Islamic Practices Flashcards
What is the shahadah?
The shahadah is a declaration of faith.
“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.”
What is Salah?
Salah is a way of praying to god. Sunni Muslims pray 5 times a day. Shia Muslims pray 3 times a day
What is Sawm?
Sawm means to fast for a whole month, fasting from Fajr prayer all the way to Maghrib prayer. The Holy Qur’an was revealed on this month Ramadhan.
What is Zakah?
Zakah is when you pay 2.5% of your wealth if you can afford it to charity.
What is Hajj?
Hajj is a holy pilgrimage which Muslims go on every year it is right before Eid-ul-Adha.
What are the 10 Obligatory acts?
Salah, Sawm, Zakah, Hajj, Khums, Jihad, Amr-bil-Maroof, Nahi-Anil-Munkar, Tawalla and Tabarra,
What is Tawalla?
Tawalla is love towards God.
What is Tabarra?
Tabarra is opposing those who have hatred towards God.
What is Khums?
20% Islamic tax
What is Amr-Bil-Maroof?
Amr-Bil-Maroof is encouraging people to do good.
What is Nahi-Anil-Munkar?
It is discouraging people from doing bad.
What is Jihad?
Jihad is to struggle or strive.
Greater Jihad = Inward Grace
Lesser Jihad = Outward struggle
What is Eid-Ul-Fitr?
“Sugar festival” or “breaking of the fast”
After Ramadhan has finished.
What is Eid-ul-Adha?
commemorates Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son because Allah ordered him to but then Allah replaced his son with a ram.
What is Ashura for Sunni Muslims?
“Day of Remembrance”
When Musa freed the slaves from the Pharoah ( Fir’oun)
What is Ashura for Shia Muslims?
“Day of Mourning”
When Hassan and Hussein died.
They cry, carry black banners, play the drums, sing hymns and bang their chests.
Quotes for Salah
“prostate and draw near to Allah”
Quotes for Jihad
“The person who struggles so Allah’s word is supreme is the one supporting Allah’s cause.”
“This is My Path leading straight so follow it and do not follow any others for they will lead you astray.”
Quotes for Sadaqah
“Be generous in giving for God sees all good you do.”
Quotes for Zakah
“Indeed those who give Zakah will have their rewards with their lord.”
Quotes for Sawm
“Fasting is prescribed for you…”
Quotes for Hajj
“Whoever wants to do Hajj let him hurry to do so…”