Issues Of Life And Death Flashcards
When a pregnancy is ended by the deliberate removal of the foetus from the womb so that it does not result in the birth of a child.
What are some Pro-Life/Pro-Choice Arguments?
Pro-Life -
- Every human being, including an embryo or foetus, has the right to live and reach their potential.
- There are alternatives to abortion (e.g. adoption)
Pro-Choice -
- A woman has the right to choose whether or not she wants to have the baby. It is her body
- In the case of rape, it would be lacking in compassion to deny a woman the right to an abortion.
What are the religious views on abortion?
Christianity -
- Roman Catholics consider abortion should be forbidden in all circumstances as life is sacred and God given.
- Abortion is viewed as murder and is against the Ten Commandments.
- All life is precious as it is made by God. However, if the mother’s life is in danger then abortion may be permitted
- As per the ‘quality of life’ argument, if a woman has been raped, then abortion would be the compassionate action.
Buddhism -
- Abortion is viewed as the deliberate taking of a human life which goes against the first of the Five Precepts which guides against taking life (Ahisma) . ‘One should not hurt or kill others’ (Dhammapada)
- a Buddhist would want to make a decision that is skilful. A skilful action is based on awareness , kindness, compassion (Karuna)
- If a pregnancy is the result of rape or could endanger a mother’s life then suffering is inevitable, whatever decision is made about the abortion.
- Abortion from a Buddhist viewpoint is an act of killing and is negative generally speaking. But it depends on the circumstances. (Dalai Lama)
What does Euthanasia mean?
Euthanasia means ‘gentle and easy death’. The term is used to describe the deliberate ending of. A person’s life for compassionate reasons because they are suffering.
What are the religious views on Euthanasia?
- Most Christians agree that euthanasia is not acceptable as all life is sacred (sanctity of life) and taking any life is wrong. Also, those who assist are involved in murder which goes against the Ten Commandments.
- Life is a gift from god and therefore is precious. ‘God made man in his own image’ (Genesis 1:27)
Buddhism -
- Buddhism teaches that there is no ‘soul’, it is karma that goes through the cycle of samsara. Therefore, there is no point committing euthanasia as it will not relieve suffering.
- The only instance where euthanasia might be permitted as if the enlightened being is about to be released from samsara.
Sanctity Of Life
All life is sacred and precious, it is a gift of God, meaning that God can give or take life. Christians believe that humans are made in God’s image.
Quality Of Life
The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable. This can be measured against things such as health,education, wealth etc.
The spiritual aspect of a being; which connects a person to God. The soul is often seen as a non-physical which lives on after physical death.
What are the Christians beliefs on life after death?
- Dualism - We are made up of two separate parts which after the material body dies the spiritual soul lives on
Materialism - Nothing else exists apart from matter. All we have is a physical body. - Literal Christians - Heaven and Hell are real places where humans will spend eternity (after death)
Liberal Christians - Heaven and Hell as a symbol. Reminder that all of our actions have consequences. - Death is not the end but a gateway to perfect existence (Heaven). Christians believe Heaven is our true home and Earth is a testing ground for life in eternity.
- Parable of Sheep and Goat to describe Good and Evil.
What are the Buddhists beliefs on life after death?
- Buddhism teaches that death is not the end of life instead death is a part of life.
- Buddhism also teaches that there is no creator God who controls the universe and holds individuals accountable for their moral actions
What happens at Chritsians/Buddhists funerals?
- If the person is sick their family may ask a priest to come to their house before they die to forgive them of their sins and offer prayers. This often gives the dying person and the family comfort, knowing that they can enter heaven.
- Psalm 23:‘ The Lord is my shepherd’ is often read to remind people that God is always with them
- Candles represent Jesus being the ‘Light of the world’ to remind Christians that he saved humanity and restored the relationship with God.