IVD Flashcards
What is the number of true IVD identified in the adult?
What is the organizational pattern for glycosaminoglycans in the lumbar nucleus pulpous?
they typically lack a binding site for hyaluronic acid and are thus non-aggregated
What cell is associated with the nucleus pulposus until age 11?
notochord cells
Which type of collagen is dominant in the nucleus pulposus?
collagen type II
What is unusual about the cervical annulus fibrosus?
it lacks any lamellar or layered organization
What is the appearance of the cervical annulus fibrosus?
a horse-shoe with the anterior margin thick and the lateral margins tapering to the uncinate processes; the posterior margin is thin
What compensates for the thinness of the posterior part of the cervical annulus fibrosus?
posterior longitudinal ligament
What is the organizational pattern for glycosaminoglycans in the lumbar annulus fibrosus?
they typically have a binding site for hyaluronic acid and are thus aggregated
Which type of collagen is dominant in the annulus fibrosus?
collagen type I
What is the organizational pattern for collagen fibers in the annulus fibrosus?
they are parallel with one another in a single lamellas and angled
What is the organizational pattern for collagen fibers between lamellae?
collagen fibers will be angled in the opposite direction such that a spiral–counterspiral organization is observed
What is the average angle of collagen fibers within the annulus fibrosus?
they average 50-60 degrees
What is the origin for the cells of the annulus fibrosus?
What cell type is associated with the annulus fibrosus?
fibroblast and fibrocyte
What is the cartilage end plate derived from?
epiphyseal plate
What part of the vertebral body will the cartilage end plate cover?
the cancellous bone at the top or bottom of the vertebral body
What is the principal type of collagen fiber within the cartilage end plate?
type II collagen fiber
What is the direction of collagen fibers within the cartilage end plate?
collagen fibers are aligned anterior to posterior
What is the earliest indicator of IVD pathology or degeneration?
changes in the histology of the cartilage end plate
What part of the IVD is innervated?
the outer lamellae of the annulus fibrosus
What are the types of receptor endings in the IVD?
nociceptors and proprioceptors
What is the relationship between size of the IVD and receptor endings?
the larger the disc, the greater the variety of receptor endings
What are the sources of innervation of the IVD?
the sinu-vertebral nerve (sinus vertebral nerve, recurrent meningeal nerve), fibers from the ventral primary ramus, fibers from the white rams communicans, fibers from the paradisal rams communicants, fibers from the gray ramus communicans
What nerves have been shown to give off the sinus vertebral/sinu-vertebral/recurrent meningeal nerve?
the mixed spinal nerve, ventral primary ramus, dorsal primary ramus, gray ramus communicans, and white ramus communicans have all been implicated
The recurrent meningeal/sinu-vertebral/sinus vertebral nerve has typically been shown to originate from which source?
the gray ramus communicans
What part of the IVD is innervated by the recurrent meningeal/sinu-vertebral/sinus vertebral nerve?
the outer lamellae of the annulus fibrosus at the posterior part of the IVD
What forms the anterior neural plexus of the vertebral column?
fibers from the ventral primary ramus
What forms the lateral neural plexus of the vertebral column?
fibers from the ventral primary ramus, fibers form the white ramus communicans, fibers from the paradisal ramus communicans, fibers from the gray ramus communicans
What part of the IVD is innervated by fibers from the ventral primary ramus?
the outer lamellae of the annulus fibrosus at the anterior and lateral part of the IVD
What innervates the annulus fibrosus at the lateral part of the IVD?
fibers from the ventral primary ramus, fibers from the white ramus communicans, fibers from the paradisal ramus communicans, fibers from the gray ramus communicans
What part of the IVD is innervated by fibers from the white ramus communicans?
the outer lamellae of the annulus fibrosis at th lateral part of the IVD
What is the name given to the white ramus communicans which becomes embedded within the annulus fibrosus of the IVD?
the paradisal ramus communicans
How does the IVD attach to the vertebral body?
Sharpie’s fibers from the outer lamellae of the annulus fibrosus are firmly embedded into he epiphyseal rims of the adjacent vertebral bodies
In what regions of the vertebral column is the space formed between vertebral bodies by the IVD the greatest?
the cervical and lumbar regions
Which curve direction will be associated with the greatest space observed between vertebral bodies?
the lordotic or anterior curves
What is the popular theory of intra-abdominal cavity pressure and IVD response to weight bearing?
increasing the intra-abdominal cavity pressure will diminish the amount of resistance in IVD needs to generate by up to 50%
Based on histology, what is the classification of the IVD?
a cartilaginous (amphiarthrosis) symphysis
Based on function, what is a possible classification for the IVD?
a synovial (diarthrosis) arthrodia
What part of the somite will form the vertebral column?
the sclerotome
What structure is formed following migration of sclerotomes to surround the notochord?
the perichordal blastema
What is formed within the perichordal blastema between the sclerotomites?
the intrasclerotomal fissure or fissure of von Ebner
What does the intrasclerotomal fissure or fissure of von Ebner become?
the perichordal disc
What structure forms following migration and subsequent mixing of the sclerotomites?
the vertebral blastema
What is the earliest indicator of the position of the adult IVD?
intrasclerotomal fissure or fissure of von Ebner
What is the consequence of aggregated glycosaminoglycans in the lumbar annulus fibrosis?
the annulus fibrosus will retain water under deformation conditions