Islam ✔️ Flashcards
The name Muslim means
“One who submits”
Is deeply rooted in hedge biblical tradition
Reverse Jesus Christ and Judaism’s great prophets
Has played a crucial role in shaping Western culture, especially during the Middle Ages
Muslims consider Muhammad to be the Seal of the Prophets because they believe that he is
The sacred presence in the world
The final prophet, revealing the will of Allah fully and precisely, and for all time
Islam is monotheistic, polytheistic, pantheistic, or none of there above
What do Muslims believe leads to sin
How often are all Muslims required to pray?
Fasting during Ramadan helps Muslims
Focus attention on the moral and and religious concerns and thus develop spiritual fortitude
Gains insight into the situations of less fortunate people
Become more aware of their own mortality
What proportion of their possessions value are Muslims required to contribute to a public treasury
2.5 percent
Islam holds that the body ultimately belongs to
What has made Shi’ism more politically volatile than Sunnism?
The belief in the return of Muhammad al-Mahdi
The general emphasis on the Imam was an authority figure
What does Islam mean?
Literally “reading” or “recitation”
Te emigration of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib in AD 622
Muhammad’s own teachings and actions
The community of all Muslims
The divine law, derived from the Qur’an and the Sunna, encompassing all and setting forth in detail how Muslims are to live
The Muslims place of worship
The leader of the Friday worship service who also delivers a sermon
The month long period during which Muslims are to make at least once in their lifetime,mid they can afford it and are physically able
The pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims are to make at least once in their lifetime
The stone cubical structure in the courtyard of Mecca’s Great Mosque that is regarded by Muslims as the sacred center of the Earth
Arabic for “exertion” or “struggle”
List three prophets of Islam other than Muhammad and describe their influence.
1) Abraham - establish monotheism
2) Moses - 10 Commandments
3) Jesus - brought the Golden Rule
4) Adams- first human prophet
List and describe the Five Pillars of Islam
1) Belief in 1 God
2) Pray 5x a day
3) Fasting during Ramadan
4) Giving to the poor
5) spiritual journey, or Hajj
Worlds top Religions?
1) Christianity
2) Islam
3) Hinduism
Describe the Night of Power and Excellence
Muhammad was meditating on the mountain when the angel Gabriel came to him and made Muhammad a prophet. Muhammad learned from the angel the Qur’an.