Islamic Beliefs Flashcards
Akhirah defenition
The after life
Arafat defenition
Day Muslims seek forgiveness from God and pray for a good life
Bismillah meaning
Blessing before eating meaning in the name of God
Dawud meaning
Beloved friend- name of a prophet
Fatwa meaning
a ruling on a point of Islamic law given by a recognized authority
What is the Hadith
Holy book of Muhammad
Hajj defenition
Pilgrimage to Makkah that Muslims must make at least once in a lifetime
Halal meaning
For meat to be eaten it must be hung upside down and left to bleed
Hijab meaning
Modesty which includes behaviour as well as dress for men and women. Eg head scarf
Haram meaning
Acts forbidden by Allah and Islamic law
Iblis meaning
Evil power
Who is angel jibril?
- Known to Christians and Jews as Gabriel.
- Archangel
- he relayed the Koran to Muhammad
- first appear to Muhammad when he was a child
Who is angel Mika’il?
An archangel who plays the trumpet to announce the day of judgement
Who is angel Malik?
An angel in hell and purgatory
What is a prophet in Islam?
Humans that Allah has chosen to be his messengers
Who are the main prophets in Islam?
Nuh (Noah)
Ibrahim (Abraham)
Musa (Moses)
Isa (Jesus)
Why are prophets still important in Islam today?
They provide a method of communication between God and Humans and they are good role models
How do prophets get messages in Islam?
- Muslims believe that profits get given special holy books for example the Torah the gospels or the Quran
- These revelations do not come from peoples own wisdom but from Allah
- Messages given by profits were given directly by Allah or the angel Jibril, Muslims believe these messages are the most accurate because they come directly from God
Ibrahim meaning
Abraham- messenger
Imam meaning
Islamic leader
Worship leader of a mosque
Injil meaning
Gospel of Jesus
Isa meaning
Prophet Jesus
Isma’il meaning
First son of Abraham
Madrasah meaning
College for Islam
Madinah meaning
It is the second holiest city in Islam after Mecca and the burial place of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.
Maryam meaning
Mary Mother of Jesus
Masjid meaning
A mosque
Musa meaning