issues Flashcards
criticism- does virtue ethics give clear guidance about how to act?
doesn’t give clear rules just do the right or virtuous thing in every situation but we want to know exactly what that is.
however virtue ethic does give some guidance:
mainly develop
1 virtues of character
2 practical wisdom
further argues that we know which virtues to strive to develop and which vices to avoid
eg virtue of honest - do what is honest
vice of cruelty- do not be cruel
further criticism
different cultures value different character traits
further response
there are some universal virtues eg honesty loyalty generosity courage valued by all societies which would entail universal virtue rules.
criticism- can virtue ethics deal with clashing virtues?
moral dilemmas
virtues conflict with each other
responses list
practical wisdom
no resolution
practical wisdom
conflict is only apparent and practical wisdom will help determine the appropriate virtue to move with.
hierarchy of virtues
put a hierarchy in eg justice over charity
no resolution
admit there is no resolution but virtue ethic recognizes the impact on us eg decisions leaving us with pain guilt and regret = emotions are moral remainders and only virtue ethics recognizes them as morally significant.
criticism- possibility of circularity
virtuous action is done by someone who is virtuous.
circularity definitions are problematic because it does nothing to help explain the nature of virtuous actions/ people.
adds more elements to the definition
a virtuous person habitually performs actions that are the result of deliberation and choice and which bring pleasure and which avoids exhibiting too much or too little feeling.
criticism- must a trait contribute to eudaimonia in order to be a virtue?
weak dont use it ask andy
criticism- the individual and the moral good
moral philosophy distinguish actions that are self interested and actions that benefit others ie morally good
but it focuses on self interest
good for the individual
flourishing and living good life
individually possessing virtues
practical wisdom self interested
moral good
many virtues benefit those around us eg justice
many vices eg murder is never appropriate in any circumstance.
further response
good for individual= moral good
moral behaviour doesn’t conflict with self interested behaviour
must follow our true self-interest and not our apparent self-interest
we individuals flourish and flourish as a collective community
individual pursuits towards virtue and eudaimonia result in moral good.