Christian Practices Flashcards
What is liturgical worship?
Liturgical worship is when you follow set prayers or set scriptures.
What is Prayer?
Prayer is a way of communicating with God.
Quote for Prayer
“for God is seeking such to worship him.”
What is the Eucharist?
The Eucharist is when Christians commemorates the last supper. The priest consecrates the bread and wine.
Quotes for the Eucharist
“Take and eat; this is my body.”
What is Baptism?
Infant baptism is when a baby is blessed and purified in holy water to remove the original sin.
Believer’s baptism is when you are old enough or mature enough to be baptised and you fully commit to the Christian community.
Quote for Baptism
“baptising them in the name of The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.”
What is pilgrimage?
A holy place to go to pray.
What is Easter?
celebrates the resurrection of Jesus
Quote for Easter
“Christ is risen from the dead trampling down.”
What is a resurrection?
When you are dead and rise from the dead.
What is Christmas?
celebrated the incarnation of Jesus
Quote for Christmas
“The word became flesh.”
“Lord the true light is here.”
What is Incarnation?
God becoming flesh
What is evangelism?
spread the word of God and your faith by public preaching and personal witness.
Quote for evangelism and Missionary
“teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
What is the church’s role?
their role is to help the Christian community, those living in poverty and teaching people about Christianity.
Quote for the Chruch’s role
“whatever you did for one of the least you did for me.”
Quote for Judgement
“He disciplines us for our own good so that we may share his holiness>”
Quote for punishment in the afterlife
“Then those people will go to eternal punishment but the righteous will have eternal life.”
What is reconciliation?
restoring harmony between a group of people or people within the same religion and faith.
What does CAFOD do?
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
The help out the countries that are in poverty with food and help teach them about Christianity and give advice.
What does CFAN do?
Christ for all Nations
they spread their faith and beliefs about Christianity
What does Tearfund do?
They help refugees of the war and help people with spiritual needs and physical needs.