Additional Vertebral Column Arthrology Flashcards
What are the attachment sites of the ponticulus posticus?
it is attached to the arcuate rim of the posterior arch of C1 and to the superior articular process of the lateral mass of C1
What other name may be used to identify a ponticulus posticus?
Kimmerle’s anomaly
What names are given to the opening formed by the ponticulus posticus?
arcuate foramen or retroarticular canal
What amount of flexion-extension is accommodated by the atlanto-occipital joint?
about 25 degrees
What amount of axial rotation is accommodated by the atlanto-occipital joint?
about 3-8 degrees one side axial rotation
What amout of lateral bending is accommodated but the atlanto-occipital joint?
about 5 degrees
Which motion is best accommodated by the atlanto-occipital joint?
What histological feature is present on the anterior surface of the transverse atlantal ligament?
fibrocartilage at the surface of the ligament articulating with C2
What is the function of the transverse atlantal ligament?
it is primary stabilizer of the atlanto-axial joint restricting the distance of C2 from the anterior arch of C1
What is the ADI?
the Atlanto-Dental Interspace, a radiographic distance between the surfaces of the anterior bursa of the median atlanto-axial joint
What is the ADI of children compared with that of adults?
about 4.5mm in children; a range of 2-3mm or about 2.5mm in adults
What ligament forms the medial, posterior boundary of the IVF at C1/C2?
the posterior atlanto-axial ligament
What are the degrees of movement facilitated at the atlanto-axial joint?
about 20 degrees flexion-extension, 40 degrees one side axial rotation, and 5 degrees of lateral bending
The occiput-C1-C2 joint complex accounts for what percent of all cervical axial rotation?
about 60%
What are the attachment sites for the apical ligament of the dens or apicodnetal ligament?
the anterior margin of the foramen magnum and the tip of the odontoid process of C2
What is the embryonic derivative of the apical ligament of the dents or the apicodental ligament?
the notochord
What ligament attaches to eh posterolateral part of the odontoid process of C2 and to surfaces on the medial border of the occipital condyle or as far anterior as the anterior lateral margin of the foramen magnum?
the alar ligament
What is the function of the alar ligament?
together they function to resist axial rotation
What are the attachment sites for the superficial layer of the membrane tectorial or tectorial membrane?
the posterior part of the inferior epiphyseal rim and vertebral body of C2 to the capsular ligament of the atlanto-occipital joint and cranial dura of the posterior cranial fossa
What lies in front of the deep layer of the membrana techtoria or tectorial membrane?
the cruciate ligament
An intra-articular ligament will be identified with which ribs?
ribs 2-9
Which vertebrae will have a synovial plane (diarthrosis arthrodia) costotransverse joint?
typically T1-T10
At what rib will the superior costotransverse ligament be absent?
the first rib
What ligaments will attach to the neck of the 12th rib?
the superior costotransverse ligament from T11 and the lumbocostal ligament form L1
What unique ligament is present at the 12th rib?
the lumbocostal ligament
Which ribs will have an attachment for the inferior costotransverse ligament?
rib 1-rib 11
At what rib will the inferior costotransverse ligament be absent?
the 12th rib
What is the name of the space between the transverse process and the neck of the rib?
the costotransverse foramen
Which ligament “fills” the costotransverse foramen?
the inferior costotransverse ligament
At what rib will the lateral costotransverse ligament be absent?
the 12th rib
Which vertebral couples of the thoracic spine have the greatest motion?
T11/T12 and T12/L1
Which range of motion is greatest for lower thoracic vertebral couples?
Which range of motion is least for lower thoracic vertebral couples?
one side axial rotation
Which range of motion is least for lower thoracic vertebral couples?
one side axial rotation
Based on current literature what common ligaments are absent at the lumbosacral joint?
ligamentum muchas, interspinous ligament and supraspinous ligament
Which ligaments replace the intertransverse ligament at the lumbosacral joint?
the iliolumbar ligament and lumbosacral ligament
What are the attachment sites for the lumbosacral ligament?
the sacral ala and ventrolateral surface of sacrum attach to the transverse process of L5
What muscle is intimately attached to the superior iliolumbar ligament?
quadratus lumborum
Which of the current ligaments from the iliolumbar ligament complex represents the iliolumbar ligament of classical descriptions?
the superior iliolumbar ligament
Which ligament from the iliolumbar ligament complex represents the lumbosacral ligament of classical descriptions?
the inferior iliolumbar ligament
Which vertebral couple of the lumbar spine has the greatest range of motion?
Which range of motion is greatest for all lumbar vertebral couples?
Which range of motion is least for L1-L5 vertebral couples?
one side axial rotation
Which range of motion is least for the L5/S1 vertebral couple?
one side lateral bending
What ligament represents the continuation of the anterior longitudinal ligament at the sacrococcygeal joint?
the anterior sacrococcygeal ligament
What ligament represents the continuation of the posterior longitudinal ligament at the sacrococcygeal joint?
the deep posterior sacrococcygeal ligament
What ligament represents the homolog of the ligamentum flavum at the sacrococcygeal joint?
the superficial posterior sacrococcygeal ligament
What is the homolog of the intertransverse ligament at the sacrococcygeal joint?
the lateral sacrococcygeal ligament
What is the homolog of the intertransverse ligament at the sacrococcygeal joint?
the lateral sacrococcygeal ligament
What is the auricular surface of sacrum composed of?
true articular cartilage, a modification of hyaline cartilage
What is the auricular surface of the ilium composed of?
articular cartilage, interspersed with fibrocartilage
Which gender is biased with greater unevenness of the auricular surface of the sacroiliac joint?
What forms the accessory sacroiliac joint?
the sacral tuberosity and the iliac sulcus
What does ankylosis mean?
a condition of fibrous adhesion occurs within the joint
What is the age and gender bias associated with ankylosis of the sacro-iliac joint?
age 50 and male bias particularly in African American males
What is the age and gender bias associated with ossification of the anterior sccro-iliac ligament?
age 40 and male bias
Which is the strongest of the scare-iliac ligaments?
the interosseous sacroiliac ligament
What passes between the layers of the interosseous sacro-iliac ligament?
dorsal rami from the sacral spinal nerves
What is formed by the continuation of the sacrotuberous ligament along the ischial ramus?
the falciform process
What separates the greater sciatic and lesser sciatic foramina?
the sacrospinous ligament
What is the function of the sacro-ischial ligaments?
they oppose the upward tilt of the sacral apex and resist the rotation of sacrum between the innominate bones