Healthcare Associated Infections Flashcards
How do we stop HCAIs ?
1) Measure the problem
- Surveillance
2) Understand the problem
- epidemiology (where, when, who, how big, cost)
3) Manage the problem
- Education
- Management tools for the problem (ie audit, bundles e.g. bundles to manage PVC care)
4) Prevent the problem
-Interrupting transmission (Standard infection control precautions, Hand
hygiene, vascular access devices)
-Prevention strategies
Distinguish between HAIs and HCAIs and community infections.
HAIs = Hospital Acquired Infection
HCAIs = Healthcare Associated Infection
Community infections = Community Acquired
Hospital Acquired Infection is one that was not present on admission but occurred >48hours after admission
How much do HAIs cost to the NHS in the UK ? In Scotland ?
~£1 billion extra cost in the UK (~£200m in Scotland) per annum
What proportion of HAIs are preventable ?
How many extra deaths occur in Scotland as a result of HAIs ?
500 extra deaths a year in Scotland
True or False: HAIs occur in the community because of poor practice as much as in hospitals.
How many deaths in hospital in the UK are directly related to HAIs per annum ?
3000 deaths in hospital directly related to HAI p.a.
What is the proportion of patients in the hospital who have a HAI ?
1 in 22 patient in acute hospitals have an HAI
What are the four most common HAIs (rank them) ?
1) UTIs
2) Pneumonia
3) Blood stream infection
4) CVC/PVC related infection
What factors are resulting in HCAIs ?
- Chronic disease
- Invasive medical devices
- Elderly population
- Immunosuppression
- More complex procedures
- Increasing antibiotic resistance
- Quality measures not developed in clinical medicine
To what extent are HCAIs included in measurements of QOL ?
-Hospital acquired infections are one indicator of performance
Explain the significance of the Francis Report wrt HCAIs.
The Francis Report is leading to a paradigm shift is clinical care.
How can doctors take measures to prevent HCAI?
♦ Recognition of risk factors in patients ♦ Behaviour & practice ♦ Hand hygiene ♦ Dress ♦ Personal protective equipment ♦ Use isolation facilities correctly
Identify the components of the chain of infection.
1) Infectious Agent
2) Reservoir
3) Portal of Exit
4) Mode of Transmission
5) Portal of Entry
6) Susceptible Host
What are the main modes of transmission resulting in HCAIs ?
1) Direct or indirect contact via fomites or ingestion
2) Droplet transmission
3) Aerosol (airborne) transmission