it/CI/AE Flashcards
It lincosamide(clindamycin)
.Neuro mascular blockade
.vitamin K antagonist
AE clindamycin
1)GIT from mild(abdominal pain,diarrhea,mucus and blood in feces to pseudomemberamous colitis
2)rash=>more common in paitent with aids
cyp3A4 inhbitor inhibit metabolism calithromycin and increase its level
azithromycin (macrolide) SE
not that much SE often used in therapy
It maccrolide
1)STATIN because statin metabolized by cyp3aA4 and macrolide are strong inhibitors of CYP3A4 that can lead to rhabdomyolisis and myopathy
2)interference with the effects chloramphenicol and clindamycin
3)azhithromycin without this it
CI macrolide
1)not with statin(hmg-coa reductase inhibitor)
2)hypokalemia=>risk of QT prolongation
side effect macrolide
alkergic reaction:rush,fever
GIT:only for classical drug
cholestatic hepatitis
infusion may cause thrombophebitis
SE chloramphenicol children
can pas BBB in contrast lincosamide and macrolide
Gray babay syndrom=>because baby can’t excrete chloramphenicol through glucrodination(by urine)
and lead to accumuluation of chloramphenicol in body
thats why its contraindicated under 3 years
SE chloramphenicol adults
GIT=>risk of pseudomemberanous colitis
Rare:blood problem
1)eryhtroid suppression in bone marrow:dose related l/reversible
2)aplastic anemia agranulocytosis thrombocytopenia :not dose related/not reversible (mortality)
CI chloramphenicol
1)under 3
2)not with drug that supress bone marrow
It chloramphenicol
1)chloramphenicol inhibit hepatic enzyme and may prolong half life other drug eg.warfarin
2) not with bactericide ATB(pen,AG)
3)an alcohol intolerance=>disulfiram reaction
TTC SE(drug:doxycycline)
because formation chelate =>GIT problem(nausea,vomiting diarrhea) dont combine with antacid,Fe
2)risk of pseudomemberanous colitis
3)chelate with Ca in teeth and bone =>brown coloration of of teeth
4)skin photosensivity
5)hepatotoxicity(not with alcohol)
1)not with milk products
3)pregnancy,breast feeding
4)not recommended in paitent with renal failure but for doxycycline its ok because excreted by bile
it ttc
1)B-lactam=>decrease effect
2)increase effect oral anticoagulants, sulfonyl urea,
3)alcohol=>lower half life
4)pheytoin and barbiturate =>lower halflife
AG distribution
because it’s highly polar =>poor distribution in body fluid
.c only high in renal and ear and thats cause toxicity
in pregnancy if use C is high in fetal plasma
.transport facilate by ATB effecting cell wall
because accumulation in ear and kidney
a)ototoxicity (irreversible)
streptomycin has the lowest nephrotoxicity
rare se:
1)neuromuscular blockade and apnea
2) dysfunction of optic nerve(streptomycin)
not pseudomemberanous colitis
**allergic rare*
myastenia gravis=>bc of neuromuscular blockade SE
1)neuromascular blocking agents
2)nephrotoxic drug
3)increase risk of ototoxicity
AE estrogen
1.frequent:nausea,anorexia,high breast tenderness
2.fluid retention(effect renin angiotensin),edema
3.hepatic(higher enzyme choleastitis(fat in liver))
4,Risk of**thromboembolic* imp but rare bc of effect coagulation factor
5.hypertension(renin angiotensin)
6.higher risk of breast cancer(proliferation effects)
7.higher risk of endometrial cancer can be offset by progesterone
8.irregular bleeding
9.change in libido,headache
AE progestene
1.headache,breast or abdominal pain
3.liver function=>elevated transaminase
4.andregonic problem=>acne,hiristicum(for 19nortestesterone der
5.weight gain
6.dissorder of mensturation,metorrhagia(increase in duration of menstruation )
7.change in libido
CI estrogen
1.pregnancy,breast feeding
2.liver dysfunction
3.breast cancer
4.hypertrophy of endometr or endometr carcinoma
5.caution in diabet or hypertension
CI progestene
1.liver dysfunction
3.thromboembolism=>related to estrogen but we dont know why?
4.breast cancer
AE methylergoamine
1.emesis=>D2 effect
2.vasoconstriction,high BP,blured vision,headache
3.spasm of cronary artery=> angina sympton
nimesulid AE
AE methotroxate
AE leflunomide
AE sulfasalazine
hepatotoxicity 3 tashon
pulmonary toxicity(MTX)
GIT toxicity vase sulfasalazine=>dyspeptic
myelotoxicity 3 tashon
increase risk of infection(MTX,Lfn)
CI methotrexate
liver,kindey,lung disease
immunodeficiency state
CI leflunomide
planned pregnancy
CI sulfasalazine
1.GIT and urogential obstruction
2.glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
3.hypersensitivity to sulphonamide and salicylate
4.helatic dissorder
adalimumab,enterocept,infiximab SE
1.allergic=>low immunogenic capacity for entercept often in infiliximab treated paitent
3.increase malignancies
4.haematological AE
5.TBC=>also reactivation of latent TBS lower in entercept
rituximab AE
infusion reaction
increase risk of infection
HBV reactivation
AmphotericinB AE
1.infusions related:chick,fever..
2.renal damage decreases GFR hypokalemia hypomagnesemia
3.anemia(reduced erythropoietin)
4.neurological effect according to intratechal administration)=>seizure