Islamic Practices Flashcards
When does Ashura take place
The 10th day of Muharram
Why do Sunni Muslims celebrate Ashura?
Celebrate the day the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt and the day Noah left the arc after the flood
Why do Shia Muslims ‘celebrate’ Ashura
Remember death of Hussein (Muhammad’s grandson) in the battle of Karbala
What is Salah?
Prayer with, and in worship of God, performed under conditions set by the prophet Muhammad
(Salah) Why do Muslims pray facing Makkah?
Makkah is the most holy place and by facing it they symbolise being closer to God.
(Salah) What is the Jummah prayer?
The Friday prayer .. most important day of the week and the most important Muslim prayers are at midday on Friday
There is a sermon and time for personal prayers, and Muslims make a special effort to pray at the mosque
Quote about Salah
Establish regular prayers- at the suns decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer… and pray in the small watches of the morning (Quran)
(Salah) What is Wudu?
Washing Muslims do before prayer Muslims also pray on a prayer mat to keep themselves clean during prayer
(Salah) What is the difference in prayer between Sunni and Shia Muslims?
Sunnis pray 5 times a day but shias combine some of the prayers and pray three times.
Some movements of words are also different
When praying, Sunnis lie down and touch their forehead to the prayer mat but Shias may place their head to a clay block to touch their head to something more natural
(Salah) how is prayer conducted in the mosque?
Muslims particularly men will often pray in the mosque especially on a Friday
Women praying in the mosque pray separately from men
(Salah) How is prayer conducted outside of the mosque?
Women are likely to pray at home and not at the Mosque, men can pray at home too
Muslims can pray anywhere that is clean one function of the prayer mat is to make sure that the prayer place is clean
(Salah) Two reasons why Muslims pray
To thank God for what they have and it is one of the five pillars
(Salah) Significance of prayer
Muslims believe that Allah is there when they pray so prayer allows them to have a relationship with him
Muslims praying at the same time with others in the same place and all over the world helps to strengthen the Muslim community called the Ummah
Muhammad encouraged Muslims to pray Muslims believe that praying helps them to do good and act well in their lives
(Salah) Names and times of the five daily prayers for Sunnis
Fajr- Just before sunrise Zuhr- just after midday Asr- late afternoon Maghnb- just after Sunset Isha- between sunset and 12 am
What is Sawm?
Fasting during Ramadan
Five roles and benefits of sawm
- Reminds Muslims of the hungry and the poor, encouraging them to help more
- reminds Muslims that food is not the most important thing
- Muslims submit to Allah (Islam and Muslim are both relate the Arabic word for submission)
- helps to become pure after sins
- teaches self-control also patience and discipline
Quote from the Quran about Sawm
- Ramadan is the month when the Quran was sent down, so everyone of you who was present during the month should spend it in fasting
(Sawm) Who is exempt from fasting during Ramadan?
Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, menstruating women, young children, if you are travelling, If you are ill
(Sawm) What happens if you cannot fast during Ramadan?
If you are able to make up the fast you’re expected to do you so, e.g. someone who was ill and is no longer ill
If someone cannot make up a fast they may choose to feed a poor person for a day instead
If a Muslim has to break therefore it’s important that they had the intention (niyyah) initially to fast
(Sawm) Are things such as smoking and sex also included in Sawm?
They are luxuries in the same way that food is and should be sacrificed to give more time to Allah
(Sawm) What is the significance of fasting during Ramadan?
Ramadan was the month in which the Quran was first revealed to Muhammad
Allah is believed to chain up devils so that they cannot tempt Muslims
Ramadan is special and any good action such as fasting is believed to earn more favour with Allah in this time
As Muslims are fasting at the same, time this strengthens the Muslim community
(Sawm) What are a Muslims’ duties during Ramadan
When fasting Muslims do not eat or drink between dawn and sunset Muslims must also not have sex smoke or take medicines during this time and should concentrate on prayer and doing good
(Sawm) What is the night of power and a quote about it
- The first night on which Muhammad received a revelation of the Quran from the angel Jibril is known as the night of power (Muslims disagree on whether he received the first part or all of the Quran at this time)
- Muslims believe that praying on the night of power is very powerful and Allah’s likely to forgive sins of those who ask
- “The night of power is better than 1000 months” (Quran)
What is Hajj?
A pilgrimage to Makkah which Muslims are expected to make at least once in their lifetime (if they are able). It has to take place at a particular time during the month of Dhu al-Hijjah