Investments Topic 11 - Collective Investments (Life Assurance) Flashcards
A qualifying policy is one that
meets the qualifying rules, and this means that they are free from tax when the benefits are paid out.
Qualifying rules for life assurance policies are:
- Premiums must be paid at least annually
- Policy must have a term for at least 10 years
- Policy must provide a death benefit of at least 75% of the premiums payable over the term
- Premiums in one year cannot be more than double those in any other year
- Premiums in any one year cannot be more than 12.5% of total premiums payable over the term
When calculating the gain for a non-qualifying policy, you must calculate the difference between
the current cash value of the plan and minus the total premiums paid up until that point.
Non-qualifying policies
Fail to meet qualification rules, charges payable on encashment or death. This includes investment bonds.
Endowments are
a regular premium investment orientated life assurance contract that pay a sum on a predetermined maturity date. Used to pay school fees, mortgages etc. Life assurance element ensures target is met even if they don’t live to the maturity date.
With-profits funds
- Very conservative approach, low returns but safer
- Profits from the company are split into reserves, and to pay with-profits clients
- Money in reserves is saved for a ‘rainy day’ and can be paid out another time
- Usually inflexible, term cannot be changed and premiums cannot be changed
Low-cost endowment
as endowments are quite expensive, this poses a chance for a cheaper endowment which consists of a with-profits endowment and a decreasing term assurance. The sum assured is usually much less than the amount needed, and the term assurance decreases accordingly.
Unitised with-profits fund
investor buys units in a with-profits fund, which means the value of the units cannot fall and bonuses are added to the value of the units or by creating more units. This way usually means the units are undervalued to protect all other investors.
Unit-linked endowments
offered for a term between 10-30 years but this can be changed, as well as the premiums can be changed. Unit-linked funds are similar to unit trusts except they are subject to life fund legislation.
Unit-linked endowment charges
- Initial charge usually 5%, represents the bulk between bid and offer prices of units
- Monthly charge for life assurance is deducted from units
- Monthly or annual policy charge taken from premium before unit allocation or deducting units
- Annual management charge, typically 1-2%
- May be early surrender charge
Traded endowment policies
- Instead of surrendering endowment policies, the policies can be traded
- The investor can get up to 35% more for their policy, and the buyer has some security of the value of the policy and the benefits
- Buyer will then pay the rest of the premiums
Investment bond
essentially a whole-of-life assurance policy
the 3 main differences between an investment bond and conventional policies is:
- Only done via lump sum
- Life assurance element limited, usually to 101% of the policy value on death
- These are non-qualifying policies
investment divided into sub-categories, which can mean you can treat sections separately for encashment and do a partial encashment
3 bonuses that can be granted for a with-profits investment bond
- Annual reversionary bonus
- Guaranteed minimum level of bonus
- Terminal bonus
Guaranteed income and growth bonds
Essentially limited-term life insurance investment bonds that offer certain guarantees.
Income bond offers guaranteed annual income, growth bond offers guaranteed growth by the end of the term. Income bond taxed as normal investment bond, gains on growth bond taxed as gains would be (CGT).
Distributor bonds
Bond that operates differently as income and capital are separated.
- Investments made into distributor fund
- Income from the fund paid out regularly
- Income paid out from the fund’s income, meaning capital is protected
Tax treatment of onshore bonds - withdrawals
- Up to 5% withdrawn each year tax-free
- The withdrawal limit is cumulative, if you skip one year you can take 10% out next year
- Once 100% of original capital is withdrawn, further withdrawals classed as gains
Tax treatment of onshore bonds - Chargeable events:
- Full encashment
- Death of life insured
- Excess withdrawals
- Assignment of money’s worth – selling bond or exchanging for something of similar value
The calculation for gain on investment bonds
Gain is established by taking the surrender proceeds PLUS any withdrawals made LESS the initial investment (plus any excess withdrawals already dealt with).
Annual equivalent
This is when the gain is divided by the total number of years the bond has been in force, this is because not all gains would have been gained in 1 year.
Use of investment bonds to satisfy customer needs
Tax efficiency
* As long as money is kept in the bond, there is no tax to pay on gains or income on the investment
* Differs to UT and OEICs as they pay tax on the dividends
* This is as long as you withdraw under the limit (5%)
* Investment bonds specifically excluded from valuation of assets when assessing how much they should contribute to their care
Other reasons to use investment bonds
* Access to professional fund management
* Switching
* Administration
* Tax treatment
Offshore bonds
Is what it says it is, bonds held offshore, and are similar with one big difference – the fund is not taxed while it remains invested.
- Annuities are a fixed income for retirement based on life expectancy from a lump sum, invested into a range of gilts
- Divided into 2 broad categories – purchase and compulsory purchase
- Compulsory purchase is those purchased with pension proceeds