What are the actions of Long Gu?
Calms LIV, anchors/preserves floating yang, secures normal qi without inhibiting elimination of pathogenic qi
What are the actions of Mu Li?
Heavily settles and calms the spirit, benefits yin, anchors floating yang, prevents leakage, softens hardness, absorbs acids, alleviates pain
What are the actions of Ci Shi?
Anchors and calms the spirit, aids KD in grasping Qi, augments LIV, improves hearing and vision
What are the actions of Zhen Zu?
Sedates the HT, settles tremors and palpitations, clears LIV, eliminates superficial visual obstructions, promotes healing, generates flesh
What is Zhen Zhu in english?
What substance is Ci Shi?
Magnetic stone!
What is Zhen Zu Mu?
Mother of Pearl
What are the actions of Zhen Zhu Mu?
Calms LIV, anchors yang, drains LIV fire, clears the eyes, stops bleeding
What is Hu Po?
What are the actions of Sudan Zao Ren?
Nourishes HT yin, augments LIV blood, prevents abnormal sweating (SP)
What are the actions of Bai Zi Ren?
Nourishes HT, calms spirit, moistens intestines and unlocks bowels (seed, LI)
What are the actions of Yuan Zhi?
Expels phlegm, stops cough (LU) , reduces abscesses and swelling, pent up emotions (HT lack of communication between heart and kidneys)
What is Ling Zhi?
Reishi Mushrooms!
What are the actions of Ling Zhi?
Augments HT qi, tonifies HT blood, tonifies LIV qi, tonifies QI, nourishes blood, trans phlegm and stops coughing / wheezing (LU)
What are the actions of He Huan Pi?
Calms the spirit and relieves constraint (HT, LV), harmonizes blood, stops pain, dissipates swelling, reconnects sinews and bones
What are the actions of Ye Jiao Teng?
Nourishes HT and blood, calm the spirit, nourishes blood, unblocks channels, alleviates itching