issues & debates Flashcards
having the power to make your own choices about your behaviour.
behaviour is controlled by external or internal factors
Hard determinism
the view that all behaviour can be predicted as freewill is not possible (causal explanation)
Soft determinism
the view that behaviour does have causes but there is an element of freewill.
Biological determinism
the belief that behaviour is caused by biological influences e.g. genes, hormones, evolution.
Environmental determinism
the belief that behaviour is caused by features of the environment e.g. reward & punishment.
Psychic determinism
the belief that behaviour is caused by unconscious conflicts.
If it can be argued that human behaviour is deterministic, what is the benefit for the field of psychology?
Determinism is consistent with the aims of science. The idea that human behaviour is orderly & obeys laws places psychology on the same level as other established sciences. In addition, if we can predict & control human behaviour, we can develop treatments & therapies that benefit many people, e.g. drug treatments for OCD & systematic desensitisation for phobias.
Studies into OCD have found a 68% concordance rate for MZ twins. What does this tell us about biological determinism? What does the statistic tell us about environmental determinism?
It is unlikely that 100% genetic determination will ever be found for a behaviour. No studies comparing concordance rates for MZ twins have ever found 100% concordance. E.g. OCD = 68%, IQ = 70%, Aggression = 72%. This shows that although there is a genetic vulnerability, there must be another additional cause. Therefore biological determinism cannot be correct as it is not genes alone causing these characteristics. BUT the fact that MZ concordance rates are always higher than DZ concordance rates does show that genetics are important and that the environment cannot be a sole cause of behaviour. This therefore argues against the case of environmental determinism. Therefore a better approach would be the diathesis – stress model which argues against any one type of determinism causing behaviour.
The idea of determinism is not consistent with the way our legal system works. Why not? But are there any types of people for whom this argument might be used in court?
Determinism is not compatible with the way our legal system works as criminals are usually held personally & morally accountable for their crimes. Only in extreme cases is ‘The law of diminished responsibility’ applied. This is when it is assumed that a defendant has not been able to act under their own freewill. E.g. in cases of self defence, mental illness & ‘crimes of passion’ (when a judgement of temporary insanity can be made)
How do you think locus of control has been linked to freewill? How could this then be linked to mental health?
A positive aspect of believing in freewill is that it leads to better mental health. Internal LoC believe they have a high level of control over their own lives & behaviours. They also tend to have better mental health than people with external LoC, Roberts et al (2000): found adolescents with a strong belief in fatalism (that their lives were controlled by external factors - determinism) were at greater risk of depression. So even if we don’t have freewill, the fact that we think we do has a positive impact on our mind & behaviour.
Some have suggested that freewill is just an illusion. What do you think this means?
Skinner argues that being able to decide between different courses of action is not freewill but may give us the illusion of having freewill. E.g. a person might ‘choose’ to see a particular film but in fact this choice is determined by previous reinforcement experiences. E.g. seeing an advert on TV, talking to friends.
Some have suggested that freewill is just an illusion. What study did we look at last lesson that supports this?
Libet recorded activity in the motor cortex BEFORE the person had a conscious awareness of the decision to move their finger. Therefore the brain activity comes before we have knowledge of our decision to make the movement.
Suggests even our most basic experiences of freewill are decided & determined by our brain before we are aware of them.
approaches linked to freewill
approaches linked to determinism