ISTD Imperial Ballet Syllabus Exercises Flashcards
Primary knee bend exercise
Feet 1st position
1-4 2 knee bends
5-8 point right foot to side. Close 1st. Point left foot to side. Close 1st.
9-16 repeat
Primary rises with arm movements girls
Feet parallel 1st.
1-6 rise and lower 3 times
7-8 raise both arms from a natural bras bas to demi second and lower.
9-16 repeat
Primary Rises with arm movements B candidates
Feet parallel 1st.
1-6 rise and lower 3 times
7-8 hands on waist. Substitute port de bras, opening arms through en avant to demi bras.
9-16 repeat. Hands returning to waist.
Primary step to side and lift
Feet in 1st.
1-2 step to side with right foot, brushing left through to low attitude devant.
3-8 repeat alternate sides
Primary step, close, step and point
Feet in 1st.
1-4 step to side with right foot, close left foot in 1st position. Step to side with right foot, point left in front en fondu.
5-8 repeat to left side.
Primary arms exercises
Hands opening and closing.
Feet 1st. Hands clenched in front of body, elbows bent.
1 stretch fingers
2 clench
3-8 repeat
Wrists bending up and down
Feet 1st. Both arms extended to side at shoulder level with palms down.
1 flex wrists, Hands up
2 flex wrists, Hands down
3-8 repeat.
Feet 1st. Hands clenched in front of body, elbows bent.
1 stretch fingers
2 clenched
3-6 repeat twice.
7-8 extend both arms to the side at shoulder level with palms down.
1 flex wrists, Hands up
2 flex wrists, Hands down
3-6 repeat twice
7-8 arms return to original position.
Primary A candidates port de bras
Feet 1st.
1-2 raise both arms from a natural bras bas to demi seconde and lower
3-4 repeat
5 raise arms through en avant
6-7 open a la second
8 lower
1-4 repeat arm breathes
5-8 raise arms through en avant to en courronne, open a la second, and lower to natural bras bas
Primary B candidates port de bras
Feet 1st. Arms bras bas
1 raise arms through en avant
2-3 open to a la second
4 lower to bras bas
5-8 raise both arms through en avant to en courronne, open a la second and lower to natural bras bas.
1-8 repeat.
Primary Steps taken around the room
Walking with fully extended foot
Lifted walks
1 step forward on right foot
2 swish left leg through natural 1st to low 4th en l’air, both legs fully stretched.
walking on demi pointe
skipping to be preceded by a hop, leg lifted low attitude devant without turn out.
Primary steps of elevation
springs in 1st position
springs to 2nd position and back to 1st position can be combined with springs in 1st.
spring points
gallops with point
Prepare with degree to side.
1-2 two gallops to right commencing with hop.
3-4 step to right, point left foot in front en fondu
5-8 repeat to other side.
Primary A candidate run, point and port de bras
1-3 travelling in a circle, free run holding the skirt.
4 point in front, lifting arms a la second
5-8 port de bras through bras bas, en avant, en courronne and open a la second
1-8 repeat alternate legs, Hands returning to skirt.
Primary B candidates run, point and port de bras
1-3 travelling in a circle, walk/run with hands on waist.
4 degage devant, arms demi bras
5-8 port de bras through bras bas, en avant and open to demi bras.
Repeat alternate legs - hands returning to waist.
Primary Music
Clap, recognise and count
Waltz - 3/4
Polka - 2/4
Walking 4, clapping 4.
Walking 3, clapping 1.
G1 plies set exercise
Facing barre. Feet in 1st. Prepare placing hands on barre.
1 2 demi-plie and straighten.
3 4 rise and lower
5 6 demi-plie and straighten
7 8 degage to 2nd with right foot and lower the heel.
1-4 full plie in 2nd and straighten.
5 6 rise and lower
7 8 degage right foot and close 1st position.
G1 battement tendu en croix
Facing and sideways. Feet 3rd position. Prepare arm a la second.
1 2 extend pointe tendu.
3 4 close 3rd position
G1 retires
Feet 3rd position. Prepare arm a la second.
1-3 draw foot up to a low retire position (base of calf).
4-6 close 3rd derriere.
1-6 repeat, closing devant.
G1 grand battement en croix
Feet 3rd. Prepare arm a la second
1 degage
2 lift en l’air (not to exceed 45°)
3 lower to degage
4 close 3rd position.
G1 Port de bras set exercise
Intro. En face, 1st position. Prepare arms a la second
1-4 lower arms to bras bas, raise through en avant to attitude with right arm high.
5-8 lower arms through a la second to bras bas and raise through en avant to attitude with left arm high.
1-4 lower arms through a la second to bras bas, raise through en avant to en courronne.
5-8 lower arms through a la second to bras bas and raise to en avant.
9 open to demi bras.
G1 Adage steps
Degages devant, derriere and to 2nd in 4 counts. May be executed separately or in a simple combination, all with a straight supporting leg.
3rd position en face.
12 extend
34 close 3rd position
Chasses en avant and to 2nd
G1 Chasses set exercise
En face. Right foot 3rd devant. Bras bas.
1-4 Chasse en avant, arms through en avant and demi bras to bras bas.
5-8 Chasse a la second with right foot. Closing left foot 3rd devant, arms as above.
1-8 Repeat to the other side.
G1 Poses on the whole foot set exercise
Can be done en avant, in a circle, or en diagonal.
Prepare degage devant, arms demi bras.
1 2 Two walks forward, taking arms through bras bas to en avant.
3 pose raising leg 4th derriere at 45°, arms demi bras
4 Hold.
G1 Poses on the whole foot set exercise
Can be done en avant, in a circle, or en diagonal.
Prepare degage devant, arms demi bras.
1 2 Two walks forward, taking arms through bras bas to en avant.
3 pose raising leg 4th derriere at 45°, arms demi bras
4 Hold.
G1 Allegro warm up steps
Gallops - en avant and de cote
Sautes in 1st position
Spring points
G1 allegro steps
Gallops - en avant and de cote
Sautes in 1st position
Spring points
Polka - en avant and de cote
Petit jetes - devant and derriere
Retire sautes - en barriers
Pose temps leve - with low attitude devant
G1 music
Recognise, clap and count - with or without the music
Waltz - 3/4
Polka - 2/4
March - 4/4
G2 plies set exercise
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 2nd positions. Facing barre. Feet 1st. Prepare placing hands on barre.
1 2 Demi plie and straighten
3 4 Rise and lower
5-8 Full plie and straighten
&a Degage and place next position.
Degage and close 1st position to finish.
G2 Tendu set exercise
Commence 3rd position, prepare arm a la second.
1 tendu in 4 counts in each position en croix.
G2 ronds de jambe a terre en dehors and en dedans
Was free, but new setting. 2 en dehors and 2 en dedans. Prepare degage to 2nd, arm a la second.
En dehors
1 circle leg to 4th opposite 1st derriere
2 close 1st
3 degage to 4th opposite 1st devant
4 circle leg to 2nd position
Repeat en dedans.
G2 assembles soutenus set exercise
3rd position. Arms bras bas.
1 degage 4th opposite 5th devant with straight support leg, arm en avant.
2 circle leg to second position, arm a la second
3 circle leg to 4th opposite 5th derriere, arms a la second.
4 close 3rd derriere, lowering arm to bras bas.
5-8 Repeat en dedans
9-16 repeat en dehors and en dedans en fondu
G2 Retires and releve set exercise
3rd position. Prepare arm a la second.
1 2 Retire, close 3rd derriere
3 4 Retire, close 3rd devant
& Demi plie, lowering arm to bras bas
5 6 Releve in 5th, arm en avant to attitude
7 8 Lower to 3rd on straight legs, opening arm a la second
1-8 Repeat
G2 Grands battement en croix set exercise
3rd position. Prepare arm a la second.
1 grand battement in 2 counts in each position en croix - not to exceed 45°.
G2 Port de bras set exercise
En face, 1st position. Prepare arms a la second.
1 2 Lower right arm to bras bas and raise en avant (bras croise).
3 4 Open arm a la second
5-8 Repeat with left arm
9 10 Lower both arms to bras bas and raise to en avant
11 12 Place attitude greque, right arm high
13 14 Turn upper body slightly towards downstage right corner
15 16 Extend arms to 3rd arabesque, right arm high.
Also taken on other side, starting with left arm.
G2 Adage steps
En arriere and passe en avant
Feet 3rd, arms bras bas.
&1 Chasse to position, arms en avant
2 Hold
3 Transfer weight and straighten legs, arms demi bras
4 Close to 3rd position, lowering arms to bras bas.
1st arabesque a terre and en l’air
Demi detournes
G2 Adage exercise set
Upstage left ouverte, right foot 3rd devant, bras bas.
1-3 3 walks RLR into degage derriere ouverte, arms en avant
4 Hold degage derriere and extend arms into 1st arabesque
5 6 Raise leg en l’air and hold
7 lower to degage derriere a terre, retain arms
& Open arms a la second
8 Close 3rd position derriere, arms bras bas
1-8 Repeat all as above
9 Hold final position
Also to be taken to other side.
G2 Demi detournes set exercise
En face. 3rd position, right foot devant. Arms bras croise, left arm front.
1 2 Releve 5th and hold
3 Demi plie
4 Hold
5-7 Demi detourne lowering into Demi plie, arms bras croise, right arm front
8 Hold
1-4 Repeat counts 5-8
5 Changement, arms bras bas
6-8 Place arms bras croise, right arm front
G2 Allegro warm up steps
Gallops - en avant and de cote
Sautes in 1st
Spring points
Retire sautes en arriere
Petit jetes - devant and derriere
G2 Allegro steps (free setting)
Assembles over and under in 1 count
Balances de cote
Pas de chat
&1 pas de chat
2 Pause
Echappes sautes to 2nd
Glissades devant and derriere
&1 Glissade
2 Hold in demi plie
Jetes ordinaires devant and derriere
G2 A Candidate Balance set exercise
Upstage left en face, standing on left foot, right foot cou-de-pied derriere, arms bras croise, right arm forward.
1-4 4 balances de cote RLRL en face, arms sway naturally through bras croise.
5 6 Run to downstage right, opening arms a la second
7 8 port de bras and place 1st arabesque a terre standing on right leg.
9-16 Repeat starting with left leg (travel balances en arriere if room is small).
G2 B Candidates Balance exercise
Music has a stronger quality
Upstage left en face, standing on left foot, right degage derriere, Hands on waist.
1 Balance de cote to right, opening right arm a la second
2 Balance de cote to left, opening left arm, right arm returns to waist.
3 4 Repeat balances de cote RL
5 6 Walk run to downstage right, opening arms a la second
7 8 Port de bras and place 1st arabesque a terre, standing on right leg.
9-16 Repeat all, starting with left leg (Travel balances en arriere if room is small).
G2 Music
Recognise and clap semibreves (whole notes), minus (half notes), crotchets (quarter notes) and quavers (eighth notes).
G3 plies set exercise
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ouverte positions. Sideways to barre
1st, arms a la second
1 2 Demi-plie and straighten
3 4 Rise and lower
5-8 Full plie and straighten - simple port de bras
& a Degage and place next position.
Degage and close 3rd devant, lower arm to bras bas to finish.
G3 Tendus with demi plie set exercise
3rd position. Arms bras bas.
1 2 Battement tendu devant, raising arm to en avant
3 4 Close 3rd with demi plie, retaining arm line.
5 6 Battement tendu to 2nd, opening arm a la second
7 8 Close 3rd derriere with demi plie, retaining arm line.
1 2 Battement tendu derriere, arm a la second
3 4 Close 3rd derriere with demi plie, retaining arm line
5 6 Battement tendu to 2nd, arm a la second
7 8 Close 3rd devant with demi plie, arms bras bas.
G3 Rond de jambe a terre en dehors and en dedans
New setting. 2 en dehors and 2 dedans.
Prepare degage to 2nd, arm a la second
En dehors
& Circle leg to 4th opposite 1st derriere
1 Close in 1st
& Degage to 4th opposite 1st devant
2 Circle leg to 2nd position
Repeat en dedans.
G3 Assembles Soutenue set exercise
3rd position. Arms bras bas.
1 Degage 4th opposite 5th devant with straight supporting leg, arm en avant.
& Circle leg to 2nd position, arm a la second
a Circle leg to 4th opposite 5th derriere, arm a la second
2 Close 3rd derriere, lowering arm to bras bas.
Repeat en dedans
Repeat en dehors and en dedans en fondu.
G3 Battement frappes
To 2nd in 1 count, accent out.
Prepare degage to 2nd, arm a la second, and place foot in frappe position devant.
1 Frappe to 2nd
& Place foot in frappe position derriere.
Repeat alternatively devant and derriere.
G3 Developpes en croix set exercise
3rd position. Bras bas.
Developpe devant
1 Draw foot up in front of supporting leg - arm en avant.
2 Unfold and extend to 4th en l’air - arm a la second
3 Hold
4 Lower and close 3rd, arms bras bas.
Developpe to 2nd
Foot is drawn up to the side of the supporting leg.
Developpe derriere
Foot is drawn up at the back of the supporting leg.
G3 Grand battement set exercise
3rd position, prepare arm a la second.
1 grand battement in 2 counts in each position en croix.
G3 Demi pointe barre
Echappes en Demi pointe to 2nd
3rd position facing the barre - accent up.
G3 Port de bras free setting
Simple free enchainement. May include a degage to change direction.
G3 Adage steps
Attitude ordinaire
A terre and en l’air derriere
Chasses passes en arriere
May be performed in four counts or two counts.
G3 set Adage exercise
Recommended music: baroque, 12/8, 3/4.
Croise, 3rd right devant, bras bas.
1 2 Chasse passe en avant to 1st arabesque a terre, ouverte, arms en avant to 1st arabesque.
3 4 Raise leg en l’air and hold.
5 6 Degage derriere opening arms a la second and close foot 3rd position derriere, arms bras bas
7 8 Chasse passe en avant to attitude ordinaire a terre croise, arms to en avant and attitude.
1 2 Raise the leg to attitude ordinaire en l’air and hold.
3 4 Degage derriere opening arms and close 3rd position derriere, open arm a la second and lower bras bas
5 6 chasse passe en arriere to degage devant, croise, arms en avant to demi bras
7 Hold
8 Close 3rd position devant croise, arms bras bas
1-16 Repeat to other side
G3 poses en demi pointe set exercise
Executed en avant, in a circle, or en diagonal.
As for G1, but with pose en demi point on count 3.
G3 Allegro warm up step
Assembles - over and under
Pas de chat
Echappe saute
Glissades - devant and derriere
Jete ordinaires, devant and derriere
Sautes in 1st and 2nd
G3 Allegro steps
Assembles devant and derriere
Petit assemble devant and derriere
pas de basque glisses en avant
En face only. 3rd position, right foot devant. Bras croise, right arm forward. With rond action.
pas de basque sautes en avant
En face only. First movement extends directly to 2nd.
pas de bourrees
Devant and derriere with either front or back foot, and under with back foot.
Simple coupes over and under
Sissonne ouverte en avant
G3 Allegro enchainment 1
En face. Right foot 3rd devant. Bras bas.
1 2 2 soubresauts, retain arms
3 glissade devant, retain arms
4 Assemble devant, arms demi seconde to bras bas
5 Changement
6 7 Straighten legs
8 Demi plie
1-8 Repeat to other side.
Also to be taken with glissade and assemble derriere, commencing right foot 3rd derriere.
G3 Allegro Enchainment 2
En face. Right foot 3rd devant. Bras croise, right arm forwards.
1-9 3 pas de basque glisses OR sautes en avant.
10 11 Releve 5th, raise arm to attitude
12 Lower to demi plie, arm opens a la second
1-12 Repeat to other side.
G3 Echappe Sautes en croix set exercise
En face. 3rd position. Bras bas.
1 Echappe saute 4th croise, arms en avant
2 Saute to 2rd in demi plie, retaining arm line
3 Echappe saute 2nd, arms a la second
4 Saute to 3rd derriere in demi plie, arms bras bas
5 Echappe saute 4th croise, arms en avant
6 Saute to 3rd in demi plie, retaining arm line.
7 Echappe saute 2nd, arms a la second
8 Saute to 3rd devant in demi plie, arms bras bas
G3 A Candidate Balances set exercise
Centre of room. Standing on left foot, right cou-de-pied derriere. Bras bas.
1 Balance en avant to downstage right, arms 1st arabesque, head looking to raised hand.
2 Balance carte towards backstage left, swaying arms to bras croise, head looking to arms.
3 Balance de cote en face, swaying arms to bras croise, head inclined and turned to right.
4 Repeat Balance de cote to left, arms as above
5 6 Run in circle to right, opening arms to a la second
7 8 step de cote on right foot, lifting left foot to a low retire, retaining arms a la second, and degage left foot devant en fondu to croise, crossing arms at wrists, inclining head towards back foot.
Repeat in other direction.
G3 B candidates Balances set exercise
Croise, standing on left foot, degage right foot derriere, Hands on waist.
Wait for musical introduction.
1&a Balance de cote to right side en face, right arm opening through en avant a la second, palm up.
2&a Balance de cote to left side en face, left arm opening through en avant a la second, palm up, Right hand on waist.
3 Assemble over
& Sissonne ouverte to ouverte direction, arms demi bras
a Coupe over
4 Assemble under, retaining direction
& Releve 5th en face, Hands returning to waist, head turned over front shoulder
a Hold
Repeat to left, commencing with front foot.
G4 plies set exercise
Order of positions chosen by examiner. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th open, 4th croise, 5th.
Prepare arm a la second
1 2 demi plie and straighten
3 4 rise and lower
5-8 full plie and straighten
&a degage and place next position
G4 tendu set exercise
5th position, arm a la second
1-4 2 battement tendus
5-8 2 grand battements
G4 rond de jambe a terre en dehors and en dedans set exercise
Prepare degage 2nd, arm a la second
1 2 rond de jambe en dehor 2 counts
3 4 repeat
5-7 3 rond de jambe en dehors 1 count each
8 pause in degage a la second
9-16 repeat en dedans
G4 battement fondu en croix a terre set exercise
Prepare degage to 2nd, arm a la second
1 2 battement fondu, working foot flexed cou- de-pied devant, lower arm to bras bas
3 straighten supporting leg, degage working foot devant, arm held bras bas.
Repeat in all positions, retaining bras bas
Repeat all (twice in all)
G4 Petits battements sur la cou-de-pied set exercise
Prepare degage to 2nd and place foot sur la cou de pied devant, arm a la second and lower to bras bas
a1 1 battement sur la cou de pied devant
& Hold
Repeat to end of music
G4 developpes en croix set exercise
Commence 5th position, arms bras bas
Developpe en croix in 4 counts
G4 releve en demi-pointe from 2 feet steps
Commence 5th position facing barre - accent up
Devant, derriere, passe en avant and passe en arriere (free enchainment)
G4 echappe en demi-pointe en croix
Commence 5th position, arms bras bas
Echappe to 4th, arm en avant
Close 3rd in demi-plie, retaining arm line
Echappe to 2nd, arms a la second
Close 3rd derriere in demi-plie, retaining arm line
Echappe to 4th croise, retaining arm a la second
Close 3rd in demi-plie, retaining arm a la second
Echappe to 2nd, retaining arm line
Close 3rd devant in demi-plie, arms bras bas
G4 port de bras (free enchainment)
Simple enchainment containing
- transference of weight (chasses and walks)
- arm positions and alignments from previous grades l
G4 Temps lie a terre en avant set exercise
5th croise, arms bras bas
1-2 Chasse en avant croise to attitude ordinaire a terre, arms through en avant to attitude ordinaire, head to centre front.
3 Close 5th derriere croise, opening arms a la seconde and lower to bras bas, head turned and inclined over front shoulder
4 Chasse front foot to 2nd en face, arms en avant, head erect
5 Degage 2nd, arms a la seconde, head erect
6 Close 5th devant croise, arms bras bas, head turned and inclined over front shoulder.
Repeat other side.
G4 Adage steps
Arabesque 2nd arabesque a terre and en l’air
pose, assemble soutenu en tournant commenced with either front or back foot, arms may be either en avant or en couronne
epaulment epaulment in coordination may be shown with the arms bras bas on movements such as closing of a degage and a releve 5th.
G4 set Adage exercise
Commence en face, right foot 3rd devant, bras bas.
1 2 2 walks en avant R, L en face, arms en avant to a la second
3 4 Chasse passe en avant to attitude ordinaire a terre croise, arms bras bas, en avant to attitude
5 6 Raise leg en l’air to attitude ordinaire and hold
7 8 Degage derriere a terre, opening arms a la second, close 3rd position derriere, arms bras bas
1 2 Chasse passe en avant to 2nd arabesque a terre, ouverte, arms en avant to 2nd arabesque
3 4 Raise leg en l’air and hold
5 Lower leg to degage derriere, retain arms in arabesque line
6 Coupe under ouverte to fondu, working leg cou de pied devant with fully stretched foot, arms a la second
&a7 Pose de cote upstage and assemble soutenu en tournant to finish en face, arms to bras bas and en couronne
8 Lower heels into 3rd position en face, arms a la second to bras bas
1-16 Repeat to other side, finishing with epaulment to front foot on lowering from demi pointe.
G4 Demi pointe work
Echappe to 2nd
Releves 5th
(Can be part of allegro)
G4 Allegro steps
ballonnes simples en avant
pas de basque glisses and sautes
En arriere, en face only.
pas de bourrees
Over and under with either front or back foot. 1 count
chasse, Coupe, chasse, Temps lie
May be taken with the Temps leve in arabesque or pirouette position derriere
1 count. Over and under
Sissonne changee
Changee ouverte - en avant
G4 allegro set enchainment 1
Commence centre back, ouverte, right foot 5th position devant, arms bras bas
Intro degage devant, arms through en avant to demi bras
Travelling en diagonal towards downstage right
1 2 Pose en avant, ballonne simple devant, retain arms
3 4 Repeat on other leg
5 6 Coupe over, Coupe under, en face, retain arms
7 8 Coupe over, en face, retain arms, assemble over to ouverte, arms demi seconde to bras bas
1-8 Repeat to other side travelling en diagonal towards downstage left.
G4 Allegro set exercise 2
Commence en face, right foot 3rd derriere, bras bas
Intro Prepare arms to bras croise, right arm forward
1-9 3 pas de basque glisses OR sautes en arriere
10 11 Releve 5th, raise arm to attitude
12 Demi plie, arm open to a la seconde
1-12 Repeat to other side
G4 Chasse, Coupe, chasse, Temps leve set exercise A candidates
Commence 5th position, arms bras bas
1-3 Chasse en avant, degage 4th derriere, arms through en avant to demi bras
4 Chasse passe en avant
& Coupe under, arms to en avant
1& Chasse en avant, Temps leve in 3rd arabesque (arms slightly across the body) head raised
2 Chasse passe en avant, arms en avant
Repeat 7 more times.
Chasse passe en avant, degage 4th derriere cou-de-pied, arms demi bras and hold position.
G4 B candidates set enchainment
Commence upstage left en croise, 5th position, arms bras bas.
1-4 Chasse en avant, degage derriere, arms demi bras
1-2 Demi-contretemps towards downstage right, head turned over front shoulder, arms bras bas, assemble over, ecarte, arms open arabesque
3-6 Repeat twice to same direction, finishing en face
7 Releve 5th en face, arms bras bas
8 Changement en face, arms en couronne to bras bas
9 step to side on right foot and Temps leve in 2nd atabesque croise
10 turning en face, step gallop sideways to left
11 12 Repeat step, Temps leve in arabesque and gallop to other side
13 Pose right and Temps leve in 1st arabesque towards upstage right.
14-16 Run to upstage corner, chasse en avant to Prepare for the other side
1-16 Repeat all to downstage left.
G4 Petit batterie steps
echappe sautes battus fermes
With or without change of feet
G4 Petit batterie set exercise
Commence en face, right foot 3rd devant, bras bas
1-6 3 echappe sautes battus fermees without changing feet, bras bas
7 Changement
8 Hold
1-8 Repeat to other side
1-6 3 echappe sautes battus fermees with a change of feet, bras bas
7 Soubresaut
8 Hold
1-8 Repeat to the other side
G5 plies set exercise
Order of positions set by examiner. Either 2 positions on 2 sides, or 4 on 1 side.
Prepare arm a la seconde
1 2 Demi-plie and straighten
3 4 Repeat
5-8 * Port de bras with forward or side bend, recover raising arm to attitude and open a la sexonde
1-4 Full plie and straighten
5 6 Rise and lower
7 8 Degage and place next position
*may be taken in 1st, 3rd and 5th with forwards bend; 2nd, 4th ouverte, 4th croise, using side bend.
G5 Battement tendus free enchainment
3rd position, arms bras bas.
En croix in 2 counts closing on either straight legs or demi plie.
G5 Battements glisses in 2nd from 1st free enchainment
Can be combined with tendus.
Commence 1st position, arms bras bas.
&1 Battement glisse to 2nd, closing 1st
&2 Repeat.
G5 battement fondu en croix en l’air free enchainment
Can be done once a terre, then en l’air.
Prepare degage to 2nd, arm a la second.
1&2& Battement fondu, bringing working foot fully stretched to cou de pied devant, arm lowers to bras bas
3&4& Straighten supporting leg while extending working leg devant to approx. 45°, arm en avant
Repeat in all positions, opening arm a la second, retaining this position.
G5 battement frappes free enchainment
Not on its own.
To 2nd in one count, accent out.
G5 battement frappes fouette free enchainment
Can be combined with frappes.
Prepare to 2nd at 45°, arm a la second
1 Battement frappes fouette derriere
& Extend leg to 2nd
2 Battement frappes fouette devant
& Extend leg to 2nd.
Repeat alternately derriere and devant.
G5 ronds de jambe en l’air set exercise
Commence 5th, arm a la second.
1 Extend leg to 2nd at 45°
&a2 single rond de jamb en dehors
&a3 single rond de jambe en dehors
4 close 5th position derriere
5-8 Repeat en dedans
1-8 Repeat
G5 Developpe to 2nd and fouette to arabesque set exercise
Commence 5th position, arm bras bas.
1-4 Developpe to 2nd, arm en avant, opening a la seconde
5&a 3 pivots to face barre to arabesque en l’air, both hands on barre
6 Hold
7 Lower a terre
8 Close 5th derriere, turning to face other side, arm bras bas.
1-8 Repeat
G5 grands battement free exercise
Commence 5th, arm a la seconde
En croix in 2 counts - may be combined with tendus, demi plies, releves, retires, and use of alternate legs.
G5 Centre practice steps
En face.
Demi plies and rises in 1st
Demi and full plies and rises in 2nd.
Battement tendus and grands battements
In 2 counts, may be amalgamated. Can change direction.
G5 port de bras free enchainment
A free enchainment to include reverse movement and open en courronne.
G5 Temps lie a terre en arriere set exercise
Generally set as both arriere and avant. Commence 5th croise, arms bras bas.
Reverse action of G4 using arms attitude devant in opposition with head 1/4 turn to front, but maintaining the incline and turn of head over front shoulder when closing.
G5 adage steps
in 4 counts en croix
devant in opposition a terre and en l’air
devant and derriere a deux bras a terre and en l’air
3rd arabesque
A terre and en l’air
G5 Adage set exercise 1
Commence en face, right foot 5th devant, bras bas
1-4 Developpe devant, close 5th, simple port de bras
5-8 Developpe derrieree, close 5th, simple port de bras
1 2 Chasse passe en arriere to croisem, arms en avant, recover attitude a deux bras devant a terre
3 4 Lift leg en l’air and hold
5&6 Lower leg to degage devant into a transference of weight en avant through plie to degage derriere, arms reverse port de bras down to bras bas and up to open en courrone
7 Hold
8 Close 5th derriere en face, arms bras bas
1-16 Repeat to other side
G5 Adage set exercise 2
Commence croise, right foot cou de pied derriere, demi-seconde.
1 2 2 walks en avant RL en diagonale, open right arm then left to demi-bras
3 4 Chasse passe- en avant to 3rd arabesque a terre ouverte, arms through bras bas and en avant to arabesque
5 6 Raise leg en l’air and hold
7 Lower leg to degage derriere and fondu, retain arms
&a8 Pas de bourree under to croise, arms through a la seconde to bras bas
1 2 Chasse en avant to attitude a deux bras derriere a terre with reverse port de bras
3 4 Raise leg en l’air and hold
5 Degage derriere, opening arms a la seconde
6 Close 5th derriere on plie, lowering arms to bras bas with epaulment to front foot
&7 Glissade under to plie in 5th position croise, arms demi-seconde to bras bas with epaulment to front foot
8 Straighten supporting leg, placing working foot cou de pied derriere croise, arms to demi-seconde
1-16 Repeat to other side
G5 Demi pointe work steps
Echappes en croix
Devant, derriere, passes en avant and passes en arriere
G5 Demi-pointe work set exercise
Commence croise, right foot 5th devant, bras bas. Also can be taken with releves passes en avant.
1 2 Releve 5th, arms bras bas
3 4 Echappe releve to 2nd en face, closing croise, left foot devant, arms demi-seconde to bras bas
5-8 Repeat to other side, ending en face
1-6 3 releve passes en arriere, ending croise, arms simple port de bras to demi bras
7 8 Straighten legs and demi-plie, arms bras bas
1-8 Repeat to other side.
G5 Pirouettes en dehors from 2nd 2
Commence 5th en face, arms bras bas.
1 Degage to 2nd with front foot, arms en avant, opening a la seconde
2 Lower in demi-plie in 2nd, arms bras croise
3 Single pirouette en dehors, arms pirouette position
4 Close 5th derriere, retain arm position.
5-16 Repeat 3 times, opening arms to demi-bras to finish.
G5 Pirouettes en dehors 1
Commence 5th en face, arms bras bas.
1 Degage to 2nd with front foot, arms en avant, opening a la seconde
2 Close 5th devant with demi plie, arms bras croise.
3 Single pirouette en dehors, arms pirouette position
4 Close 5th derriere, retain arm position
5-16 Repeat 3 times, opening arms to demi-bras to finish
G5 Releves passes by half turn en diagonale (A candidates) set exercise
Commence upstage left, 5th croise.
8 half turns, finishing 4th croise en fondu, arms demi bras.
Also performed in other direction.
G5 Pose, assemble soutenu en tournant set exercise
Commence upstage left, 5th croise, arms bras bas.
7&a8 Chasse en arriere degage 4th devant,
or arms en avant to bras croise with right arm forward
5-8 head turned to downstage right.
&1&a Pose right foot and soutenu turn, using pirouette arms and head.
2&a Demi plie in 5th, arms bras croise, head turned to downstage right
3&a Releve 5th, retaining arm and head line
4&a Demi-plie in 5th
&5-8 Repeat &1-4
&1&a Pose right foot and soutenu turn, arms and head as before
2&a Demi plie in 5th
&3-6 Repeat pose right foot and soutenu turn twice more
&7 8 First two steps of pas de basque glisse en avant, finishing croise, with optional arm line
Also performed in other direction.
G5 Allegro steps
Jetes ordinaires
en avant, en arriere, de cote devant and derriere
Sissonnes ordinaires
devant, derriere and passes
Sissonnes doubles under with the front foot
Sissonnes fermees en avant
Ballonnes composes en avant
Grand jetes en tournant
Full contretemps
Coupe, chasse, pas des bourree under
G5 Prep. exercise for tour en l’air
Commence 5th en face, right foot devant, arms bras bas.
&1 Changement, arms bras bas
&2 Soubresaut, arms bras bas
&3 Releve 5th, arms bras croise
&4 1/2 turn en l’air, arms pirouette position
&5-16 Repeat 3 times, arms demi-bras to finish.
Also taken to other side.
G5 Allegro set exercise 1
Commence ouverte, right foot 5th devant, bras bas
intro Prepare arms to bras croise or attitude
1-6 2 ballonne compose en avant, retain arms
7-9 Sissonne double under with front foot en face, arms demi-bras to bras bas
10 Changement to ouverte, arms bras bas
11-12 Straighten legs and demi-plie, arms to bras croise or attitude.
1-12 Repeat to other side.
G5 Allegro set exercise 2
Commence ouverte, downstage right, right foot 5th devant, bras bas.
Intro Chasse en avant to 1st arabesque a terre, ouverte, arms through en avant to arabesque.
1-4 2 pas de bourrees grande jetes en tournant
5 6 Coupe chasse, pas de bourree under ending croise, simple port de bras to bras bas
7 Releve 5th, reverse port de bras to open en courronne
8 Hold
1 2 Run in small circle to right, right arm forwards in bras croise
3 4 Continue to run towards downstage left, opening arm a la seconde
5 6 Chasse en avant ouverte to 1st arabesque a terre, arms bras bas and en avant to arabesque
7 8 Hold position
1-8 Repeat to other side
9-16 Run in small circle to left, left arm forwards in bras croise and then off to right side, right arm lowering down to bras bas and sweeping up to arabesque line, left arm opening out to arabesque line at the side.
G5 Allegro B-candidates set enchainment
Waltz. Commence croise, right foot devant, 4th position en fondu, back foot flat, arms demi-bras.
1 2 Wait
3 4 Rotation a terre (making 3/4 turn) finishing with left foot degage devant croise opening left arm through en avant, a la seconde, right arm on waist
5-8 Walk to downstage right and place arabesque a terre
1-4 pas de bourree grand jete en tournant turning to upstage left, passing glissade and pose left en demi-pointe 1st arabesque en l’air, fondu
5-8 Repeat movements of counts 1-4 travelling to downstage right
9-12 Repeat movements of counts 1-4 travelling to upstage left
13-16 Rotation with temps leve making turn to right, raised leg to 4th (arm opening a la seconde) followed by chasse to open 4th, pas de bourree under into 4th croise, as a preparaion for single or double pirouette en dehors, finishing in 4th en fondu on left, facing croise , arms demi-bras
1-8/16 Repeat to other side (including intro)
G5 Petit batterie steps
Echappe sautes battus ouverte
with or without change of feet
Entrechats quatre
G5 Petit batterie set exercise
Commence en face, right foot 5th position devant, bras bas.
1 2 Entrechat quatre, soubresaut, retain arms
3 4 Repeat above
5 6 Echappe saute battu ouverte and fermee with a change of feet, arms a la seconde to bras bas
7 8 Straighten legs and demi-plie
1-8 Repeat to other side
G6 Plie set exercise
Order of positions set by examiner - either 2 positions on 2 sides, or 4 positions on 1 side. If using 2nd or 4th positions, side bend.
Prepare arm a la seconde
1 2 Demi plie and straighten
3 4 Rise and lower
5-8 Full plie and straighten
1-4 port de bras with forward or side bend, recover arm attitude.
5 Rise
6 Balance with arms en couronne (slight undersweep of released arm)
7 Lower heels, arms open a la seconde
8 Degage and place next position
G6 Battement tendus
Commence 5th position, arms bras bas.
En croix in 2 counts closing on either straight legs or demi-plie
G6 Battement glisses en cloche
Can be combined with tendus.
Commence 1st position, prepare arm a la seconde, degage derriere.
&1 Battement glisse en cloche devant
&2 Battement glisse en cloche derriere
G6 Battement fondus en l’air and ronds de jambe en l’air set exercise
Commence 5th position, bras bas.
1 2 Battement fondu devant en l’air, arm en avant
3 4 Battement fondu to 2nd en l’air, arm a la seconde
5 6 2 single rond de jambe en dehors
7 8 Degage and close derriere, arms bras bas
1-8 Repeat in reverse
G6 Battement frappes and battements frappes fouettes set exercise
Commence 5th position, bras bas.
Intro. Prepare degage to 2nd position and place foot to battement frappe position devant, arm a la seconde.
1-3 3 battement frappes to 2nd, accent out.
4 Raise leg en l’air
5-7 3 battement frappes fouettes, derriere, devant, derriere
8 Lower to battement frappe position derriere and rise on supporting leg
1-8 Repeat all on the demi-pointe, with reverse placing of foot.
Balance on demi-pointe, arms en avant.
G6 Petits battements sur le cou de pied set exercise
Commence 5th position, bras bas.
Intro. Prepare degage to 2nd and place foot cou de pied devant, arm a la second and bras bas.
1-6 6 petits battements on whole foot
7 Rise on supporting leg, fully stretching the working foot cou de pied devant.
8 Hold
1-6 Repeat on the demi-pointe
7 8 Balance on demi-pointe, foot remains fully stretched cou de pied devant, arms en avant
G6 Demi grands rond de jambe en dehors and en dedans
Commence 5th position, arms bras bas.
En dehors
1 Retire, arm en avant.
2 Developpe devant
3 Carry to 2nd, arms open a la seconde
4 Close to 5th derriere, arms bras bas
En dedans
1 Retire, arm en avant
2 Developpee derriere
3 Carry to 2nd, arm open a la seconde
4 Close 5th devant, arms bras bas
G6 Fouette Ronds de jambe en tournant set exercise (A-candidates)
Commence 5th, arms bras bas
Prepare front foot to pirouette position devant
1 Fondu, extendinhg leg devant, arm en avant
& Releve, whipping leg to 2nd, arm a la seconde
2 Hold demi-pointe, whip leg and arm to pirouette position
3 Retain position
4 Lower supporting heel
5-8 Repeat with single turn.
9-16 Repeat all.
Commence 5th, arms bras bas
Prepare front foot to pirouette position devant.
1 Fondu, extending leg devant, arm to en avant
& Releve, whipping lef to 2nd, arm a la seconde
2 Hold demi-pointe, whip leg and arm to pirouette position.
3-4 Retain position
5-8 Repeat with single turn, retaining demi-pointe
9-16 Repeat all
G6 Grande battements
En croix in 2 counts. May be combined with:
battement tendus
use of alternate legs
G6 Releves from 1 foot en demi-pointe (accent up) (A&B)
Can be combines with pose coupe en avant (with straight extension of leg), pose into 1st arabesque, coupe fouette raccourci and demi-point from previous grades.
Commence with working foot mid shin.
Releve, extending leg devant at 45, arm en avant
Fondu, placing working foot mid-shin
Releve, extending leg to 2nd at 45, arm a la seconde
Fondu, placing working foot mid-calf derriere
Releve, extending leg derriere at 45, arms remains a la seconde
Fondu, placing foot mid-calf derriere
Releve, extending leg to 2nd at 45, arm remains a la seconde
Fondu, placing working foot mid-shin, arm lowers to bras bas.
G6 Centre practice steps
Ronds de jamb a terre en dehors and en dedans
In 2 counts
Battement frappes
to 2nd in 1 count, accent out
Battement fondus en croix a terre
Timing as for G4 or G5
G6 Port de bras
A free enchainement to include any circular movement, or circular port de bras with transference of weight (in 2, 3 or 4 counts)
G6 Circular port de bras with transference of weight
Commence attitude ordinaire a terre croise, right foot devant.
Transfer weight into demi-plie in 4th position as the body extends forwards towards 45* and the top arm lowers towards bras croise.
As the weight transfers en arriere to degage devant, the back slightly releases and the front arms opens to a la seconde as the side arm lifts to attitude with small sideways port de bras upstage.
Open the top arm to a la seconde as the side arm lifts to attitude with a small sideways port de bras downstage.
Can be taken in either 2, 3 or 4 counts
G6 Temps lie
Commence 5th position croise, arms bras bas.
1 Chasse en avant croise, arms en avant, head erect
2 Transfer weight, raising back leg to attitude ordinaire en l’air, head turned to centre front
3 Close 5th derriere croise, arms bras bas, head turned and inclined over front shoulder
4 Chasse to 2nd with front foot en face, arms en avant, head erect
5 Transfer weight raising leg in 2nd, arms opening a la seconde, head erect
6 Close 5th devant croise, arms bras bas, head turned and include over front shoulder
1-6 Repeat other side
1-12 Repeat en arriere, using in opposition en l’air
G6 Fouette of adage centre
Commence 5th position, bras bas.
1 Extend to degage devant en fondu, arms en avant
2-3 Circle leg to 2nd a terre, straightening supporting leg, arms en courronne
4 Raise leg in 2nd en l’air towards 90*, retaining arms
5&6 3 pivots to face de cote in arabesque, retaining arms
7 Holding leg en l’air, place arms in arabesque
&8 Lower through degage and close 5th derriere en face, bras bas
1-8 Repeat to other side
G6 Adage set exercise
Commence croise, right foot 5th devant, bras bas.
1-4 Developpe to 2nd with right leg, closing derriere, simple port de bras
&5 Chasse passe en arriere to degage devant croise, arms reverse to en courronne
6 7 Raise leg en l’air to attitude devant a deux bras and hold
&8 Pose en avant to degage derriere a terre, retain arms en courronne
1&a2 Chasse passe en avant to fondu ouverte, pas des bourree under to demi-plie in 5th position, arms open to a la seconde to bras bas
3 4 3/4 detourne to croise ending demi-plie in 5th position, arms full port de bras to en courronne and down to bras bas
&5 Chasse passe en avant to 1st arabesque en l’air ouverte, arms en avant to arabesque
6 Hold
7 Fondu with leg en l’air, bringing downstage arm across with sllight undersweep to 3rd arabesque
&a8 Pas de bourree under to 5th position on demi-plie, arms a la seconde to bras bas
1-16 Repeat to other side
G6 Demi-pointe work
Pose coupes en avant in any direction
with straight extension of the leg devant
Pose in 1st arabesque
Coupe, fouette raccourci
G6 Demi-pointe set exercise
Commence ouverte, right foot 5th devant, bras bas
1-4 2 poses coupes en avant, arms en avant to bras croise in opposition to supporting leg, R arm forwards
5 6 Pose en avant to 1st arabesque, fondu, arms en avant to arabesque
7&8 Pas de bourree under to face ouverte, arms a la seconde to bras bas
1-8 Repeat to other side
1-16 Repeat all above
G6 Pirouettes en dehors
Commence en face 5th position, arms bras bas
1 2 Assemble soutenu en dehors on straight leg to finish in 4th en fondu or demi-plie, arms en avant, a la seconde, and undersweep to bras croise
3 single pirouette en dehors, arms pirouette position
4 Close 5th derriere en face, retaining arm position en avant
5-16 Repeat 3 times, arms demi-bras to finish
Singles prepared by degage to 2nd closing 5th devant
Singles prepared by degage and lower in demi-plie in 2nd
G6 Pirouettes en dedans
Commence croise, 5th position, arms bras bas
&a1 Chasse en avant into attiyude a deux bras
2 Fondu on front leg, arms open with full port de bras to bras croise
3 Single pirouette en dedans with or without fouette action
4 Close devant croise, demi-bras
G6 Pose turns en dedans en diagonale (A-candidates)
Commence upstage left, degage devant, arms bras croise.
7 turns with working foot derriere and finish.
Also performed to other side.
G6 Allegro steps
en avant, en arriere
en avant, en arriere
grande jetes en avant
preceded by 1, 2 or 3 runs, A&B
sissonnes doublees over with back foot
Sissonnes fermes
de cote (over and under), en arriere
waltz turns
G6 Allegro set exercise (A&B)
Commence upstage left croise, left foot 5th devant, bras bas.
Intro. Degage L foot devant croise, arms en avant to demi-bras
1-4 2 grand jetes en avant preceded by 3 runs, arms to 2ndd arabesque on each grande jete
&5 6 Coupe chasse pas de bourree arms through en avant and a la seconde to bras bas
&7 Pose into 1st arabesquw a terre, arms through en avant to arabesque
8 fondu
1-4 Full contretemps, arms 1st arabesque and bras bas
&7 Step de cote upstage onto right foot on demi-pointe, place left foot into 4th devant croise on demi-pointe, arms to individual position
8 Hold
Also to be shown to other side
G6 Tour en l’air set exercise (B-candidates)
Commence 5th position en face, right foot devant, arms bras bas.
1 2 2 changements, arms bras bas
3 Releve 5th, arms bras croise
4 Tour en l’air, arms pirouette position
Repeat to alternate sides, arms demi-bras to finish
G6 B-candidates set exercise
Commence 5th position en face, right foot devant, arms bras bas.
1-6 Wait
1-3 Sissonne doublee over with back foot, unfolding left leg, body leaning towards supporting foot, arms through en avant to attitude, left arm high and lower to bras bas
4 Releve 5th arms bras croise
5 Demi-plie
6 Tour en l’air
1-6 Repeat all to other side
Travelling towards downstage left
&1 2 runs LR
2 Grand jete en avant left, arms 2nd arabesque
3 Petit assemble derriere
4 Sissonne ouverte, arms attitude, right arm high
5 Temps leve, retaining leg and arms lines
6 Coupe under
1-6 Pose, temps leve in 1st arabesque towards upstage left, walk/run in a circle to left to finish centre, left foot front in 5th position, arms bras bas.
Repeat to other side.
G6 Petit batterie steps
Changement battus
Entrechat trois derriere
G6 Petit batterie set exercise
Commence en face, right foot 5th devant, bras bas
1 2 Entrechat trois derriere, petit assemble derriere, arms bras croise in oppisition lowering to bras bas
3 4 Repeat above on other side
5&a6 Entrechat troix derriere, pas de bourree under, arms bras croise in opposition lowering to bras bas
7 Changement battu
8 Hold
1-8 Repeat to other side