Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Gastrointestinal Pathologies) Flashcards
What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
IBS or spastic colon or spastic constipation or irritable colon or nervous indigestion
It is a motility disorder which is strongly associated with anxiety, stress or depression in over half the cases
The most common gastrointestinal disorder in Western society
If often occurs in women, starting in childhood or early adulthood
There is generally no underlying organic cause or physical abnormality in the GI tract
Contributing Factors
There are disruptions and incoordination of the natural peristaltic actions and mass movements of the colon. This may be caused by autonomic dysfunction, notably with the stress response
There may be autonomic dysfunction notably with response to stress. This disturbs the transit time of the decal matter and results in alternations between constipation and diarrhea
Food intolerance affects those with IBS
Symptom Picture
Symptoms are brought on by emotional stress, fatigue, alcohol and eating, especially consuming meals high in fat, roughage (thức ăn thô ,letuce,kale) or fruit
Some people will experience mainly constipation with regular bouts of diarrhea, while others will have the reverse symptoms
Accompanying altered bowel function is steady or intermittent pain in the lower abdomen. Pain can be dull with sharp cramps occurring after eating or in the morning
Other symptoms include the feeling of incomplete evacuation of the feces
Hydrotherapy applications of heat on the abdomen should not be used if the client has any history of increased blood pressure or cardiovascular problems
Diarrhea is a CI to abdominal massage
Health History Questions
What are your symptoms?
Describe your usual bowel movement frequency and consistency
What is the colour of your stool?
Do you have pain? If so, where is it located?
What relieves the pain? Describe the pain
Performance of the rebound test will be negative for irritable bowel syndrome
(put pressure on ab and remove it quickly)
Because this syndrome is the alternation of constipation and diarrhea, the treatment for constipation is appropriate during the constipation stage
Slightly less pressure may be appropriate if the client is sensitive
There should be an emphasis on the relaxation component of the treatment because stress can play such a significant role in exacerbating symptoms
Abdominal massage is effective in promoting movement of fecal matter and gas contained in the bowel
Similar to that given for constipation and stress reduction treatments
One exception is the increase of fibre in the diet in the form of wheat. Wheat fibre can cause irritation in some client with IBS