Issues And Debates Flashcards
What is gender bias?
Gender bias is the differential treatment between two genders based on stereotypes
What is alpha bias?
Alpha bias is the exaggerated difference between men and women and therefore one gender is devalued (often women)
What is beta bias?
Beta bias is ignoring the differences between men and women, leading to researchers believing they can generalise results from male studies to the whole population
What is androcentrism?
Androcentrism is the consequences of beta bias, and occurs where everything is compared to ‘male standards’
What is universality?
Universality is developing theories that are applicable to everyone, including any differences
Gender bias in psychology evaluation
Gender bias in psychology evaluation:
- = gender bias reamains unchallenged in many theories
- = lab experiments + institutionalised sexism -> due to male authority creating male perspective of women
- = bias in research methods affects final results
+ = feminist psychology -> differences can arise due to biological differences
What is determinism?
Determinism is the view that free will is an illusion and our behaviour is controlled by uncontrollable internal or external forces
What is free will?
Free will is the idea that we play active role and have choice over our behaviour
What is hard determinism?
Hard determinism the idea that forces outside our control shape behaviour
-No free will
-Science has hard determinism - looks for causal relationships
What is soft determinism?
Soft determinism is the view that behaviour is constrained by the environment or biological makeup to an extent - an element of free will remains
What is biological determinism?
Biological determinism is innate and determined by genes
-Pre determined behaviour
-Hard determinism
What is environmental determinism?
Environmental determinism is the view that behaviour is controlled by external forces, caused by experiences through conditioning
Free will and determinism evaluation
Free will and determinism evaluation:
- = humanistic view opposes - people have free will - eg twin case studies - not exactly the same
- = potential negative effect when generalised ie criminal acts
+ = skinner arugues free will is an illusion - motor regions of brain activated before conscious mind registers it - biological determinism
What is psychic determinism?
Psychic determinism is when behaviour is. Result of childhood experiences and innate drives (freudian thinking)
What is culture?
Culture is the morals, values, beliefs and patterns of behaviour shared by a community of people