islam Flashcards
islam beliefs and practices ocr
what does islam mean
submission- to allah
main difference between sunni and shi’a muslims
sunni muslims accept abu bakr as first caliph and succesor to Muhammad (pbuh) as the leader of ummah( community) followed by 2 more and then ali became 4th caliph
shi’a believe that ali shouldve been first caliph
six articles of faith for sunni islam
tawhid ( simple)
belief in the oneness of allah
malaikah (simple)
beliefe about angels
Kutub( simple)
belief about holy books
risalah (simple)
belief about prophethood
Akirah ( simple)
belief about life after death
Al- quadr
belief about predestination
5 roots of usul ad-din in sh’ia islam
Al- Adl
Al Nubuwwah
Al imamah
Al Tawhid ( simple)
belief about oneness of allah
Al adl (simple)
Belief in divine justice
Al Nubuwwah (simple)
belief in prophethood
Al imamah (simple)
Belief in Imams
Al Ma’ad (simple)
Belief in day of resurrection
Al adl
divine justice
there is an objective right and wrong
shi’a muslims believe that you make the choices but you will be judged on the day of judgement - humans have free will
whereas sunni muslims believe that what is right and wrong is up to allah- predestination, have no control
differences in prayer for shi’a and sunni
shi’a pray 3 times a day ( still do all 5 prayers)
sunni pray 5 times a day
shi’a muslims pray on a clay slab
‘and ali is his friend’ added to call to prayer by shi’a muslims
oneness of allah
most important belief - shared by sunni and shi’a muslims
allah has knowledge of everything- stops people from sinning as he will find out - including thoughts/ motivation
‘lord of all the worlds’
‘one and only’
however shi’a muslims aren’t seen as fully believing in tawhid as they believe in the 12 imams who are often seen as semi divine
holy trinity is wrong- polytheistic religion
how many names does allah have
99 names
e.g the subtle one
the perfectly wise,
the only one - al-wahid
legend has it that there are 100 names but the 100th name is known only to the camel.- reinforces belief that allah is beyond human comprehension
belief in prophethood
allah’s guidance was given to prophets in other scriptures e.g tawrat,zabur(psalms) etc- all written down after death of prophet and distorted by human interpretation
all of these were before the qur’an- only qur’an is reliable as it is in its original form
prophets are perfect and sinless
25 prophets mentioned in qur’an
Muhammad special- final prophet
difference between rasul and nabi
rasul receive revelation in form of book
nabi- revelation but no book
adam as prophet
first man - first prophet
all human’s are descended from him
angel’s bowed in respect to him
adam and Hawwa( eve) ate the fruit and asked for forgiveness- allah gave it to them- guided them to earth
Ibrahim( as a prophet)
‘man of truth’ 19;41 Qur’an
born into polytheistic family- didnt like it - disagreed
father of arab people
resisted devil (iblis)- prepared to follow instructions of sacrificing his son- life of commitment
suhuf ibrahim - scrolls of abraham
son of Ibrahim- blessing from allah
found water in Makkah- where kaaba stands
Musa (prophet)
Musa- moses
led the Israelites out of egyp
Tawrat -Torah- 10 commandments
prophet and king of israelites
killed goliath- hero
the zabur- book of psalms
the injil( the gospel)
sunni muslims believe that he is the messiah- return on day of resurrection and bring together true muslims
miracle performer
did not die- allah took him into his presence
what does the seal of prophets mean- and divergent views on it
Sunni Muslims believe that Muhammad was the seal of prophets- he was the last prophet and sealed the Qur’an shut
Shi’a muslims believe that Allah has given further revelations to imams
life of muhammad
born in makkah
was a trader- known for his generosity and wisdom
night of power- received his first revelations
then returned to cave where he received further revelations
retook mecca as an islamic city
destroyed all idols
died and buried in Medina
muhammad was the founder of islam
courageous- protected the ummah
what are the 5 holy books
Qur’an, tawrat, zabur,injil,sahifah ibrahim
angels created from divine light
have no free will- must obey allah
angels record all of your good deeds
4 angels
chief angel
600 wings covering the sky
brought god’s message to a ll of the prophets
sometimes takes shape of a man but only muhammad saw him in his natural form
angel of death - think ill
brings the news of punishment to non-believers
his job is to seperate human’s soul from their body
if you are a believer , he takes you to be in paradise with allah
guardian of heaven
only mentioned once in the qur’an
according to muhammad, this angel sends rain, thunder and lightning to earth
The angel of last judgement
blows a trumpet to announce day of resurrection
when he first sounds the trumnpet, everything will be destroyed
on the second blast of trumpet, all humans who have died will be brought back to life
kiraman katibin
angels who record each person’s acts - good and bad in life
record good intentions but dont record bad ones until acted upon- allah is merciful
Al quadr
sunni islam
allah knows everything that has been , is and will be - in his control
sunni believe they have a limmited free will-everything is ordained by God
Al ashari
sunni theology
humans have some freedom of action and total freedom of thought but only god has the power to create these actions
shi’a theology
god allows human suffering to test faith
humans MUST have free will as a perfect kind god is incapable of causing evil
the reward or punishment that allah gives can only be fair if the creature truly has free will
divergent view for predestination
jabariyyah muslims -humans have no free will at all- everything that allah has willed will happen
Akirah/ sort of al-ma’ad
belief in life after death
soul taken from body and awaits its fate in Barzakh until the day of judgement
the dead will be resurrected and each person will be judged by allah
what is Barzakh
waiting period between death and day of judgement
some believe that soul’s experience will be affected by how moral their life was
others believe that the soul is given a temporary body
Day of judgement for sunni muslims
Isa will reappear and bring together true muslims
others believe that isa will battle until islam left as the one true religion
depicting god
shi’a day of judgement
twelth imam will return as he is the messiah rather than isa
day of judgement for both
allah is the bringer of judgement
those who die believing in tawhid will be rewarded and admitted into paradise forever - al jannah
those who are not muslim will lose paradise and be sent to hell- al jahannam
as allah is merciful, everyone will eventually be able to go to al jannah- however sin of shirk is unforgivable - stay in al jahannam
what is the day of judgement described as
passing over hell- jahannam on a narrow bridge ( the Siraat) to rech paradise -al jannah
weight of bad sin makes people fall down into hell
matyrs- immediately sent to heaven
enemies of islam- immediately sent to hell
sufi muslims beliefs about hell
hell is more a psychological state of mind- further from allah
matyrdom causes a person to go to al jannah immediately
ways of becoming a matyr
main way- standing and defending your faith
dying in child birth
defending property
dying during hajj
- cant do it intentionally
5 pillars of sunni islam
giving money- alms
decleration of faith
10 obligatory acts
amr- bil-maroof
20percent annual tax
amr bil maroof
enjoying good/ promoting good actions
nahil anil munkar
forbidding wrong
loving the prophets family
disassosciating from enemies of the prophets family
shadahah - importance
expresses tawhid
‘There is no god but allah and muhammad pbuh is the messenger of allah’
has to be proffesed until death
salah in detail
ritual prayer
carried out 5 times a day ( by sunni- 3 by shi’a)
muslims believe that when they pray, they have direct communication with allah
5 daily prayers
prayer is preferably done in the mosque- if not , then a suitably clean place
5 daily prayers
fajr- morning prayer
zuhr- midday
asr- late afternoon
maghrib-just after sunset
isha-night time
call to prayer ( adhan)
said from minarets
before salah
muezzin- person who performs the call to prayer
ritual washinig
part of preparing for prayer
must be done before salah- reinforce the intention to worship with a pure heart
follows a set pattern
niyyah decleration
intention to worship with a pure heart
set pattern for wudu
hands washed
mouth rinsed x 3
nose washed
both hands- whole face washed
both arms ( starting with right|) are washed
wet fingers moved backwards over head
both feet starting with right are washed
complete sequence of prayer
eight movements in each prayer- no. of rak’ahs differs depending on prayer
different rak’ahs
hands raised to ears- ‘allahu akbar’- allah is the greatest
bowing to demonstrate respect
sitting on knees- other prayers recited
once finished, head to right , then left , bless fellow muslims ‘salam’- peace
second call to prayer
what does the dome of a mosque do / symbolise
universe which allah created, amplifies human voice, helps with circulation of air
faces makkah
mihrab shows that it is the quiblah wall
where imams stand- only stand halfway- not higher than allah
jumu’ah prayer
friday prayer
required by every muslim except slaves, women, children or sick people
instead of noon zuhr
joining of the ummah
demonstrates devotion
sunnah vs hadith
hadith are muhammads teachings
sunnah are muhammads practices and actions
private worship
can be done at any time but not instead of the 5 set prayers
perform wudu
face the direction of mecca
raised your hands- encouraged by muhammad
call upon allah
praise allah before you ask him of something
can be in native language
the one who takes care of me- ofte n used in du’a
prayer beads
either 33 beads or 99 beads- allah has 99 names
divergent view- some do not use as muhammad did not use them
purification- from greed
zakah for sunni is 2.5 percent of wealth
shi’a - 20 percent of wealth
zakah is obligatory alms giving
donations used to give poor people support
to free people from debt
benefit community
investing in education
fasting during ramadan
ramadan- 9th month of islamic calendar
reasons for fasting
obeying God and exercising self-discipline
becoming spiritually stronger
appreciating God’s gifts, which may otherwise be taken for granted
developing empathy for the poor
giving thanks for the Qur’an, which is believed to have been revealed in the month of Ramadan
sharing fellowship with other Muslims
night of power
It is believed that, on the Night of Power, angels come down to Earth. The Qur’an says that this night is better than a thousand months (Surah 97:3). Laylat Al-Qadr is the holiest night of the year. Muslims try to stay awake for the whole night to pray and study the Qur’an.
The Night of Power is celebrated during Ramadan. It is seen as a time of thanksgiving for the Qur’an.
pilgrimage in mekkah
3 days
day 1 of hajj
day of quenching thirst
walk round the kaaba 7 times- what muhammad did upon reentering mekkah
running between two hills near the spring of zam zam- reenacts hagars search for water
day 2 of hajj
day of arafat
go to arafat - where muhammad gave the last sermon
collect 21 stones for the next day - think about akirah
day 3 of hajj
day of sacrifice
throw the rocks at mina- 7 for each of the pillars (3)- jamrah
sacrifice goats and sheep
shave hair off
women shave a lock of hair off
circle kaaba 7 times again
shows rejection of sin
visual badge of completing hadge- bald
not materialistic
state of holiness required before beginning on hajj
ihram further
muslims must perform wudu before arriving at mekkah
special clothing - ihram
men- 2 pieces of unsewn white cloth
women- no set dresscode- white headscarf and dress- only show hands and face
colour white reminds not to sin
what must muslims not do on hajj
not showing violence, havin sex, cutting nails, shaving, wearing perfume
id ul adha
festival of sacrifice
last day of hajj
pilgrims of hajj sacrifice animals
in islamic countries, animal is sacrificed in backyards
festival remembers when allah provided a lamb for ibrahim to sacrifice instead of his son
men shave their heads
women cut off some hair
id ul ghadeer
festival of the pond
originated 10 years after it is believed muhammads appointment of ali as succesor
major shi’a festival
give presents, wear nice clothes
complete specific prayers in mosque
id ul fitr
day of breaking fast
signifies end of ramadan
donations given- atone for any sins
celebration will happen after citing of new moon
families feast, exchange gifts and buy new clothes
1-3 day holiday in islamic countries
not allowed to fast
same for sunni and shi’a
shi’a festival
10th day of muharram- first islamic month
shi’a mourn
remember matyrdom of hussayin- grandson of muhammad
some whip themselves- think it helps with day of judgement
taking part washes away sin
public mourning processions
‘ 1 tear for hussayin washes away 100 sins’
means striving or struggling
lesser jihad
outer struggle, e.g war
greater jihad
inner struggle, morals, struggle against evil
control personal desire- shows complete obedience to allah
striving to do good
striving against wrong
lesser jihad further
creating an equal and faor muslim society- doesnt mean that the world should be a muslim society
if lesser jihad is fought it must only be defensive
innocent people must not be killed
the war must stop as soon as enemies ask for peace
jihadist groups
say that everyone should be muslim- goes against qur’an ‘ let there be no compulsion’
jihad shouldn’t refer to war