christian perspectives Flashcards
what is a family according to the CCC
family is the original cell of social life
what do family relationships reflect
Christian teachings refer to God as the Father, creator, and sustainer of all living things. Many Christians see this as evidence that family relationships reflect God’s parental care for all humanity and the family unit is important for society, as well as the Christian faith.
model , ideal christian family
married mother and father, children – nuclear family
bring children up with christianity- infant baptism, confirmation
fidelity and its importance
fidelity is staying faithful to your partner
protect stable family
adultment breaks the 7th commandment
how do churches teach about marriage about marriage
they support couples and have preparation for marriage classes
what quote shows that our role is to have children
be fruitful and muliply - gen 1;26
how should fathers bring their children up - quote from bible
‘fathers…bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the lord’- bring up with christian faith and teachings
father= head of house
ephesians 6;4
quote for how children should view their parents
listen to your father, who gave you life’- proverb 23;22
‘honour your father and mother’ exodus 20;12
men and women quote for helper
genesis 2;28 ‘i will make a helper suitable for him’ - women made for men, meant to be together
quote against divorce
two will become one flesh… therefore what god joined together , let man not seperate
one flesh- one family-spiritually and physically- sex- have child
no divorce allowed
mother’s union case study
world wide mission to help families
campaigns- debt relief, target illiteracy, gender based violence
work with communities
regular meetings to socialise
‘ putting christian faith into action
Mothers’ Union is a global Christian movement working with people of all faiths and none to develop communities, strengthen families and advocate for change.
formal and legal union of a man and woman in which they become husband and wife
what does PURPOSE stand for
rearing children
Pattern( for society)
One flesh
coe purpose of marriage and blessings made
couple learns to love one another throughout their lives
marriage should reflect christs love for the church
offers 3 blessings- creation of children,place for sexual relations,help and comfort
marriage binds the couple and god
Catholic purpose of marriage
permanent commitments-no divorce
creates a unique and ubreakable bond
marriage is a sacrament- brings god grace to the couple
constant presence of god strengthens marriage
differences between russian orthodox and quaker weddings
russian orthodox
highly structured- formal liturgy by priest
focus on sacrament of marriage- rich religious symbols, rituals and prayer
officiated by orthodox priest-central role
vows focus on religious sacrament
simple structure- silent meditation and reflection
‘friends weddings’- lack elaborate religious ceremonies
don’t require specific clergy member- members of community present are considered officiants
vows are spontaneous- inner spirits promptings
emphasise simplicity- dress modestly- focus on internal aspects
anti gay agenda
minority extremist view introduced by conservative christian groups in america
drive to reverse the acceptance of homosexuality
‘homosexuality isnt something you’re born with but a sinful lifestyle choice that can be cured
conervsion therapy- hypnosis, electric shock therapy, praying , exorcism
e.g westboro baptist church-point out evil and sin
only ones that will be saved on judgement day
catholic beliefs about homosexuality
apply the concept of natural law- st thomas aquinas
purpose of sex is procreation therefore any sexual act which doesn’t have the possibility of this end result is sinful- therefore homosexual relations are immoral- no contraception, no masturbation, no homo-sex
however only the act is sinful so you can have homosexual thoughts but not act on it
apply concept of the bible ‘ man shall not lie with man’ 10 commandments
Anglican ( CoE) thoughts ab homosexuality
do not accept same sex marriage and homosexuality
however call for acceptance of gay believers who sincerely believe it is right for them
vicars who are in married gay relationships are expected to be celibate.
methodists, Quakers homosexuality thoughts
has become largest religious denomination that accepts same sex marriage- freedom of conscience clause for ministers- do not have to conduct weddings they do not want to
liberal views about homosexuality
jesus said ‘love thy neighbout’-agape
man christians open ab faith and sexuality- may uphold values of monogamy and abstinence but with partners of same sex
pre marital sex
sex before marriage
seeing a person who you do not know- no intention of forming relationship
artificial methods to prevent pregnancy
commitment to not have sex at all
commitment to not have sex until marriage
sex with someone who isn’t your married partner
what can a liberal view of sex lead to
lot more cheating- guilt free sex
possibly kids having sex at younger ages
more stis or stds
vague christian thoughts on sex
beautiful- natural god given thing
for marriage, one flesh
fro creating children ‘ be fruitful and multiply’
10 commandments- you shall not commit adultery
ALL CHRISTIANS are against casual sex and promiscuity (sleeping around)
st paul- ‘flee from sexual immorality
liberal christian view on sex
sex in a stable, commited relationship is accepted
true love waits case study
abstinence group
believe they should be ‘sexually pure’ before marriage
make a pledge and wear a ring to show an outward sign of this commitment
believe that sexual immorality leads to emotional hurt, a worse off society and disease
catholic beliefs on sex
sex helps enrich their lives
requires marriage
natural law- sex for procreation - all marital acts must have the ability to create children
vow of celibacy
church of england divergent views on sex
share view of catholics- marriage required for sex
more modern view:
understand that some couples will cohabit and have sexual relationship
catholic church view on contraception
- reafirmed in humanae vitae- rejection of artificial contraception
morning after pill seen as murder
1968- all artificial forms of contraception banned- during this time, there was development of birth control and legal abortions available
church concerned with resulting immorality
how do catholics control of size of family
rythm method- avoiding sex when woman is most fertile
, NFP natural family planning- period tracking- basically more accurate
potential issues - not allowing contraception
having really big families- not able to support the children, bad quality of life
women are exhausted- if they say no , risk of rape
spread of disease
protestant and baptist churches view on contraception
teach to use contraception-couples decision whether to have children
children more likely to be cared for
morning after pill not acceptable- life starts at conception
catholic views on divorce and remarriage
NO DIVORCE - gets rid of legal agreement but not holy agreement- your marriage and still binded by god
do annul marriage in cases where- forced, didnt understand vows, couple didnt have sex- never become 1 flesh
remarriage- not allowed, only after first marriage as it doesnt count- technically not a remarriage
CoE views on divorce and remarriage
divorce is inevitable in some cases- abusive relationship, adultery
remarriage is up to parish priest- takes into consideration what efforts you made to keep last marriage
matthew 5;32
‘anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, vcauses her to become an adultress
remarrying= adultery– unless 1st patner was unfaithful
malachi 2:16
’ for i hate divorce says the lord’
mark 10:6-11
‘anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her
how catholic families and CoE bring up children
child is baptised- usually within a year of birth
family commits to praying for the child
incorporate into daily routine
saying grace before a meal
child is likely to attend sunday school
-taught stories from bible
child chooses to get confirmed- commit to christian faith-allowed to take part in eucharist
how amish community brings up children
far more structured
use ORDNUNG- list of rules that outline how they should live
only marry other amish
schooling ends at 14- learn more practical things
women under authority of men-take on domestic role
at age 16- RUMSPRINGA- allowed to live outside the community for a few years and disobey the ordnung
decide whether they want to be fully baptised
most children return and become baptised
role of women in christian family
submit to husband (genesis)
obey husband(marriage vows)’ adam’s helper’
give birth to children and nourish them
role of husband in christina family
head of family and in charge of wife
love wife
support, protect family
role of children
obey parents, honour father and mother
historical context for the roles of husband and wife- liberal view and traditionalist
societies in both old and new testament- very patriarchal
liberal-recognise historical context and instead emphasise agape
traditionalist view- teachings ab men and women are univeral ( all time and all place) and unchanging therefore men and women have diff roles
reasons for equality of men and women
gen 1 men and women created equally
jesus gave women respect-healed a woman
god has time alike for men and women
st ambromse ‘ you are not her master, but her husband’
galations 3;28- neither jew nor greek… male nor female, you are all one in christ
lots of positive , strong characters in the bible
unequal quotes for men and women
women weaker than adam- gave into temptation befoe adam
made as adam’s helper
‘obey your husband’ wedding vows
christ is head of church- a man
christian egalitarianism
men and women created by god as equals
may have different psychological characteristics but should have equal opportunities and no set roles
christian complementarianism
men and women created by god for different purposes
different roles in fsmily and in the church
usually this view held by conservative, evangelical christians, roman catholic, orthodox
men- nurture wife’s abilities, lead the relationship, create space for wife to fulfill her potential
woman- the ‘helpmate’, love, respect and encourage the husband, submit, helper, hold her husband accoountable
roman catholic/ orthodox views on roles of men and women
teach complementarianism
do not permit women to become priests- jesus chose only men to be his disciples,priests represent jesus- a man
menstruation and child birth makes them unclean
Church of England views on role of men and women
allow christian egalitarianism
approve of appointment of women as priests
jesus came down to break barriers
god created both women and men imago dei
free churches view on men and women
allow christian egalitarianism
women ministers for many years
‘god shows no partiality’
noone should be advantaged or disadvantaged because of their differences
embedded/ institutional inequality
where the processes, structures and set up of organisations, provide advantages for some and disadvantaged for others
e.g education
judgements that are made about a person- before any reason or any actual interaction
prejudice in the act- prejudicial treatment
inaccurate representations of a whole group of people based on a common characteristic
christian beliefs ab equality
genesis 1:27 ‘ god created mankind in his own image’ - imago dei
sanctity of life- all life is made holy by god - all lives are of equal value
galations 3;28
story of good samaritan- agape for everyone
curse of ham
curse of ham was black skin- whole race of people cursed by noah and now only fit for slavery
matthew 19:24
it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of god
unitarian belief about the trinity
jesus is in some way son of god but isnt god himself
still believe that jesus was sent to earth as saviour and as a human INSPIERED by god
reject the trinity- wrong to worship 3 things
jehovas witnesses beliefs about the trinity
reject teaching the trinity
god is a single being-name is jehovah
noone is equal to god - jesus is the son of God- had a beginning therefore not eternal
do not believe that holy spirit is a seperate persona
eastern church belief vs western church about trinity with quote
eastern church -holy spirit proceeds from god only john 15:26- the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father,
western church- holy spirit proceeds from father and sun
john 1:3- in the beginning was the word
god is the creator and master craftsman
world is dependant on god for its existence
continues to sustain the world and creation was a deliberate act
the natural world itself is a witness to god’s existence
quote for god being atemporal
jeremiah 29:11 ‘ for i know the plans i have for you’
views on god being temporal
if god is outside time ( atemporal)
he would not be able to relate to his creation
god is active in time and everlasting(within time)
god is more personal and engaged
can humans communicate with god directly
catholic church-priests believe that they have been called into their ministry
when priest is ordained he is acting in the power of christ
priest acts as a link for human and god
in protestant church, do not believe that they needa mediator between themselves and God- jesus enabled all people who believe in God can pray to him directly
provision of the law
Christians believe that God has revealed his law to people through the Bible, which they see as a guidebook to salvation.
cosmological argument
st thomas aquinas
based on the concept of causation
1- everything that exists in the physical universe has to have a cause
2- universe exists and so must have a cause
3- that cause cannot have a cause itself
4- that uncaused cause is god—— cause cannot be a part of this universe- has to be eternal , necessary ( doesnt rely on other things) , spirit
pros and cons of cosmological argument
cons- no actual proof, just reasoning, no reason to worship this god, unsatisfactory
pros-logical, not disproved by any science
teleological argument
telos means end/purpose
william paley
watch analogy- finding watch on a heath, complex object must have an intelligent explanation- a watchmaker
eye is much more complex than a watch- must also need a maker who is GOD
complexity and purpose of the universe requires a designer which must be God
pros and cons of the teleogical argument
pro- strong analogy, universe IS very complicated, doesn’t contradict itself
cons- challenged by evolution theory, challenged by J.S mill
comparing something not natural to something natural
doesn’t describe the designer
what is J.s mill’s challenge to the teleological argument
- universe has faults, e.g earthquakes
who would want to worship such a cruel god
anthropic principle- addition to teleological argument
F.R Tennant
universe is so perfectly structured to sustain life and ensure life would develop
evolution is further evidence for existence of a designer god
suggests how god guides evolution
john polkinghorne- anglican minister and theoretical physicsist
in order for life to exist, there must’ve been very precise development- rejects the view that it is simply luck- gen 1 and gen 2 - god creates environment suitable for humans
pros and cons of anthropic principle
pro- doesnt go against science, agree with evolution, uses maths
cons-uses some biblical evidence
moral argument
john newman
sense of guilt linked with god’s voice speaking through our conscience
people can ignore their conscience- freewill
god’s voice within us - reminder that we are responsible to him
if there was no god, there would be no inner morals
pros and cons of moral argument
god is a judge- has morals
everyone has different morals- murders, psychopaths, interferes with free will
morals could be made due to societies expectations
soul making argument - john hick
suffering and evil are opportunities for humans to learn and act in a way that would please god
through this process, people can become more like god
process will continue after death- every person continues on their journey to goodness after death
some christians reject this argument - does not fit the belief taht god judges people afteerr death
christians do believe that morals will have an impact on their place in the afterlife- parable of sheep and goats
rich man and lazarus
rich man died- went to hell
lazarus-beggar- went to abraham’s side
rich man asks abraham to get lazarus to give him a droplet of water
abraham says no as during the irch man’s life he got to live comfortably whereas lazarus was in agony- roles swapped
rich man asks lazarus to go to his family- abraham says no as there is moses and the prophets
lazarus says that they will only repent if someone rises from the dead
abraham says- if they do not listen to moses, they will not be convinced even if someone dies
no second chances, for eternity
luke 16:19-31
the sheep and the goats
matthew 25:31-46
analogy for judgement day
god is like a shepherd, seperates sheep and goats- goats on left, sheep on right
sheep - helped people ‘ came to visit me’,’ for i was hungry and you gave me something to eat’ – ‘the righteous to eternal life’
goats- bad people ‘ gave me nothing to eat’, ‘you did not look after me ‘- acts of omission
‘eternal punishment’
souces of morality
10 commandments
teachings of local church
voices of conscience- conscience is the voice of god
pray to god- for answers
what jesus would do - use as an example
go to church-consider christian opinions
consider actions of famous christians
ways of experiencing god
conscience, through scriptue/ word of god, through jesus christ, miracles, meeting inspirational people,figures from history, god acting in the world
experiencing god through conscience
god speaking through our conscience
no god= no morals
people can ignore conscience as they have free will
through scripture/ word of god- experiencing god
hebrews 4:12 ‘ for the word of God is alive and active… it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart’
god reveals himself through the bible-
liberal view -bible might have errors as written by humans
stories in bible are symbolic- find meaning in the bible, apply it to their own lives
bible is the word of God
fundamentalist / literalist- no errors in the bible
god is infallible
people live in accordance to bible- e.g the amish
through jesus christ - experiencing god
jesus is god incarnate
in becoming human, god demonstrated his love for humanity- through miracles and atonement of sins
romans 5:8
Through miracles
christians largely agreed that god is able to perform miracles, just as he did in the bible
many christians pray for miracles- miracles help reinforce belief in faith and personal relationship with god- belief in a kind and caring god
lourdes- south of france, 67 officially recognised miracles out of 6,500 claims
experiencing god through meeting inspirational people
significant effect on a person’s life
hear the way god has worked through the life of that inspirational person
mother teresa- said to radiate pure self goodness- agape
something that is previously hidden becomes known
direct religious experience
conversion, mystical, visions, charismatic/ecstatic, through sacraments
cause person to change belief
st paul - bright light from heaven, heard voice of Jesus- blind for 3 days
change from persecuting christians to preaching christianity
Nicky cruz- violent gang member–> christian preacher
visible change in lifestyle
question of whether it is psychological- longing for acceptance- guilt
overwhelming awareness of God, leading to feelings of awe and wonder
very hard to verify - might be crazy and have visions, lack of food, illness, extreme lifestyle
but clear effect on life
st teresa ( teresa of avila)
devoted herself to the virgin mary- as spiritual mother
study in monastery- seclusion and inner reflection
‘religious ecstasy’- pure joy
visions of jesus
understanding of sin
person having the experience - see something supernatural- real to them, other people can’t verify it
st bernadette- total of 18 visions of virgin Mary at lourdes
didn’t benefit from it
- told her to return to the grotto everyday for a fortnight
cons- for some christians, visions are likely adding something new ro what is revealed in the bible- adding to the word of God- not god himself
charismatic/ ecstatic
experiences of the holy spirit
slain in spirit- falling in the spirit
glossolalia-speaking in tongues
shaking, crying, laughing
healings- religious ecstasy- people become less aware of world around them
example of ecstatic experiences
toronto blessing
could be placebo,could be lying/ exaggeration
for christians- nothing of it in the bible- not biblical, may even be of the devil
through sacraments
outward sign of inward grace of god
eucharist - catholic and orthodox- transubstantiation
protestant - bread and wine is a remembrance of jesus’ death and resurrection
old testament teachings about peace and conflict
first murderer cain- punished by god- murder forbidden in bible
genesis 9:6 ‘ whoever sheds human blood, by man his blood shall be shed
sixth commandment ‘you shall not murder’
exodus 21:15 “Anyone who attacks[ a] their father or mother is to be put to death.
but violence allowed duringg war- ‘prepare the war, rouse the mighty men’
new testament teachings about peace and conflict
jesus speaks of the peacemakers as being blessed.- same passage he teaches to love their enemies, to pray for those who persecute them and to turn the other cheek in response to violence - implies pacifism
righteous anger
justifiably angry about something wrong- e.g Jesus reacting violently towards traders in the temple in Jerusalem
christian response to violence case study
Mark duggan - Tottenham riots 2011
the violence was condemned - church doors were open all night to provide refuge to those who lost their home, ongoing social work with youth groups- improve community cohesions
reasons for there to be a relationship between religion and politics
some christians argue that it is a moral responsibility-speak out against any injustice
duty if they want to see change
examples of christians being involved in politics in order to protest against injustice
desmond tutu- peacfully protested against apartheid in south africa
martin luther king
reasons against there to be a relationship between religion and politics
illegal use of violence to cause fear and intimidation for political aims
causes of terrorism
force a change in society, gain independance
religious extremism, historical reasons
type of terrorisms
islamic terrorism, christian terrorism,political terrorism, state terrorism
islamic terrorism
lesser jihad- beliefs about matyrdom
establish an islamic state with shari’ah law
distorted interpretation of the qur’an
christian terrorism and case study
dominion theology- gen 1:28- god grants humanity dominion over the earth
attempt to create nation governed by christians- based by their understanding of the bible
e.g KKK-US believe in a very specific reading of the bible and use terror to reinforce it
causes- right wing nationalism- combined with religious conservatism- aim to purify the nation( morally e.g abortions and racially- white supremacy)
state terrorism
the use of violence by a state/ government
for many , iran, Israel , Th us have all engaged in the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence to create terror
christian responses to terrorism + quotes
CCC 2297 ‘ it is gravely against justice and charity’
Blessed are the peacemakers
turn to them the other cheek also
just war theory - vague
christian attitudes to convential warfare
reconciles 3 things- taking human life is seriously wrong
states have a duty to defend their citizens
protecting human life and defending moral values
just ad bellum
just ‘before war’
have a just cause
process the right intention
declared by proper authority
be a last resort
has a reasonable chance of success
be a proportionate war- the ends justify the means
just in bello
just ‘in war’
obey internation laws on weapons
only target people engaged in harm
use of force is proportional to the end
fair treatment of prisoners of war
no evil methods usede.g mass rape, genocide
no revenge attacks
just post bellum
just ‘after war’
just cause to end the war
no revenge taken
peace terms must be made
only those directly responsible are punished
conventional warfare
open war fought between opposing armies using proportional / conventional weaponry such as guns or airstrikes / bombs
church views on 2003 Iraq war
CoE- archbishop of cantebbury ‘ it does not look as though we have exhausted all the possibilities yet’- just war theory- last resort
WCC- accept -reluctantly-that there can be circumstances where violence is legitimate
‘lesser of two evils’- not ideal, acceptable
apocalyptic warfare
war/ weapons that lead to mass devastation
indiscriminate- doesnt obey international laws- evil method, not proportionate
christian thoughts on apoccalyptic warfare
1963 pope ‘ it is impossible to conceive of a just war in a nuclear age’
methodist church- condemn use of all weapons of mass destruction but does not condemn possession as a detterent
technological warfare
use of developments in technology to advance weapons and means of engaging in war - e.g drones, attacks carried out remotely
christian views on technological warfare
reduce awareness of the human cost of war
dehumanize enemy- like a video game
disproportionate - but discriminate
civilian deaths still at risk - go against just war theory
use of drones without regulation poses a threat to peace and human life
quotes for pacifism
matthew 5 ;38-42
matthew 5;43-44
sermon on the mount- turn your other cheek, love your enemies
absolute pacifism
minority view- violence is absolutely wrong- never justifiable
conditional pacifism
in principle war is not good but sometimes it is necessary, lesser of two evils
link to just war theory
catholic and anglican churches
selective pacifism
only oppose to war of mass destruction-apocalyptic warfare
active pacifism
promote peace- speaking out against war
quakers as pacifists
absolute pacifist- divergent view
origins of their church- ‘ we utterly deny all outward wars’
‘ will never move us to fight’- decleration of friends to Charles 2nd
want to see heaven on earh- improve this world
conscientious objectord
example of active pacifists
Christian campaigning for nuclear disarment CCND
strengths and weaknesses of pacifism
strengths-no war would be caused if everyone is pacifism
no death- ideal world
follow jesus’teachings
ideal in principle
less money on war- can be used on social justice
weaknesses- not realistic in a violent world
absolutists ( absolute pacifists) don’t protect people getting hurt or hurting them - immoral- in that case you are choosing the more evil of two evils
jesus’ teachings are for personal beliefs- not for the government
letting go of past wrongs
restoring broken relationship
fairness in society
teaching of jesus and the adulterous woman
John 7;53- 8;11 let you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her
everyone but jesus left
jesus is talking ab interpersonal relationships, not rejecting entire systems of justice
quote against hypocrisy Matthew 7;3
you look at the bit of sawdust in my eye… no attention to the piece of wood in your eye’
luke 23;24
jesus forgave those who crucified him
case study for forgiveness
anthony walker (18) murdered with an axe in 2006
his mother forgave the murderes
‘ i cannot hate, i have to forgive them. Hate is what killed anthony’
mum feels genuine sorry for the killers
case study reconciliation
south africa
truth and reconciliation commision- attempt to heal south africa
ssecurity forces brought face to face with victimd
archbishop desmond tutu very involved
letting go off past wrongs, moving on
social justice
belief that people should be treated fairly with respect and have equal rights in society
social injustice
where people are denied rights as a consequence of poverty or discrimination
e.g gender discrimination
christian views ab social injustice/ justice
genesis 1:27 god made man in his own image
galations 3:28 - neither jew no greek, for we are all one in christ almighty
therefore christians should not discriminate- all created imago dei
blessed are the peacemakers
sheep and goats
golden rule
do unto others as you would to youself
oscar romero -case study for christian facing social injustice
oscar romero - catholic archbishop of el salvador
el slavador- ruled by military dictatorship- deathsquad killed protestoe
rs- supported by upper class bishops until 1977
oscar romero appointed archbishop- used sermons to attack the government- urged people to protest
called for soldiers to put down their weapons
romero killed for his actions
inspired the liberation theology- shifting catholic ethos towards support for the poor
non religious
britain as a religious society
national anthem
funeral and weddings
christmas and easter
omg jesus christ etc
the campaign to sever the links between the church and the state
role of monarch today
‘defender of faith’
head of state-uk
maintain the church
queens reasons for defending faith-create environment for other faith communities to live freely
‘duty to protect the free practise of all faiths ‘
‘ the church has helped build a better society
house of lords
lordsspiritual- 26 anglican bishops appointed- automatic place
bishops of CoE can play significant role in governance of the country
people who shape their lives in the here and now- believe it is the only life they have - use reason, logic and evidence to navigate the world
the practise of basing opinions and actiond on reason and knowledge rather than religious beliefs or emotional response
collective worship
all maintained schools must provide religious education and daily collective acts of worship for all registered worship
promote spiritual, moral and cultural development
british humanist association
focus on science and facts
rational approach,death is the end- give life greater meaning
campaigns 4 areas- school and education–
end to religious discrimination in school admissions
progressive reform of school curriculum
human rights and equality
public ethical issues- assisted dying
teach evolution not creationism campaign
secularisation and its reasons
society modernising, science advancing, less need to rely on faith
religion is private instead of public
rationalism-science and reasoning
differentiation- large parts of people’s lives still run by various institues
decline of community- people no longer live in small communities- we are global
effects of secularisation
fewer people attend churhc
fewer people getting baptised and confirmed
christian festivals have lost their significance- more materialistic and commercial
religion is still imprtant
still maintain traditions of the church
large rise in british converts to islam
new churches forming
clashes between religion , secular law and tradition for marriage
fornication(no sex before marriage)- not illegal ,culturally accepted, not accepted by some churches
cohabitation- before marriage
not illegal, culturally accepted, frowned upon some problems
same sex marriage- not illegal, some churches allow this
civil marriage-not recognised as marriage by the church
definition of marriage by law is different to what the church believes marriage is- for catholic church it is between a baptised man and woman who can procreate
divorce not accepted by roman catholic church but legal
forced marriage
marriage where one or more of the parties is married without consent or against their will
arranged marriage
a type of marriage where the bride and groom are selected by their families .Both parties consent.This is legal in the Uk
child marriage
marriage before the age of 18
christian views on different types of marriages - arranged, forced, child
christians used to practise arranged marriages to establish peace until 12th century where a book ‘decretum gratiani’ was introduced, introducing the idea of consent in marriage
forced marriages are legally and morally wrong- issue of fundamnetal human rights
legal ages of marriage
uk 18
scotland 16 ( without parents permission)
roman catholic church- men- 16, women 14— bishops can set ages in accordance to the country
clashes with equality laws for christians
roman catholic beliefs clash with equality act of 2010 as women are not meant to be leaders and have a role at home
full term pregnancy
40 weeks
foetus removed and pregnancy deliberately ended
illegal if the foetus has been developing for more than 23 weeks- unless mother is too young or foetus has serious health problems
what must people do before aborting
see 2 doctors - see if mental of physical health is at risk
methodist conference statement 1976
abortion should never be seen as an akternative for contraception
foetus has an inviolable right to life
butt foetus dependant on mother for at least 20 weeks - mother has total right to decide whether to continue the pregnancy
sanctity of life
‘knit me together in my mother’s womb- life starts in the womb, has a soul, god makes us precious
thou shalt not kill
man made imago dei
church of england beliefs about abortion
’ all human life , including life developing in the womb, is created by god in his imagw and is therefore nurtured, supported and protected’
church is strongly opposed to abortion - but accepts some situations where the abortion is morally righte.g mother has been raped,threatens life etc
roman catholic beliefs ab abortion
natural law- god given purposes for living are - preservation of life, procreation
absolutely condemn it - only time foetus can be aborted is if mothers life is in danger and foetus must be removed in order to survive- called the double effect- intention is to save mother but other effect where foetus dies
all human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception
active euthanasia
a person directly and deliberately causes the patients death
passive euthanasia
death brought by an omission- e.g withdrawal of medicine in order to let person die
assisted suicide
person who dies needs help killing themselves- asks for it and receives it
doctrine of the double effect
ethical theory that allows use of drugs that will shorten life , but primary aim is to reduce pain- not seen as euthanasia
voluntary euthanasia
euthanasia carried out at request of person who dies
involuntary euthanasia
person couldve given informed consent but did not- didnt’t want to die, or didnt express the wish
non- voluntary euthanasia
- person is unable to ask for euthanasia - so a person makes deciscion on their behalf
palliative care
medical, emotional, phsycological care given to a terminally ill person- aimed at reducing suffering instead of curing- hospices and hospitals
Uk law for euthanasia
both active euthanasia and assisted suicide are illegal
law allows for passive euthanasia to occur - if doctor agrees that it is in patients best interest
christian teachings on euthanasia
passive euthanasia acceptable- it is natural
most believe it is wrong because - life is precious- created by god, sanctity of life
euthanasia is deliberate killing- murder, forbidden by 10 commandments
christians have a loyal duty to care for those suffering
catholic teachins on euthanasia
deliberate killing of a human is always evil and unacceptable morally
CCC’ all human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception’
life is a gift from god
against all euthanasia
Coe on euthanasia
recognises personal autonomy- everyone has a right to make independent deciscions about ones own life
maintain that it is better to protect life of person than their autonomy (freedom from external control)
why might some christians/ people argue for legislation of euthanasia
golden rule matthew 7:12- do onto others as you would have them do to you
love your neighbour
compassion- relieving suffering– most christians disagree
catholic thoughts on artificial insemination vs CoE thoughts
catholic- conception should only happen through sexual union - AI is not acceptable
CoE- artificial insemnitation is acceptable
catholic vs CoE thoughts on ivf
roman catholic church opposes ivf-doesn not take place through sexual intercousre- absolutely opposed to research being conducted on them too
CoE- accepts it but understands why some may be opposed to it
current law on genetic manipulation
embryos created by cloning cannot be placed ina woman
any human- animal hybrids must be destroyed
all embryo experimentation can only be until 14 days from conception- embyro stops dividing, becomes one
sex selection only allowed where there is a risk of gender related conditions, e.g breast cancer
therapeutic cloning
produces embryonic stem cells for experiments aimed at creating tissues to replace injured or diseased tissues
christian resposes to genetic manipulation
rc- playing god, natural law, cloning is unnatural,god alone should be creator, life starts at conception
sanctity of life- good and bad- kill foetus, save person with terminal illness
CoE- formally accepts therapeutic cloning
accepts experimentation up to 14 days
only supports where aim is to heal
interfaith exclusivism
view that only one religion is true- for christians , salvation on possible through jesus christ—–
mark 16 :16- support for belief in god
‘whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned
john 3:16 - support for just christianity
jesus said to them ‘ i am the way, the truth, the life. noone comes to the father except through me’
intrafaith exclusivism
the view that only one denomination in the faith is true
catholic church- pope eugen 4th ‘ those not living within the catholic church… cannot become participants in eternal life
karl rahner- key thinker of this idea
god is present in non-christian religions
- person can be saved by jesus christ if person has never heard of jesus or the bible- anonymous christian— onlyyyy if never heard of christianity
further ideas on exclusivism
if person has never heard of christianity, can still be saved
christianity is still the only true faith
parable of sheep and goats says nothing about faith or belief needed for salvation
aknowledges upbringing
very minority view
all religions are equally tru and vaild
john hick- mountain paths– each route is mapped out, through upbringinig- religious, cultural etc
everyone will eventually reach the same summit- different ways of getting to one god
john 14:2’ there are many rooms inmy fathers house’
doesnt align with the bible - \John 3:16 (jesus being the way)
aim of interfaith dialogue
provides social ties- reduce prejudice
opportunities to learn about other religions
engaging in practical projects together
islamophobia and anti semitism still prevalent in british society
CoE runs a presence and engagement programme to engage with people from diferent faiths
religion and national identity still tied very close together
christians vs non religious
agreement- behave compassionately
same moral values
promote peace
protection of environment
helping those in need
human rights
importance of happiness
liberal christians accept scientif explanations for universe
religion shouldnt be public
disagreement- belief in god
morality comes from god
permanence of marriage for christians
same sex marriage
parenting outside of marriage
creation story
cloning , abortions, evangelism, racism( dominion theology- hams curse) disestablishmentarianism- not keep link between church and state