Islamic Civilization Flashcards
Who was Muhammad?
Muslims believe that he was the final prophet and founder of Islam
Name of Islamic God
What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
Faith Prayer Alms Fasting Pilgrimage (the hajj)
What was the Hijrah?
When Muhammad was forced to leave Mecca and go to medina/ yathrib.
What are the holy writings of Islam?
The Qur’an
The example of Muhammad (standards of righteous living)
Islam law. “The way”
What were the 5 ways Islam spread?
- Arabic language
- Trade
- Islam fills the void of weakened Sassanid and Byzantine empires
- Conquest by the rightly guided caliphs
- Overcame barriers
What two groups fought at the battle of tours?
Moors (Muslims) and Francs
Who led the francs in the battle of tours?
Charles Martel
When was the battle of tours?
732 CE
When did the Umayyad empire fall?
750 CE
When did the Abbasid empire fall and to whom?
They fell in 1258 to the Mongols
What are the 3 things Abbasids imposed upon women?
How did the Umayyad caliphate fall?
To the Abbasids in 750. They believed that the Umayyads were living too lavishly and they made Dhimmies pay extra taxes and they didn’t want them to convert to Islam. Abbasids wipe out the ruling Umayyads except one who moves to al-Andalus and begins a Umayyad caliphate
Muslims who try to achieve direct contact with Allah
Fatimid dynasty
Member of a Muslim dynasty that traces its ancestry to Muhammad’s daughter Fatima. They are located primarily in Egypt
What Kind of govt does the Abbasid dynasty have? And how did it come about?1
Since Persia was in their territory, the Abbasids adopted the bureaucracy
“Armed struggle against unbelievers” used to expand Islam
Where did the empire of the Umayyads extend to in 750?
From the Atlantic Ocean to the Indus River
What were the 4 reasons for the rightly guided caliphs success?
- Well disciplined armies
- Byzantine and Sassanid (Persian) empires weak from conflict
- Persecuted citizens of these empires welcomed Islam
- People (women and Hindus) attracted to Islam’s message of equality and hope
How did Muslims treat conquered people? Why?
Qur’an requires Muslims to treat others peacefully
Muslims got along with other monotheistic religions because they believe we all share the same God
“People of the Book”- Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and later Hindus
Which side of the “split” was the majority?
The Sunni
Name the rightly guided caliphs
Abu- Bakar
What caused the split between Sunni and shi’a?
After Ali was assassinated, the elective system of choosing a caliph ended. The Shiites said the successor had to be a relative to Muhammad.
The Sunni said that any Muslim could be caliph
Sunni vs Shi’a
Shia -minority - caliph must be related to Muhammad - believed Umayyads were too rich - believe ali should have succeeded Muhammad -ONLY beliEve Qur'an Sunni - majority "Followers of Muhammad" - believed you didn't need to be related to Muhammad - 1st four rightly guided caliphs were good - follow Sunna and therefore shari'a law