Islam Flashcards




Rabia Basri

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Environmental Ethics

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The doctrine of divine love
She presented the Mahabbah (Doctrine of divine love)
Believed that Allah should be loved not out of fear of wrath or the prospect of reward, but purely for himself
Direct personal experience of Allah
Love alone is the guide for the mystic path
Taqwa: to approach God with reverence and piety

Spiritual Direction
Rabi’a was thought to be a great teacher and many sought her out for her wisdom
Rabi’a was known for her spiritual presence
Rabi’a has been described as an unquestionable authority to he contemporaries by her biographer, medieval poet Faridu d-Din ‘Attar
Ascetic: someone who practices the spiritual discipline

Sufi Mysticism
Rabi’a was the first in a long line of female Sufi Mystics
As a mystic, she was a leader of women disciples and ascetics
Teachings played a major role in the development of an early school of zudh (asceticism) which centred on the renunciation of all that distracts the servant from Allah
This is the asceticism of gnosis (knowledge)

Her writings are mystical - they describe visions of Allah, Heaven/Paradise, beauty and love

Role Model
Presents an appropriate form of worship and devotion (a story of her running through the streets of Basra with a torch in one hand and a bucket of water in the other - “I want to put out the fires of Hell and burn down the rewards of Paradise”
Demonstrates a great devotion not only to Allah, but to worship
Demonstrates a perfect example in purity and ascetic behaviour
Lived total faith, trust and submission to Allah (demonstrated in the story of her donkey dying en route to Mecca for Hajj and the donkey being revived after a night spent in prayer)
Provides Muslims with an image of devotion and status (the story of her master seeing her in prayer with an unsupported lamp above her head - enveloped by radiance or sakina, a cloud of glory indicating the presence of Allah)
Lived her life according to Sharia (Divine Law)

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Revered by Muslims from all over the world - Sunnis, Shiites, Sufis
Teachings are integral to Islam
Life had a profound impact on Islam - our evidence is the fact that the significance and values of her life are communicated to this day
Presented a tradition of religious life that emphasised a sober, disciplined piety and the eradication of such personal faults as selfishness and pride
Life became a touchstone for spiritual endeavour
Carried out her life as she saw best for her - did not participate in large scale activity or behaviour
Life and the way she lived in submission to Allah serves as a guide and model to individuals

A significant role in its development and the way it is practiced
Considered a guide and teacher both in her time and the following generations of the Sufi’s on the Path
First to speak of the realities of Sufism with a language that anyone could understand
Accorded first place among the early mystics
A profound influence on other Sufi writers like al-Qushayra and al-Ghazali

Interpreted the spiritual - poetry expressed mystical communion with Allah and allows readers to experience Allah in different, deeper ways
Poems, fables and sayings have passed through a long line of Sufi historians commentators and translators for almost 1300 years which attests to her importance in place, history and the spirituality of Islam

As a Muslim
Expressed the Muslim concept of not having desired or wants other than serving Allah
Referring to Allah as beloved - countered an early Islamic understanding of fear- fear of all things, even Allah
Affected the way in which Muslims perceive their relationship with Allah - through her poetry and writings which have lasted until contemporary times; stories/legends associated with her (there is no scientific proof and are considered miracles)

As a woman
Role model for Muslim women
Sufis have given a woman the first place among the earliest mystics and have chosen her to be the representative of the first development of mysticism in Islam

As a teacher
Acted as a significant teacher and interpreter of concepts
Spread the word of Allan - in the way she lived and what she taught

Her influence
Inspired later saints such as Rumi and others such as al-Ghazali - the great islamic philosopher who became a sufi and grew to believe Sufis were heirs of the prophet
Lived before the rise of schools, many distant movements looked to her as the founder of the way of life they followed
Presents those who, while never going outside the bounds of Muslim orthodoxy, moved from an emphasis on ritual to a total concentration on Allah and identification with Allah’s will

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Ethics Content


An abundance of hadith concerning plants, trees, land , cultivation, irrigation, crops, livestock, grazing, water distribution and treatment of animals
This provides ecological guidelines for muslims on how to interact with the environment
Basis of Islam
Affects every component including environmental ethics
Gods unity and oneness and includes not ascribing any form of partnership with hod
Means that God is the owner and creator of everything in the universe
“To God belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: (Qur’an 4:126)
Includes the human being which is part of this interdependence
The Qur’an also says that everything that is in the heavens and the earth praises God
“See thou not that to God bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth. The sun, the moon, the stars, the hills, the trees. The animals and a great number among mankind” (Qur’an 22:18)
In viewing the natural environment as belonging to god, human beings reflect on gods oneness- ultimately reinforcing the first belief of Islam (Tawhid)
Muslims must view the natural environment as sacred and valuable and recognise that everything praises God
Muslims reflect on the miracle of Creation firming their beliefs in God and the unity of god

Amanah - Trust
As God’s stewards human beings were given a trust
Truly we offer the trust to the heavens and earth and the mountains, but they declined to bear it and were afraid of it. But the man bore it (Qur’an 33:72)
This verse means that human beings are entrusted to look after God’s creation, to protect it, to maintain it and to ensure equal access to it
It describes that this is so great that others (such as the mountains, heavens and earth) shrank away from the responsibility
As god’s deputy steward and trustee, humans should feel honoured to protect the enviro. since:
It belongs to god
It maintains perfect balance created by God
Honours the trust that God assigned then as caliph
Human beings should protect the enviro. That belongs to God. Just as people protect the belongings of an employer friend or anyone whose goods are entrusted to him.
“Allah made subservient to you the sea…that you may seek all His grace, and that you may give thanks And He has made subservient to you whatsoever is i the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth” (Qur’an 45:12-13)
While human beings have the use of resources of the world they do noy have a right to exploit or destroy these resources that have been given to them in trust
The use of the world’s resources should be in keeping the nurturing and sustaining responsibilities of their role as stewards.
Impact of Amanah:
Being a caliph means being entrusted to look after and care for the natural environment
Adherents have a responsibility to actively protect the environment, and therefore must fulfill their duty as Caliph
The adherent must not feel entitled to nature, but rather feel obliged towards protecting it
All actions are rewarded and punished
On the day of judgement humanity will be questioned about every action including the environment and animals
(Qur’an 99:7-8)
Being a steward means having authority over creation but also accountability for their actions
The world is beautiful and verdant and god has appointed you his stewards… he sees how you aquit yourselves. - Prophet Muhammad

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