are arguing about the hunters going off hunting instead of keeping the fire going when there was a ship. This shows savagery as he is becoming wild.
“We’ll have rules!” he cried excitedly. “Lots of rules! Then when anyone breaks ‘em -“
Chapter 2 - Jack wants rules. Linking with civilisation and Jack before he was stranded on the island. Fiat one of the boys who is wanting rules but also a threat as he doesn’t finish the sentence.
“Ralph’s right of course. There isn’t a snake thing. But if there was a snake we’d hunt and kill it.”
Chapter 2 - Agreeing with Ralph but wanting to create a threatened and scared atmosphere between the boys. Savagery is shown here and he uses it for power.
“After all, we’re not savages. We’re English; and the English are best at everything.”
Chapter 2 - Jack is showing civilisation and links it to the past and the things that he has been taught as he grew up. He wants everybody to do everything right on the island.
“I ought to be chief, … Because I’m chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing in C sharp. “
Chapter 1 - The sound of the shell - when the boys were deciding who should be chief. These are Jacks reasons why he should be chief
“he was tall, thin and bony”
Chapter 1 - The sound of the shell. Holdings description of Jack.
“They could be the army - Or hunters-“
Chapter 1 - the sound of the shell Jack was deciding at the meeting what he wanted his choir to do on the island
‘Jack, painted and garlanded, sat their like and idol.’
Chapter 9 - A View to a Death.
This is in the hunters party, (Jack is being described) a log had been put in the centre of then lawn for Jack to sit on.
“and my hunters will protect you form the beast. Who will join my tribe?”
Chapter 9 - A View to a Death.
This is in the hunters party when Jack asks for everyone’s attention after they have eaten. Jack is trying to get the boys to join his group.
“Do our dance! Come on! Dance!”
Chapter 9 - A View to a Death.
This is in the hunters party after Ralph and Jack have argued and the weather gets bad. The boys are getting afraid and Jack is trying to distract them form the fear.
“We’ll hunt. I’m going to be chief.”
Chapter 8 - Gift for the Darkness.
Jack declaring his new position as chief when the boys leave Ralph to find him.
Practice had made Jack as silent as the shadows.
Chapter 8 - Gift for the Darkness.
This shows Jack hunting for the pig. The fact he is silent shows that he is good at hunting.
Jack was on top of the sow, stabbing downward with his knife.
Chapter 8 - Gift for the Darkness.
Description of Jacks brutal attack on the pig.
“This head is for the beast. It’s a gift.”
Chapter 8 - Gift for the Darkness.
Jack is sacrificing the head of the pig that he and his hunters just killed for the ‘beast’.
“Jack.” A taboo was evolving around that word.
Chapter 8 - Gift for the Darkness.
This shows the other boys fear towards Jack.