Irregular Verbs Flashcards
Všechno v klidu uteklo
Everything has fled peacefully
Utekla od svého hrozného manžela
She fled from her terrible husband
Nechává se živit rodičem
She fed on her parent
Čas utíká
Time is fleeing away
Hodili ho do vezeni
They flung him into prison
I have a fling at him
Dveře se rozletely
The door flew open
Zakazují muži víno
I forbid my husband wine
Zkazovali komukoli vejít do domu
They forbade anyone to the house
Zřekl jsem se ji jako první / jako cislo jedna???
I forewent her as my number one
Opustila jsem svůj sen
I forsook my dream
Nechala kouření
She has forsaken smoking
Návrat so práce
Back to the grind
Semlel kukuřici na mouku
He ground corn into flour
Uz me unavuje/nudí
I grew weary of him
Chape jí
He gets the hang of her mind
Byl povesen za svůj zločin
He has been hung for his crime
Začal pít
He has hit the bottle
Poškodil mou reputaci
He has hurt my reputation
chovat králíky
Breed rabbits