christianity Flashcards
christianity ocr gcse
what biblical teachings does the story of the lost son have.
god’s nature- forgiving,benevolent, presented as father figure
exodus 20
10 commandments, ‘for I , your god, am a jealous god’
god is benevolent, wants monotheistic followerss.authoratative- fatherly, judge
what do baptists believe about god- how do they live
god is directly accesible by all, priests arent necessary in any way,pray to god with phrase ‘abba’-meaning daddy, immanent god. ( existing within)
how do amish/brethren people live/ think
live in closed of communities to seperate them from sin,only talk to god if you are in these communities, god is forgiving, live in accordance with laws and commands of the bible
evidence for the trinity
matthew 28:19 - ‘go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit’
the creed
filoque controversy
eastern church-the holy spirit proceeds from just the father
latin church- the holy church proceeds from the father and the son
divergent view for trinity
unitarians-reject belief in trinity, emphasise the oneness of god as the bible says’one god’
creation days
1-light and dark
2-sky and earth
3- sun moon stars
4- land and plants
5- fish and birds
6-animals and humans
7- rest
fundamentalist/ conservative view of creation story
the creation story is a true, historical account and the word of god
liberal view of creation story
the story i s meant to be read as a metaphor / allegory to teach about god’s creative power and origin of evil
role of spirit in creation
life giver
‘the spirit of god hath made me, and the breath of the almighty hath given me life’
john 1;1-5
In the beginning , was the word(jesus) and the word was with god and the word was god
Original sin
everyone born with original sin, from birth, need to be baptized
when the price of sin is paid, if not, no hope of eternal life with god
how are humans made, for god
made imago die, in gods image but are sinful and lack his perfection
compatible view for creation theory
days of creation are not 24hr but ions , can fit with evolution
natural evil
Suffering created through no direct fault of humans, eg natural disasters
moral evil
suffering caused by human beings, eg war
mackies inconsistent triad
evil exists, God omnipotent, God omnibenevolent? Doesn’t make sense, cant be possible
Augustinian theodicy
God made a perfect world
Evil is not made by god but a privation of god
When we sin we create a privation of good in ourselves
Original sin destroyed perfectionand caused moral and natural evil
God is fair and just so lets us suffer to show consequences of sin
Gen 3 God gave us free will
Strengths and weaknesses of Augustinian theodicy
logical explanation, consistent with Christian beliefs and gen 1.2.3
Evil is not a privation, its a real thing. how can there be a lack of good in a perfect world
Heavily relies on genesis
Why would an omniscient god continue with creation if evil would be made
irenaean theodicy
god makes mankind imago dei but not born as it- have to grow to become it .
we need pain and suffering to have genuine moral growth.
we are made with the potential to become perfect.
soul making- john hick ( addition to irenaean theodicy)
Soul-making is the theory that evil has to exist so that humans can develop their souls by living and becoming good, moral people.
strength and weakness irenaean theodicy
doesn’t redefine evil
doesn’t really rely on bible
logical explanation for evil from experience
why are personally grown morals better than pre programmed ones?
deep suffering doesn’t always lead to moral growth- sometimes moral deprivation
becoming flesh
shows god’s power
example of a good life
jesus takes punishment for all humans
jesus/ god understand human pain and suffering
atonement sacrifice
his death benefits all humans
shows god’s/ jesus’ power over death
proved that jesus was truly god and man
god approves of sacrifice-pay debt of human sin
victory of good vs evil
final sacrifice
signifies the end of jesus’ work on earth- it continues in heaven
divergent views about crucifixion ( to do with worship)
some worship with a cross to emphasise sin that jesus went through- catholic and orthodox
others don’t because it could be seen as worshipping an object and not god itself
deliverance- act of being saved
examples- old testament– god saves israelites from egyptians
new testament- jesus saves human kind from sin and its penalty- eternal death
make amends or pays for having done something wrong
e.g animal sacrifices used to atone for sins of the israelites
nt- jesus’ death atoned for our sins - no more need for animal sacrifices BUT still need to seek forgiveness
‘ we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all’ st paul in hebrews 10;10
god’s redemptive loveto save sinners.
you can only be saved through the grace of god
divergent views about receiving salvation
roman catholic- believe believers can be saved by being baptised and participating in sacraments
others believe that to be saved you must believe in jesus
liberal christians believe that good deeds allow them to be saved and enter heaven
to be sorry for things you have done- then you can seek god’s forgiveness
referring to end of the world
second coming of jesus Christ
apocalyptic views
some expect parousia
others try to calculate when the world will end
most christians believe that parousia and the end of time is a different way of expressing their belief - god has a plan—- living a goood christian life is better than speculating the end of time
referring to the end of the world - study of the last
materialst vs dualist
materialist- we are just physical matter- no life after death
dualist- body and soul
christians as dualists
we possess a soul- seperates us from animals, makes us sacred
‘Man became living soul’ gen 2 : 7
physical body- temple for god in which spirit can live
resurrection-all will be raised to be judged by god
everything heaven
liberal view- heaven is a state of mind where you are in the eternal presence of god
comservative- actual place where you have the eternal presence of god
new testament ‘ a sea of glass, as clear as crystal’
heaven is awe inspiring
literalist view- place where suffering and evil no longer exist- revelation 21;4 ‘ there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain’
everything hell
a place or state of existence ( liberal christians) in which the person suffers the consequences of immoral actions in life.
‘ place of everlasting separation from god’
rc-acknowledges literal existence of hell, fiery ‘punishment’
In the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, the rich man describes Hell as a place of torment.
The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was being tormented…
— Luke 16:22
state of preparation before soul is judged to go to heaven
This is a place where some people who have sinned are purified in a ‘cleansing fire’, after which they are accepted into Heaven. The idea of a purifying fire has its biblical basis in scripture. Corinthians tells of a fire that will save.
catechism of catholic church’ All who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation: but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of Heaven.’
what did jesus do on sermon on the mount
matthew 5-7
In this sermon, Jesus taught his followers the
Lord’s Prayer
and told them several parables. The sermon also contained the
and Jesus’ teachings about God’s laws,
he statements he made are known as the Beatitudes.
According to Jesus, God gives his blessing to:
the meek – meaning humble people
those who make peace
those who show mercy to others
Jesus also mentioned that people who are
because of their faith will be blessed and find reward in Heaven (Matthew 5:3–11).
also ‘ love thy neighbour’
turn the other cheek
what are beatitudes
they are qualities that god wants his followers to develop
blessed be the meek
blessed be the ones who mourn
blessed be the peacemakers
what does jesus think about bad thoughts ( jesus and the law)
thinking of doing bad things is just as bad as actually doing it
true discipleship
to be a true disciple you should be sincere.Everything should be between you and god
true righteousness
People should not judge each other. It is
to do so, and only God can sit in
.worldly wealth should not be as worshipped as god.
can’t think about money and god- god will provide for you
narrow gateway
jesus warning believers about the difficulty of being christian
broad gateway- easy life but not heaven - pathway leads to destruction
heaven/ being good christian- narrow gateway- being christian is challenging
building on solid foundation
putting jesus’ words into practise
following jesus’ words is like a wise man building his hown on solid foundation whereas not followung them and putting them into action is like a foolish man building his house on sand- lead to destruction
the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity
liturgical worship
pattern for worship( set structure )
most traditional- what jesus did
roman catholic, church of england,orthodox churches
usually - eucharist- communion, bread and wine
or service of the word- focuses on the sermon
what do the different colours for the robes represent
purple / violet- advent , reminds of parousia
white and gold- special celebration
green- normal, represents hope
red- colour of blood-days of suffering
non liturgical worship
spontaneous- little pre organised structure
protestant, nonconforming churches- quakers
ensures that christians do know get stuck in a ‘rut’ and actually think about their prayers
reinforce importance of bible and application to their daily lives
charismatic worship
worship that focuses on the messages and gifts of the holy spirit
movement began in 1906
seen as modern- often incorporating music, dancing and modern ways of speaking– keeping christianity up to date
non liturgical worship
charismatic worshippers believe that it is possible to experience the same gifts of the holy spirit as the apostles did on the day of pentecost - acts 2;1( book of acts)
pentecostal church
individual worshippers
private worship
study bible
get to know faith in a better way
seek god’s guidance
anglican worshio ( coe)
liturgical prayer
uses book of common prayer
liturgy of the word- bible readings, confession prayers
liturgy of the sacrament- receiving communion, breaking of the bread
dont believe in transubstantiation ( transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of jesus
roman catholic worship
liturgical worship
similar to anglican worship
believe in transubstantiation
originally in latin
eucharist service- celebration/ remembering of jesus’ death
Quaker worship
non liturgical, spontaneous
sit in silence - reflect, think listen
no songs, set prayer , reading or talk.
believe in equality of people- no ministers
during the worship people can choose to stand up and speak their thought
worship ends when two quakers shake hands
greek orthodox worship
holy communion
believe in transubstantiation
liturgy of the word- prayers hymns.
liturgy of the faithful- historically only for baptised believers
lord’s prayer
emphasise role of holy spirit
methodist worship
liturfical but less structured
similar to coe
open communion- to those even not baptised- everyone can participate
has a minister
ritual through which the grace of god can be received
roman catholic 7 sacraments
or orthodox church 7 holy mysteries ( also sacraments)
baptism,confirmation, eucharist , confession, matrimony, holy oders, annointing of the sick
protestant churches sacraments
only baptism and eucharist
baptism vaguelyy
proof for it
a sacrament- outward sign of god’s grace
symbolises admission into christian church
wash away sins
john the baptist baptised jesus - when he went out of the water he saw the spirit of god- voice from heaven said ‘This is my son, whom i love; with him i am well pleased’
mathew 3;13( evidence for baptism)
infant baptism
washes away original sin- if baby dies- goes to heaven
- catholic, orthodox church, coe
allows the baby to receive god’s blessing
parents make promise to god to raise the child as a christian
initiation rites- welcoming infant to church
believers baptism
- non conformist churches- non liturgical churches
baptist and pentecostal church
person makes conscious decision
person needs to be a believer before getting baptised
make their own promises
fully submerged into water- symbolises death of their old life and start of their new life with god
divergent views of baptism
salvation army and quakers do not practise baptism as they receive god’s grace need for outward signs
last supper-remembers when jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples- crucifixion
bread is said to be his body and wine his blood- literal view- transubstantiation
prayers that focus on god’s character and adore him for who he is ‘great is the lord most worthy of praise ‘ psalms 48:1
prayer asking for help or support
praying on behalf of other people- asking god to intervene for someone else
a way in which believers believe that they can communicate with god
lords prayer
jesus taught his followers how to pray by giving them lord’s prayer
includes key things that christians must remember
individual prayer
time for reflection- consider why they believe in god
listen to voice of god
ask god to guide them
religious pilgrimage
a journey to a sacred place or shrine that has religious importance
south of france
mainly for catholics
vision of ‘ lady of white ‘- told her to drink from a spring
heals incurable diseases, place of miracles
where jesus lived towards the end of his life- where he died and was seen after his resurrection
stone of unction- jesus’ body laid and washed after crucifixion
village in norfolk
lady of the manor had a vision of the virgin mary’s home in nazareth- built a house according to how she saw it in the vision
a shrine
statue of the virgin mary
vatican city
for catholics
home of the pope
belief about the virgin mary in roman catholicism
holy, pious - excellent role model
she can be prayed to and give guidance
first believer in jesus as the messiah
mother to all christians
mother of god’s incarnate
a set of principles given by an authority which they believe are definitely true- e.g statement from vatican church
protestant belief ab virgin mary
reject ideas that mary can be prayed to
don’t believe in any dogma’s except the bible-belief in sola scriptura
do not believ in what happened at lourdes
virgin mary cannot perform miracles
only believ what is in the bible
advent traditions
fourth sunday before 25 december
marks the start of the liturgical church year
marks the period of waiting for jesus’ birth and parousia
4 red candles, one lit for each week
christians get spiritually ready for christmas- seek forgiveness
christmas eve traditions
midnight mass- special service of eucharist
catholic and anglican churches
christmas traditions
churches hold services to celebrate jesus’ birth
christmas= celebration of jesus
orthodox christmas
7th jan
many fast before this day- period of preparation
churches light a small fire of palms and frankincesnse
orange- represent world
red ribbon- represents god’s love wrapped around the world and the blood of jesus christ on the cross
lit candle- symbolises jesus- the light of the world, hope
dried fruits - symbols of god’s creations and the 4 seasons
40 days before easter
time of fasting- represents jesus’ fasting for 40 days in the wilderness
give up something they usually enjoy
show that they are able to resist temptation
ash wednesday
start of lent
worshippers will have the sign on the cross marked on their forehead- show that they are sinners
time for preparation
arguments for lent to be valuable
allow people to be mindful and grateful
people will appreciate more
more in tune with god
arguments for lent being unnecessary
why should people have to suffer like jesus
why not do lent constantly instead of just 40 days
some people might find loopholes
palm sunday
jesus rides into jerusalem on a donkey( not horse- he’s not a military leader)
crowds welcomed him on palm branches- the messiah- symbolise victory
in churches, small crosses given out made from palm leaves- from the palm leaves they waved at him
people reflect on their faith
maundy thursday
day of last supper
established eucharist
communion service- bread and wine shared
roman catholic church wash the feet of 12 people - sign of humility- like how jesus washed the feet of his disciples
good friday
jesus’ crucifixion
paid for the sin of humanity- atoned for our sins
god understands suffering
people think about god’s love- reflect on own life and sins
service at the cross- think about jesus’ death
passion plays
some churches remove all signs of colour
redemption, forgiveness, suffering
Holy saturday and easter sunday
Easter vigil- saturday evening
churches will be fully decorated
bonfire lit
paschal candle lit with 5 pieces of incsense( 5 wounds jesus received)
candle lit - jesus is lit
Jesus waas resurrected , tomb found empty- eternal life in heaven
triumph of life over death- jesus demonstrates that he is god
rite of passage
a religious ceremony marking an important stage in someone’s life
birth, marriage, death
steps of a christian wedding ( not orthodox)
held in a church
vicars opening speech
vicar asks about any exceptions to marriage
vows are said
exchange of rings
hymns are sung
prayer and blessings
orthodox wedding
exchange rings at engagement ceremony before hand
rituals repeated 3 times- holy trinity
exchange rings x3
rings placed on 3rd finger of right hand
wear stefanas-royalty of marriage
3 sips of wine from shared cup
follow priest circling altar 3 times- first steps as married couple
what happens before death/ what do people do?
priest will visit the dying and help them prepare e.g confess their sins- annointing of the sick
puts mourners at ease- not alone
describes their positive life- god hears it- heaven
commendation and commital
chance to say goodbye- sense of finality ‘ ashes to ashes, dust to dust’
world council of churches
DOES NOT include roman catholic church- already have a pope- own organisation
2 part missionary- conversion- help people come to a personal faith in god
reconciliation- working to see the christinanity message playing a part ins soceity- peace . ecological sustainability, etc
345 member of churches- campaign on key issues
missio dei
god’s activity
advantages and disadvantages of mission activities
brought european culture and education
did it forcefully sometimes
destroyed other cultures history
how do christians see justice as a part of their mission
they have to hold people accountable
sharing the good news about Jesus coming to this world
salvation army and evangelism
exists to be a disciple of jesus
intention of persuading to be christians
how did house church movement develop
didnt wan worship to be controlled by a liturgy
wanted to meet and worship at home- led by holy spirit
quote for evangelsim and conversion
matthew 28;19 ‘ go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the father son and holy spirit’
creating christian unity
taize in france
ecumenical community
set up by roger schutz in 1940- give refuge to jews escaping nazis
set aside differences - forgiveness
communtiy and global unity
ecumenical communtiy
Ireland- oldest peace and reconciliation centre
healing divides , see unity between humans
scotland - ecumenical community
deplore social justice
justice and peace
where an individual or group are subjected to hostility or ill treatment
john chau case study
was killed by an isolated tribe whilst he was attempting to convert them to christianity
attempt to convert others
evangelising is not proselytising- evangelism is sharing your faith whereas proselytising is forcefully or aggresively converting someone
divergent view of evangelsim
other christians belive that they can convert people through their daily actions and interactions instead of actively converting them
christian charities
tearfund- alleviate poverty
christain aid- combat social injustice