IV Drug Administration Flashcards
Identify the five rights of medicine administration.
Right patient Right medicine Right route Right dose Right time
What are possible reasons for IV administration ?
- Medicine is not available in another form
- Cannot tolerate medication by another route
- Constant or high blood level of medicine is needed
- A rapid onset of effect is needed
- Some medications are more effective via IV
- Rarely, to ensure compliance
- Because the patient is unconscious
What are some disadvantages of IV administration ?
- Increased cost and time to administer the medicine
- Requires trained staff to administer (plus location)
- Rapid onset of action (can mean that anaphylaxis/allergic reactions can manifest v quickly)
- Volume of fluid needed to dilute the medicine
- Can cause discomfort/pain to the patient
- Health risks (e.g. infection)
If both oral and IV routes are available, which one should be used ?
When the oral route can be used, it should be used
What are the main types of intravascular devices (IVDs) ?
1) Peripheral venous catheters
2) Central venous catheters (CVCs) (allow to avoid possible irritations to the periphery and/or longer access with more than one port)
– Peripherally inserted CVCs (terminate further up than peripheral catheters)
– Skin-tunneled CVCs (e.g. Hickman and Broviac lines)
3) Arterial catheters (rarely used, possibly to measure arterial gases)
What are other devices which are essential in an IV administration ?
Syringes Bags Pumps Syringe drivers Burettes
When would you use a syringe and when would you use a syringe driver ?
If administering volume below 50 mL over
course of hour or longer, can use syringe driver
Syringe itself is for smaller volume, rapidly (gradually over a few minutes)
What is the role of burette ?
To ensure the right dose is given to the patient (also, burette reservoir to ensure no air bubbles are injected into the patient’s bloodstream)
Describe the main methods of administering intravenous medications. When would we use each ?
1. Continuous Infusion – Stable drugs – Short half-life (if not continuous, effectiveness would drop rapidly) – Time dependent effects – Needs dedicated IV site
- Bolus Injection (in a single large volume)
– Rapid response required
– Incompatibilities possible (reason to use Bolus)
– Unstable drugs - Intermitten Infusion
– Unstable drugs
– Long half-life
– Concentration dependent effects (worried about getting peak plasma concentration
rather than having stable plasma concentration over time )
– Less compatibility concerns
– Does not need its own dedicated site (because not continuously injecting)
Identify possible complications of IV drug administration.
- Fear/phobia/pain
- Infection / Sepsis (Type of catheter influences risk of this)
- Thrombophlebitis
- Extravasation (similar to infiltration but caustic drugs causing damage to tissue)/ Infiltration (drug getting into environment outside of CV system causing swelling and disrupting effect of drug)
- Emboli (due to air bubbles or precipitation)
- Anaphylaxis / Hypersensitivity
- Overdose (since IV is quite rapid relative to oral)
- Insufficient mixing (concentrated amount at bottom which is the first part that goes in, so risk of anaphylaxis)
- Stability of medicines in solution (may be affected by light like TPN, temperature like insulin and TPN, concentration like amiodarone, and pH like midazolam), may lead to drugs degrading, and/or precipitating (i.e. may lose effectiveness, and possibly cause an embolism)
- Interaction of medicines with the syringe/bag (decreasing the effectiveness of the drug)
Define red man syndrome. How can this be reduced ?
Hypersensitivity reaction due to histamine release during rapid infusion of vancomycin.
Characterized by:
– erythematous rash of face, neck, and upper torso
– diffuse burning, itching, generalised discomfort
– rare cases: hypotension, angioedema, chest pain, dyspnea
Incidence reduced by
– Slowing infusion rate
– More dilute drug solution
What is vancomycin used for ?
Treatment of MRSA
What is a loading dose ? Which kinds of drugs is this suitable for ? Provide an example of a drug this can be used with.
Giving a larger than normal dose to establish a high plasma concentration early on, and maintain it by giving less concentrated doses after that.
Suitable for drugs with a long half life
E.g. Vancomycin in treatment of MRSA
What is the main determinant of the volume of loading dose to give ?
Patient body weight
Define bioavailability. What is the relative bioavailability of oral vs IV ?
Fraction of unchanged drug that reaches the systemic circulation IV injection gives 100% bioavailability Oral intake much lower bioavailability due to being vulnerable to enzymes, acidic environments, liver metabolism before reaching systemic circulation.
Compare the plasma concentrations of drugs administered:
A) Infusion at 200 micromol/day
B) Injection 100 micromol twice a day
C) Injection 200 micromol/day
Draw this.
A) Initially, rapid accumulation in plasma. By time to 4th day, pretty steady state. Rapid drop off then tailing off.
B and C) Regardless of pattern used (100 or 200) on average, plasma concentration follows the same trend (peaks and troughs may be greater but shape of graph follows the same). If give same dose over period fo time, then average plasma concentration will be the same. However, giving large amount of dose of drug will push peak plasma concentration higher.
Refer to slide 14 in lecture on “IV Drug Administration”
Draw the graph for plasma concentration of a drug against time if drug is infused at a constant rate AND no drug is removed from the body. Draw the same but with the drug being removed
Straight line
Refer to slide 15 in lecture on “IV Drug Administration”
Explain how the plasma drug concentration evolves over time in real life (when the drug is given in an infusion).
Drug is being eliminated from the body as soon as it is in the circulation (e.g. via the kidneys)
For most drugs, the amount of drug eliminated per unit time is related to the concentration of drug in the plasma (first-order kinetics):
– Higher concentrations, more drug is removed per unit of time.
– Lower concentrations, less drug is removed per unit of time.
THEREFORE the graph of plasma concentration against time for most IV infusions will increases during infusion until it bend towards a plateau when the rate in of drug equals the rate out (steady state) (refer to slide 17 for graph)
Define clearance.
Clearance (CL) is defined as the volume of blood or plasma cleared of drug in a unit time – e.g. 10ml/min
In first order kinetics, what is the amount of drug eliminated per unit time ? what is the clearance ?
In first order kinetics, whilst amount of drug eliminated per unit time varies, CL is a constant.
If you start with 100 mg in 100 mL with a clearance rate of 10 mL/min, calculate the amount of drug eliminated, as well as the amount of drug left.
1 minute: 10 mg eliminated (90 mg in 100 mL)
2 minute: 9 mg eliminated (81 mg in 100 mL)
3 minute: 8.1 mg eliminated (72.9 mg in 100 mL)
4 minute: 7.29 mg eliminated (65.61 mg in 100 mL)
What factors influence plasma steady state concentration ?
Rate of drug administered
Volume of plasma cleared of drug per unit of time (=CL, CL stays relatively constant for a given drug)
What is the formula for plasma steady state concentration (Css) ?
the rate of drug administered (K0) /
volume of plasma cleared of drug per unit time (CL)
What factors influence the time taken to reach Css ?
Elimination half-life (t1/2)
As half life decreases, less time taken to reach Css
What is the effect of doubling the rate of drug administration on the time taken to reach Css ?
None, time taken to reach Css will stay the same
What factors influence t1/2 ?
t1/2 directly depends on the volume of distribution (Vd) and inversely on the clearance (CL) of drug from the body.
Independent of volume of drug that is present
What is the formula for t1/2 ?
t1/2 = (ln2xVd) / CL
Define volume of distribution.
“theoretical volume that would be necessary to contain the total amount of an administered drug at the same concentration that it is observed in the blood plasma”
Define elimination half life.
“the time it takes for the concentration of the drug in the plasma or the total amount in the body to be reduced by 50%”
If the patient’s CL is higher than expected, what happens to the steady state plasma concentration? To the time taken to reach that steady state?
If CL is lower ?
Steady state plasma concentration: lower
Time taken to reach steady state: lower (because elimination half life is shorter)
What happens if you increase the dose of a drug?
– To the steady state plasma concentration?
– To the time taken to reach that steady state?
Steady state plasma concentration: If doubled dose, double Css
Time taken to reach steady state: Will not change
If you have a drug with a long half life (hence, would take a while to get to steady state plasma concentration), how can you achieve this target steady state level quicker ?
By using a loading dose