What is the leading herb to treat headache?
Chuan Xiong
What are the actions of Chuan Xiong?
Moves Qi (LIV), Expels Wind (Acrid), treats Headache for all reasons.
Most herbs in this category are what taste and temperature?
Acrid, Bitter, Warm
What are the three general categories of blood pathology in traditional Chinese medicine?
Bleeding, blood stasis, and blood deficiency
Herbs that regulate the blood are divided into what three categories?
Stop bleeding, invigorate blood, tonify blood
What are the four major categories of blood-invigorating herbs, in ascending order of strength?
Harmonizing, promote movement of blood, dispel blood stasis, and ones that break up blood stasis
What are the functions of Dan Shen?
Cools Xue (cold), nourishes Xue (LIV), calms spirit (HT, PC), important herb in gynecology
What are the actions of Ji Xue Teng?
Tonify Xue (HT), invigorate Xue (LIV), w/d bi pain (SP; sweet)
What are the actions of Yan Hu Suo?
1 herb for pain, moves qi, sinks into the blood level of the HT and LV where its bitterness drains stasis and its acridity disperses stagnation in ST
What are the actions of Yu Jin?
Disperses LIV Qi stag (acrid), COOLS blood (cold), opens HT orifices, breaks up stasis, promotes qi movement, relieves constraint
What are the actions of Jiang Huang?
(TURMERIC) Anti-inflammatory, moves qi (LIV, W/C/D bi pain (SP, ST)
What are the main functions of Yi Mu Cao?
Clears heat (sl. cold) and resolves toxicity (UB), gynecology stuff, invigorates the blood and dispels stasis (HT, LV)
What are the actions of Chong Wei Zi?
Invigorates the blood and regulates the menses, clears heat (sl. cold) and clears the eyes (LIV)
What are the actions of Ze Lan?
Promotes urination, gently invigorates the blood in a harmonious way
What are the actions of Hu Zhang?
Clears heat (cold), dries damp, detoxification and snake bites, stops cough (LU), relieves constipation due to clumped heat.