IV. Forming Conclusions and Reporting Flashcards
Two reasons for qualified opinion
Presentation - Gaap departure
Scope - not able to get sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Auditor has reservations about FS but they are still fairly stated because scope limitation or misstatement is not pervasive
One reason for adverse opinion
misstatement is both material and pervasive.
affects most areas of FS
FS are misleading because not fairly presented
Reason for disclaimer of opinion
unable to obtain sufficient evidence and the effects could be both material and pervasive
Sections of unmodified report
Independent Auditor's Report Opinion - 2 paragraphs Basis for Opinion - 1 paragraph Responsibilities of Management - 2 Paragraphs Auditor's responsibility para - 3 paragraphs Signature of Auditor Auditor Address Date of Report
Auditor report opinion paragraphs
2 paragraphs
First identifies the specific FS that have been audited
Second para contains auditor opinion
Basis for opinion paragraph
The audit has been conducted in accordance with GAAS
Reference to the section of auditors report that describes auditor responsibilities under GAAS
Auditor is required to be independent of entity and other ethical responsibilities
Whether sufficient audit evidence has been obtained
Responsibilities of management paragraphs
2 paragraphs
Describe the responsibilities of management. preparation and presentation of FS in accordance with financial framework.
Design, implementation and maintenance of internal control
Auditor responsibility para 1
-Obtain reasonable assurance about whether the FS are free from MMS
-Issue report that includes auditor opinion
-Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, not absolute
Misstatements are material if they could influence decisions of users
Auditor responsibility para 2
Responsibilities in accordance with GAAS
- Exercise prof judgement and maintain skepticism
- ID and assess risk of MMS and design procedures to detect
- Obtain understanding of Internal Control
- Evaluate accounting policies
- Evaluate entities ability to continue as a going concern
Auditor responsibilities para 3
Auditor is required to communicate with those charged with governance the planned scope and timing of audit, significant audit finding, certain internal control related matter
Difference between PCAOB and AICPA auditor report
Title - Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
Addressed - To the shareholders and board of directors of XXX Company
3 paragraphs - Opinion on the Financial Statements, Basis for Opinion, Critical Audit Matters
Reasons to add Emphasis of Matter Para
Material change in accounting principle
FS prepared using special purpose framework
Agreed Upon Procedures Report
Independent Accountants Report
Para - We have performed the procedures enumerated below
Para - the engaging party has agreed to and acknowledged the procedures performed
Para - Procedures performed and findings
Para - performed in accordance with attestation standards established by AICPA
Accountant is required to be independent
Other matters
Unmodified review conclusion
We are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying FS in order for them to be in accordance with accounting policies generally accepted in the US
Modified review conclusions
Qualified - except for the effects of matters described in basis for qualified conclusion
Adverse - due to the significance of matters described in basis for adverse conclusion
Review report sections
Independent Accountant Review Report Addressee Introductory Para - no heading Management Responsibility Accountant's Responsibility Accountant's Conclusion Signature Date