Ch. 11 : WARM INT. DISPEL COLD Flashcards
What are the actions of Zhi Cao Wu?
Dispels cold, scours out wind, overcomes dampness, used exclusively topically
What are the actions of Rou Gui?
Treats “Heat Above, Cold Below” (SP), Leads Fire Back to Source (HT-K), Generates Qi/Xue (LIV)
Herbs that Warm the Interior and Dispel Cold are typically what tastes and temperature?
Acrid, (Bitter), Hot, (Warm)
Name at least three A-Category herbs in this chapter
Rou Gui, Zhi Fu Zi, Gan Jiang, Wu Zhu Yu, Hua Jiao
What are the main functions of herbs that Warm the Int and Dispel Cold?
Dispel and disperse interior pathogenic cold, arouse/stimulate the Yang qi (for over abundant yin and/or collapsed yang)
What are the actions of Zhi Chuan Wu?
Dispels wind, clears cold, relieves painful obstructions, used topically (yin abscesses)
What are the actions of Wu Zhu Yu?
Treats Bulging Disorders (LIV), Leads fire downward (sores), Directs Rebellious Qi Downward, Warms Middle (SP-ST)
All of the herbs in this category are hot except for which, and what temp are they?
Ding Xiang (clove) and Xiao Hui Xiang (fennel) - Warm
Herbs that Warm the Int and Dispel Cold typically treat which channels of what disharmony? (5 channels)
Invasion of cold pathogen in SP/ST, warming the SP and KID yang, warm the LU to transform thin mucus, warm the LIV to treat bulging disorders
What are the actions of Hu Jiao?
Digestive herb for ST and LI, eliminates pathogenic cold
What are the actions of Xiao Hui Xiang?
Treats Bulging disorders, Moves Qi (LIV, K, SP, ST)
What are the actions of Gao Liang Jiang?
Treats pathogenic cold, Warms the Middle (SP-ST)
What are the actions of Ding Xiang?
CLOVES - Warms K, aids Yang (due to K Xu), Impotence, vaginal discharge, (SP, ST)
What are some symptoms of Yang Xu?
Morning diarrhea, pale/copious urine, cold limbs, pale complexion, aches
What are the actions of Hua Jiao?
Treats Parasites/roundworms, tonifies fire @ Kidneys
What are some symptoms of devestated yang?
Profuse sweating, frigid extremities, very faint pulse, fainting
What are the actions of Bi Ba?
Disperses cold from ST and LI, use powdered and topically for toothache
What are the actions of Gan Jiang?
Treats Ext. Wind Cold and Yang Xu, Wind Damp Cold, and warms the LU
What are the actions of Zhi Fu Zi?
Wind Damp Cold (SP), revives primal yang (K), unblocks vessels for circulation (HT)