Islam Study Guide Flashcards
The five pillars of Islam: Prayer
Pray 5 times a day
The five pillars of Islam: Faith
Statement of faith to Allah and to Muhammad as a prophet
The five pillars of Islam: Alms
Do charity or give money to the poor
The five pillars of Islam: Fasting
Fast between dawn and sunset during holy month of Ramadan
The five pillars of Islam: Pilgrimage
Go the the holy city of Mecca at least once and perform in the Hajj
Geography of the Arabian Peninsula (where is it, how is the climate)
Between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. The climate is hot and humid. Lots of desserts
Why is the location of the Arabian Peninsula important?
It is the cross roads of three continents Africa, Asia, and Europe… So that makes it a center for trade
What is a prophet?
A religious leader who tells what he/she believes is the will of God
What are the literal meanings of the words Islam & Muslim
Submission to Allah
What is the significance of the cities of Mecca and Medina?
They are the holy cities
Believes in many gods
Believes in one God
Believes there is no God
Believes there is no way to prove God exists
Why do Christians Jews and Muslims see Jerusalem as an important city?
Because that is where there religions began
What is the holy book of Islam
What is the holy book of Judaism
The Hebrew bible
What is the holy book in Christianity
The bible
Describe the relationship between Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Are their feelings mutual?
All three believe in a heaven, hell, and a judgement day and recognize Abraham as their roots beginnings. Muslims believe they worship the same God as Jews and Christians but they don’t feel the same was as Muslims
A successor or deputy of Islam is a _____
Followers of Muhammad that support the Umayyads (90%)
Believe in caliph should be Muhammad’s descendants (10%)
Are followers who pursue life of poverty, spirituality, reject Umayyads
Holy war waged on non-believers waged on behalf of Islam
The language of Islam is ______
Who is Muhammad’s daughter and why is she significant?
Fatima and she was the youngest Muslim in Islam
Damascus and Baghdad where both _____ but _____ had a larger population
Capitals; Baghdad
Women’s roles in islam?
Obey men… But their roles depend on their husbands income
What is polygamy? And under what circumstances is it accepted
Polygamy is when a man has more than one wife. And this is only acceptable if he treats them all equally.
Artists turn to _____because they can’t paint living things
Popular book in Islam?
The Thousand And One Nights
How do scientists solve problems in Islam?
Through experiments
Science achievement?
Al-Razi writes an encyclopedia of medical knowledge
Math achievement?
Al-Khwarizm develops Algebra and writes text book