Italy - Calabria Flashcards
Calabria is the “toe” of the Italian boot; like its neighbors it is covered in mountains, dividing the region climatically between the hot Mediterranean coast and the more continental, higher-altitude interior.
Calabria General info
Calabria is the toe of the Italian boot; like its neighbors it is covered in mountains, dividing the region climatically between the hot Mediterranean coast and the more continental, higher-altitude interior.
Famous throughout antiquity and the Middle Ages, most Calabrian wine today exists at the same high alcohol but low quality level that characterizes much southern Italian wine, although a few conscientious growers buck the trend of indifferent wine.
Calabria’s production is nearly double that of neighboring Basilicata.

Important DOC of Calabria?
- *Ciro DOC**
- great Gaglioppo based reds*
- *Melissa DOC**
- great Greco based whites*
- *Greco di Bianco DOC**
- Passito bianco only!*
Other DOC of Calabria:
Lameza DOC
Bivongi DOC
Savuto DOC
S. Anna di Isola Capo Rizzuto
- *Terre de Consenzia DOC**
- 7 sub-zones; super complicated DOC*
Main Red grape of Calabria?
- Was thought to be genetically linked to to Morellino clone of Sangiovese, but it is was proven to be identical to Morellino Pizzuto which is a different grape.
- aka: Arvino (in the Savuto DOC of Calabria)
Main White grape of Calabria?
- White grapes account for less than 10% of Calabrian wine.
- the best examples may be found in the Melissa DOC.
- Greco di Bianco DOC principally produces sweet wines from the Greco grape, which is often partially dried prior to fermentation.