Issues & Debates Flashcards
Practical issues- General
Psychodynamic- uses case studies and dream interpretation (so issues of subjectivity, falsifiability, qualitative data etc)
Brendgen Kety Correlation Twin studies Adoption studies Brain scans
Practical issues- Raine
- Matched pairs with control group removes PVs
- Couldn’t match on all things i.e. lefthandedness/brain damage
- Small sample…but largest of its type up to this point
- Brain scans empirical
- Brain scans replicable
- Raine identified there was some subjectivity in analysis
- Low ecological validity
- Multiple techniques (box and cortical peel) used to get better understanding
- Problems with cause and effect
Development Over Time- General
- Darwin evolutionary explanation of aggression
- Psychodynamic Biological explanations of aggression
- Evolution discovery of genes
- Discovery of testosterone (1935) hormones and aggression
- NT discovered (1921) explanation of drug addiction treatments rat park
- Phineas Gage Brain explanations Raine
- Brendgen- one of the first looking at social aggression concordance
- Kety found concordance of SZ
- We still use twin studies & adoption studies
- Invention and development of brain scans
Development Over Time- Raine
- Phineas Gage Brain explanations Raine
- Case studies brain scans…which are even better now
- Raine’s findings (PFC, amygdala etc) were developments
- Phrenology brain areas being responsible for behaviour
Nature/Nurture- General
- Biological is mostly nature
- Evolution shows that many traits are coming from your genetics
- However, genes are selected for based on the environment you are in (EEA) which means nurture plays an important role
- Brain structures and activities effect behaviour i.e. high activity in Amygdala leads to violence therefore nature
- But the strength/activity/size of these are effected by environmental factors (brain plasticity/cause and effect argument) which shows the importance of nurture
- Hormones influence are nature
- Raine identified we don’t necessarily have cause and effect in his study (environment could cause the brain differences)
- Raine matched them on Sz (a biologically based illness) which takes into account biology
- Drugs influence Dopamine etc which could be seen as nurture
- The euphoria they bring however could be argued it is due biology
- Learning approach is an opposing view for aggression and addiction which shows nurture…which biological obviously ignores
- Rat park shows that the environment is important for addiction therefore nurture
- Kety showed Schizophrenia is genetic
- We use Twin and Adoption studies to measure what is nature/nurture
- Brendgen showed that physical aggression was due to nature (MZ had a higher concordance than DZ)
- Social aggression is due to nurture (MZ and DZ concordance similar)
Nature/Nurture- Raine
- Brain structures and activities effect behaviour i.e. high activity in Amygdala leads to violence therefore nature
- Raine identified we don’t necessarily have cause and effect in his study (environment could cause the brain differences)
- Raine matched them on Sz (a biologically based illness) which takes into account biology
- Learning approach is an opposing view for aggression and addiction which shows nurture…which biological obviously ignores
- Handedness wasn’t accounted for- this is a biological factor which might influence brain structure/activity
Reductionism- General
- The biological explanation is reductionist in the sense that all human behaviour is fragmented and explained in the simplest sense by our biology. The biological approach, for example, sees behaviour as arising from neurological/neuroanatomical factors.
- As this is about science, then it is not surprising that a scientific approach to study is used. Also, as humans are complex, perhaps studying in a reductionist way is a strength as it enables the study of aspects of humans that would otherwise not be reachable. The study of how lower serotonin levels, which is linked to greater aggression is carried out using animals and human studies. These studies support each other.
- A scientific study of biological psychology is to take one element, such as how the brain works chemically (neurotransmitters) and to study it in detail.
- Biological psychology covers brain functioning and structure, genes, hormones and issues like evolution.
- Biological psychology links very closely to biology, chemistry and science and, like them, involves studying aspects of a person not the whole.
- Reductionism applies to biological psychology when neurotransmitter functioning is studied because the brain is a lot more complex than that, so this is about looking at one specific part of the working of the brain.
- Reductionism applies to biological theories in that they study aspects such as biochemistry, genetics and neuroanatomy
- Looks at individual brain areas rather than the complexity of the whole brain/whole brain interaction
- Evolution takes into account the environment and its influence on genetic structure
- Evolution, hormones and brain structure can all be linked as an explanation of aggression which may make it more holistic
- Ignores upbringing/life events as a factor in causing behaviour
Reductionism- Raine
- Looks at individual brain areas rather than the complexity of the whole brain/whole brain interaction e.g.
- Ignores upbringing/life events as a factor in causing behaviour e.g.
- The biological explanation is reductionist in the sense that all human behaviour is fragmented and explained in the simplest sense by our biology. The biological approach, for example, sees behaviour as arising from neurological/neuroanatomical factors.
- A scientific study of biological psychology is to take one element, such as how the brain works chemically (neurotransmitters) and to study it in detail.
- Reductionism applies to biological theories in that they study aspects such as biochemistry, genetics and neuroanatomy
- Scientific methodology used to eliminate EVs and help ascertain cause and effect
- Even ignores other biological factors which could be an influence such as hormones
Psychology as a science- General
- Lots of Lab experiments like Raine, Beeman etc
- Uses correlations which has EVs, problems with cause and effect, internal validity etc
- All empirical and objective (hormones, brain activity/glucose level, gene testing, blood tests etc)…however it is much harder to test evolution in the same ways since behaviour doesn’t fossilise
- Brendgen used opinion measures on aggression which isn’t objective/empirical
- Falsifiable- again all theories except evolution (even using twin studies and adoption studies)…Kety blind test helps show it was falsifiable because it was objective
- Reductionist- ignores environment, Brain activity focuses on individual parts not interplay between them, only looking at hormones alone instead of in interaction with other factors
- Testing hypotheses- All studies are doing this Brendgen for example was about social aggression and physical aggression relationship to one another and nature/nurture
- Control- Matched pairs in Raine, blind study in Kety
- Replicability/ Reliability- Raine Brain scans
- Internal validity- You can’t really show DCs with many of these studies like Kety and Raine…also controls like matched pairs, Lab experiments removing EVs
Psychology as a science- Psychodynamic
- Uses case studies, interviews, projective tests ala inkblots and dream analysis- which pretty much don’t meet any science criteria
- Not Empirical- You can’t measure unconscious, Id etc
- Objective- All interpretation and therefore subjective
- Falsifiable- unfalsifiable i.e. you say you like someone, this suggests you might be supressing your dislike into the unconscious
- Reductionist- simplifies concepts BUT does take both nature (Id being natural etc) and nurture (upbringing) into account
- Hypothesis testing- it can test hypotheses….but doesn’t always
- Reliable/replicable- individual case studies are not reliable/replicable
- Internal Validity- No controls, lots of EVs, very subjective etc
Psychology as a science- Raine
- Lab experiment and Brain scans are going to meet most of the criteria
- Empirical- testing brain activity/glucose metabolism/radiation therefore empirical
- Objective- Generally because it is measurable but Raine identifies that the brain activity in PET scans are interpretation i.e. how do you know why its lighting up/ it isn’t precise
- Hypothesis testing- yes about brain activity in NGRI murderers
- Falsifiable- yeah they could have found no difference in brain activity disproving the hypotheses
- Reductionist- looks at individual brain regions rather than as a whole
- Controls- Matched on various things i.e. age, gender and Sz but not everything i.e. handedness, race, brain damage
- Reliable/replicable- Yes standardised
- Internal Validity- Can’t really be effected by DCs, EVs eliminated in Lab…low in mundane realism
Ethics- General
- Consent (informed)- Brendgen used children, Kety didn’t tell ppts and families about using their records (though this is ok in Danish law), it is unlikely teachers and children in Brendgen knew the true purpose of the study (looking at the twins in their class)
- Deception- no deception in any of the studies
- Confidentiality- not really an issue in experiment but we don’t know who they were
- Debrief- Not likely in Kety or Brendgen
- Withdrawal- not mentioned in either Kety or Brendgen but unlikely given their sample/procedures
- Protection from harm- Possible harm in Brendgen from students being asked to think about physical and social aggression of people in their class/which could damage relationships (but it is a minor concern), case studies have naturally occurring damage, brain scan studies involve harm through injection and claustrophobia
- Privacy- reviewing medical records (but again it is legal)
- Animal studies like Beeman could be harmful due to castration, injecting testosterone, Olds & Milner, Kluver-bucy syndrome and they’d have to make sure they obeyed the rules about caring for animals and having them destroyed….but we do this research on animals because it would be unethical on humans
Ethics- Raine
- Consent (informed)- people with brain damage and those who are NGRI might not be able to consent, control group didn’t know what their brain scans were used for (having been in a previous study)
- Deception- None
- Confidentiality- not really an issue in experiment but we don’t know who they were
- Debrief- not needed
- Withdrawal- not mentioned really but they weren’t any withdrawals…we have to question their ability to withdraw however given their mental state and the power differential
- Protection from harm- Stopped medication for a week and injection of FDG
Social Control- General
- Hormones- we can alter hormones to increase and decrease aggression i.e. chemical castration, oxytocin levels, medication to raise serotonin
- Evolution/Genetics- eugenics to alter genetic traits (there is a big argument about genetic screening of Down’s Syndrome at the minute)
- Twins & Adoptions- if we figure out what is nature and nurture we are more likely to alter nurture factors
- Brain activity- whether people are responsible for their own behaviour/ sentencing/ culpability
- However, we can’t alter brain activity (YET) so maybe it isn’t socially controlling
- Social control-(all biology stuff) how much people are responsible for their aggression/own behaviour (NGRI/ culpability) and sentencing
- Drug addiction- Social control in what is acceptable/unacceptable drug usage
- We could change NT level by using certain medications Buprenorphine Vs Methadone Vs Heroin
- Drug treatment- controlled by the doctor/prescriber rather than the patient themselves
- Should we not be socially controlling though if they’re unable to make reasoned decisions based on their illness
- Medication demonstrates social control where therapy/counselling may be more beneficial in some situations
- Brendgen- if we figure out what is nature and nurture we are more likely to alter nurture factors i.e. school programmes to lower social aggression amongst children
Social Control- Psychodynamic
- Can be used in advertising to appeal to unconscious
- Influence of unconscious has impact on culpability for actions/crimes
- Can be used as social control through therapy- subjective analysis etc
- Tells parents how to raise children
- Can’t test or prove it however so might not be an issue of social control at all