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IO 6401 Module 1 Assignment 3 Performance Management and Strategic Planning NEW

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IO 6401 Module 1 Assignment 3 Performance Management and Strategic Planning NEW
You have studied strategic and general considerations of performance management in your course readings. Performance management is an important contributor to tracking and meeting organizational goals and should be a part of the organization’s strategic plan. Ideally, there is a clear link among an organization’s mission, vision, goals, strategies, and what is actually done at the departmental or employee level. For this assignment, you will apply these concepts to an organization and write a report in approximately 3–5 pages on the basis of your findings.


First, select an organization (i.e., a current or past employer) and research it using the University online library resources, the Internet, or both. You may also include information gathered from interviews with experts from the organization:

  • Explain the relationship between the organization’s mission and vision statements and goals and strategies at the corporate level. Include how the mission, vision, goals, and strategies relate to the division or department levels.
  • Determine whether the organization’s strategic plan includes a performance management component (including employee evaluations, feedback cycles, or other reference to tracking or documenting individual or group performance), providing clear examples to support your conclusion.
  • Explain how and why a strategic plan should determine various choices regarding performance management system design.
  • Offer at least two suggestions for improvement or development of the performance management component of the organization’s strategic plan.

Your final product will be in a Microsoft Word document and be approximately 3–5 pages in length. Utilize at least two scholarly sources in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


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IO 6401 Module 2 Assignment 1 Defining and Measuring Performance NEW

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IO 6401 Module 2 Assignment 1 Defining and Measuring Performance NEW
Clearly defined performance expectations are essential to promoting productive employee behavior. The right performance expectations communicate what is expected of individuals at work and lead directly to contributions toward organizational success. For this assignment, research a company of your choice and one of its current job descriptions. You may find the information online or from a credible source you have access to. Present the following information in your initial post:

  • Brief explanation of the company, including the organizational mission and goals.
  • Summarize the job description, including primary duties.
  • Analyze any performance expectations presented in the job description. If performance expectations are presented, explain whether they are defined appropriately. If they are not presented, explain how performance for that position should be defined.
  • Explain how performance should be measured on the basis of the stated or suggested definition of performance for the job. Identify the evidence that justifies your recommendation for the measurement approach.

Attach a copy of the job description in question to your discussion post. Your post should directly address each question, providing references and examples to support your points. You should use at least two scholarly sources cited in APA format. Comment in a substantive manner on the posts of at least two classmates. Some points you may consider as you respond to others include:

  • An alternative way to measure performance for the position
  • Other ideas for defining or measuring performance
  • Additional considerations for defining or measuring performance given the context
  • Personal examples pertaining to the discussion
  • Additional research or scholarly sources that add perspective to the topic

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IO 6401 Module 2 Assignment 2 Measuring Performance NEW

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IO 6401 Module 2 Assignment 2 Measuring Performance NEW
Gathering performance information is important; however, if it is not used appropriately, it will not lead to the desired outcome. Managers need to understand how to gather and use performance information and be empowered to communicate performance information to employees in a way that will produce the appropriate outcomes as well as support organizational goals.

For this assignment, you will analyze the data provided and write a report in approximately 4–5 pages based on your findings.


BANKS Industries, a client of yours, is attempting to train managers to use performance information effectively. It has implemented a system where both the immediate supervisor and the department head are evaluating employees using a graphic rating scale. The employees being evaluated are all call center representatives for a help desk that handles problems with its personal computing devices product line. You have had an opportunity to review its job descriptions and performance evaluation document.

A group of twenty call center representatives has already been evaluated. The evaluation uses a graphic rating scale that results in an average score per employee. The graphic rating scale is weighted as follows:

  • Needs Improvement = 1
  • Meets Expectations = 2
  • Exceeds Expectations = 3

A score of 2–2.49 is considered acceptable. Anything over 2.5 exceeds expectations. Scores under 2 indicate a need for improvement in at least one area. BANKS Industries has decided that for call center representatives, the evaluations will be conducted by both the call center manager and the district manager. Both managers are present and walk the floor on a regular basis, and both are reasonably familiar with the employees. The call center manager reports to the district manager.

After looking at the ratings from this round of evaluations, management is concerned that there may be some inter-rater reliability issues. It looks like the two managers do not always agree on ratings for these employees. Here is a comparison of the average scores:

Employee Name

Call Center Manager

District Manager

Alfrey, Lisa



Armstead, Catherine

  1. 8
  2. 3

Bartlett, Kelly

  1. 2
  2. 7

Cannon, Violet

  1. 7
  2. 5

Cantley, Candice

  1. 2
  2. 3

Cost, Tonja

  1. 8
  2. 5

Gomez, Andrea

  1. 6
  2. 3

Hahn, Frida

  1. 6
  2. 8

Hasselhoff, David



Holman, Patricia

  1. 9
  2. 3

Karter, Kim

  1. 9
  2. 3

Peraza, Teresa



Reynolds, Burt



Royals, Dillon

  1. 3
  2. 6

Schull, Leonard

  1. 4
  2. 8

Scriber, Jacqueline



Smith, Bert

  1. 3
  2. 9

Stenberg, Madison



Wellington, Dawn

  1. 8
  2. 4

Wydra, Cindy

  1. 8
  2. 5

The client is not sure whether this is an effective approach to evaluating performance. You have been contacted to consult with this client and assist in identifying issues and training managers to better use the appraisal instrument.


In 4–5 pages:

  • Define and discuss a graphic rating scale as an appraisal instrument.
  • Conduct a statistical analysis of the two sets of data using a t-test in Microsoft Excel to determine whether the differences in ratings are statistically significant (include your computations).
  • Explain the results of your t-test, including a table/graphic representation and the implications of your results.
  • Assess the appraisal instrument and make at least two recommendations for improvement.
  • Identify training topics for management to ensure better inter-rater reliability in the future. Include a justification.

Your final product will be a Microsoft Word document of approximately 4–5 pages in length and utilize at least three scholarly sources in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Microsoft Excel computations of the t-test should also be submitted.


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IO 6401 Module 3 Assignment 2 Presentation—Establishing a Performance Management Strategy NEW

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IO 6401 Module 3 Assignment 2 Presentation—Establishing a Performance Management Strategy NEW

Part A: Develop a letter for the organizational leaders. In 1–2 pages:

  • Explain the importance of managing employee performance.
  • On the basis of a review of company information, describe how your consulting services will assist the company in addressing its organizational problems.
  • On the basis of research and theory, mention current organizational practices of performance management as well as apparent issues.

Write using a formal tone in consideration of your audience, the organizational leaders. The letter should follow formal business format standards. Business letter templates are available from To cite the scholarly sources you use to present research and theory, use parenthetical citations in the body of the letter and then include your list of references on a page following the letter.

Part B: Presentation

You have been selected to assist the organization with its performance concerns. Create and narrate (using an audio component, such as a voiceover or a recording) a presentation to organizational stakeholders, addressing the following points in 10–15 minutes:

  • Explain the link between organizational goals and strategic planning and the potential impact a performance management system may have on employee performance and attitude.
  • Determine the organizational advantages of implementing a performance management system and the potential disadvantages to not implementing a performance management system for BANKS Industries.
  • Compare and contrast the company’s current critical incident technique with the use of a graphic rating scale.
  • Recommend guidelines for providing feedback to employees during the performance management process.

Your final product will be a 10- to 15-minute presentation (using Microsoft PowerPoint Show, Prezi, PowToon, or other presentation software and including audio). Utilize at least four scholarly sources in your research (including a 1- to 2-page letter in Microsoft Word). Your presentation should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources in APA format; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


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IO 6401 Module 4 Assignment 2 Importance of Feedback Presentation NEW

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IO 6401 Module 4 Assignment 2 Importance of Feedback Presentation NEW
Designing a performance management system is only part of the process. The next step is implementation. Communication is an essential step in this process as without feedback, employees and managers are unable to take action on any of the information resulting from a performance appraisal. Feedback must be provided in a timely, appropriate manner in order to be effective and productive. For this assignment, you are to design a communication training presentation of approximately 15 minutes for managers at a client organization. You will educate managers on the importance of quality feedback.


  • Discuss the importance of communication in the performance appraisal process.
  • Describe two examples of poor communication as it relates to the appraisal process (written or multimedia).
  • Describe two examples of quality communication as it relates to the appraisal process (written or multimedia).
  • Recommend at least five communication strategies for the feedback process. Describe and provide examples of how to apply each.

Your final product will be a 10- to 15-minute presentation (using Microsoft PowerPoint Show, Prezi, PowToon, or other presentation software and including audio). Utilize at least two scholarly sources in your research. Your presentation should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


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