ischemic cardioppathy Flashcards
imbalance between the amount of oxygen supplied
and the needs
causes of CAD
–ATS is the main cause- BUT not the only one!!!
–Coronarian spasm
–Inflammation (colagenosis)
–Injury (radiation, chemotherapy)
Risk factors of CAD
–Age is the strongest risk factor for CAD
–Tobacco use
–Physical inactivity
–Unhealthy diet
–Overweight and obesity
- Without pain: arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death
- With pain: stable angina, unstable, AMI
- Chronic: stable angina (effort)
- Acute coronary syndromes: unstable angina, AMI
Canadian Cardiovascular Classification System of Angina Pectoris (Class- Activities Triggering Chest Pain)
- Strenuous, rapid, or prolonged exertion- Not usual physical activities (eg, walking, climbing stairs)
- Strenuous, rapid, or prolonged exertion- Not usual physical activities (eg, walking, climbing stairs)
- Walking, even 1 or 2 blocks at usual pace and on level ground, Climbing stairs
- Any physical activity- Sometimes occurring at rest
Stabe Angina
- De novo
lIn the last month - Crescendo angina- “aggravated” exertional (a progressive lower intensity of the effort) decubitus angina
- Post myocardial infarction- 1to 60 days after
- Prinzmetal angina (variant) – first lecture !
1.ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION- ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (STEMI)
Detection of rise of cardiac markers (troponines) together with myocardial ischemia with at least one of:
- Symptoms of ischemia (angina)
- ECG changes- ST segment, new left bundle branch block
- Developing of pathological Q wave on ECG
- Imaging evidence of new loss of myocardium or new regional wall motility
Angor: at rest, severe, prolonged (>30 min-1 h), with anxiety
!!! In postero-inferior AMI: pain in epigastrium, nausea, vomiting (mimicking gastric pathology) - Dyspnea – sign of acute LVF
- Palpitations - arrhythmias
Genera physica examination
- Anxiety
- Agitation, no specific position to relieve the pain
–Orthopnea- LF - Sweating, pallor, cold skin
crackles, rronchi, wheezes- acute pulm.edema
Cardiac exam
- Diminshed intensity of the apex impulse
- Possible pericardial rub (pericarditis – complication of AMI)
- Diminished cardiac sounds, ventricular gallop (S3)
–Bradycardia- postero-inferior AMI - Murmur of acute mitral regurgitation (rupture of mitral valve or chordae tendineae)[*]
Complementary examinations:
–Enzymes- markers
–Echocardiography: hypokinesia-a-kinesia, complications
–Other (MRI)
- T: increased hyper-acute amplitude, symmetrical T wave (earliest change) – few hs
- ST elevation (convexity upwards or straightened )
- pathological Q waves= necrosis- few hs, days
- ST at baseline, neg.T, Q persistent- after days, weeks
- Q- persistent
Persistent ST elevation: aneurysm
ST elevation+ mirror image in the opposite leads!
- the differential dg. (pericarditis)
- Symptoms, signs: similar with STEMI
- ECG:
ST depression, inverted negative T waves, absence of the Q wave
possible arrhythmias, tachycardia, bradycardia - enzymes: - troponines, CK
!!! Differential diagnosis with unstable angina
- Echocardiography: a/hypo-kinesia
- Coronarography: stenosis