J4 - Religion and family; Rites of Passage Flashcards
Brit Milah
Circumcision ceremony, fulfilling the covenant of circumcision commanded to Abraham and his descendants
Fathers must ensure their son is circumcised on 8th day after birth
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Son/Daughter of the commandments
ceremony on first Shabbat after 13th birthday (read Torah for the first time in service)
Boy wear tallit + tefillin
Bath Chayill
Woman of valour
Ceremony usually in Orthodox Jews instead of Bat Mitzvah
Not Bat Mitzvah but similar
Reason: different interpretations between girls and boys
Allowed food/products in Jewish law (ex. eating meats that is killed by Jewish butcher)
Not allowed food/products in Jewish law (ex. not eating dairy and meat together)
Symbol showing product is kosher
Legal joining of two people
Uniting of man and woman, elevated to higher spiritual level beforee God
Marriage contract made between bride and groom
Reemains the property of wife throughout the marriage
Bride will walk down the aisle (In synagouge/home), join the groom under the chuppah
Shelter with four sides (main part of ceremony), symbolise home
Two blessings said in kiddushin - for wine and commitment
Stamping glass
Reminder of that mmarriage is fragile, so need to work together in hard times
Or destruction of the Jerusalem Temple
Second part of ceremony
Seven blessings are said
Praising god for creation and bringing happiness to couple
Rites of passage intended to support family and friends, help them get through period of mourning
Burial - steps
Jews always buried (soon after death)
Mourners’ clothes torn (represent sorrow)
Casket carried to grave (7 stepways representing difficulty)
Casket lowered to grave (facing east = Jerusalem)
Roles of men & women
Women’s role - in the house (men will provide)
Discorent responsibility for children
Father has to ensure family
Roles of parents
Education of their children
Father must teach his son Torah, help finding them wives
Seen as partners of God in creation of his children
Roles of children
Honor their parents (also seen as honoring God)
Show reverence by not staying in parents’ place, contradicting their words, opposing parent in dispute
Sanctity of life
Belief based on humans being created in image of God
Therefore life is holy and sacred (given by God)
Duty of value life
Pikuach Nefesh
Belief in Sanctity
Jews must save person’s life if they can, even if breaks the Jew laws
Emphasised how valuable human life is to Jews