Investigating Selection Flashcards
What are the types of natural selection and what do they do?
- Stabilising selection
- Directional selection
They affect allele frequency in different ways
What is directional selection?
Individuals with alleles for characteristics of an extreme type are more likely to survive and reproduce
What could be the cause of directional selection?
Response to environmental change
What is the example used in exams for directional selection?
Bacteria evolving into antibiotic resistance
Diagram of Directional Selection before and after
Explain this diagram:
- Some individuals in population have alleles giving resistance to antibiotic
- Population exposed to antibiotic, killing bacteria without resistant allele
- Resistant bacteria survive and reproduce without competition , passing on allele to give antibiotic resistance to offspring
- After some time, most organisms in population carry antibiotic resistance allele
What is stabilizing selection?
- Individuals with alleles for characteristics towards the range are more likely to survive and reproduce
When does stabilising selection occur?
When the environment isn’t changing
Reduces range of possible characteristics
Individuals with extreme characteristics are less likely to survive and reproduce
Diagram of Stabilising Selection
Explain this graph:
- Humans have a range of birth weights
- Very small babies are less likely to survive - partly it is hard to maintain their body temperature - Less SA: VOL raito
- Giving birth to large babies are difficult - less likely to survive
- Conditions are most favourable for middle-sized babies - weight of human babies tend to shift towards middle of range
- Mean remains same
Describe what the data shows:
Over the first two years the average fur length is about 21 mm
However, average length gradually increases from 21mm to 24mm
Shows directional selection
Suggest a possible cause for this data:
Rabbits with longer fur are more likely to survive the cold conditions than short-furred rabits
More likely to reproduce and when they do pass on allele for longer fur
Over time, the allele for the longest fur becomes more common and population of average fur length of rabbit increases
Method of effects of antibiotics using agar plates
- Sterile pipette to evenly distribute the bacteria from broth to agar plate - lawn spreading
- Use sterile forceps to place paper discs to place paper discs soaked with different antibiotic spaced apart
- Lightly tape lid and incubate at 25 degree for 48 hours - form a lawn
What is an agar plate?
Petri dish containing agar jelly
Why should you let it incubate at 25 degrees for 48 hours?
Let the bacteria grow to form a ‘lawn’
What does the size of inhibition zone tell you?
How well the antibiotic works
Larger the zone , more bacteria inhibited from growing
What to use as a control?
Negative control disc only soaked in sterile water
Why should you not incubate above 25 degrees?
Not 37 degrees
could encourage growth of pathogens - microorganisms
Do you repeat test?
How to repeat practically?
Use different compounds/concentration
What happens if the zone of inhibition is not perfectly round?
- If not round use mean diameter
How does antibiotic cause zone inhibition?
Antimicrobial compound diffuses out of the disc and inhibits the growth of bacterium
What are aseptic techniques?
- Lab processes/procedures and performed in sterile conditions to prevent contamination that can affect the growth of microorganism you are working in
Why is it important to carry out aseptic techniques?
Avoid contamination with disease-causing microbes that make you ill
Examples of aseptic techniques
- Regularly disinfect the work area/bench
- Discard contaminated utensils
- Work near a Bunsen flame
- Minmise time spent with lid off
- Birefly flame neck of the glass containor of broth/bottles
- Replace lids
- Don’t put bottles on bench
- Flame the incoluating loop after transferring microorganisms
Why should you regularly disinfect work surfaces?
To minimize contamination
Why should contaminated utensils place carefully?
Don’t put utensils on work surface
They should put in a beaker of disinfectant
How do you sterilise equipment
- Glass can be sterilised before and after in autoclave (steam at high pressure)
- Pre-sterilised plastic instruments used once and discarded
Why should you work next to a Bunsen burner?
Hot air rises so any microbes in air drawn away from culture
Why should you minimise the time spent with the lid off the agar plate ?
Reduce the chance of airborne microorganisms contaminating the culture
Why should you briefly flame glass container of broth/bottles?
Just after it is opened/before its closed
Cause air to move out of container , prevent unwanted organisms from falling in
Should you wash hands before and after handling culture?
A group of scientists monitored the colour of oyester shells on beach changed over time.
Graph shows the colour of oyster shells in scientists inital sample and in their final sample
Oysters were mainly found in the sand which was mid-brown colour
a) What type of selection , explain
Example of stabilising selection
inital :shows a fairly wide range of shell colours from light to dark
Over time, the average colour shifted towards the middle of range
More oyesters have a mid-range coloured shell in final than inital
A group of scientists monitored the colour of oyester shells on beach changed over time.
Graph shows the colour of oyster shells in scientists inital sample and in their final sample
Oysters were mainly found in the sand which was mid-brown colour
a) Suggest the changes shown in the graph might have taken place
Oyesters at extreme of light and dark are less likely to survive because they are easily seen by predators against the sand
Means more mid-range coloured oysters have an advantage to survive and reproduce
Advantegous allele for this are passed onto next generation leading to increase in population
What is selection?
Selection is the process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment survive and breed,
while those less well adapted fail to do so
Distinguish between stabilizing and directional selection
- DS: Favours phenotype at one extreme of a population
- SS: Selects phenotypes around the mean of population
- DS: Change the characteristics of poulation
- SS: Preserves characteristic of population
- Graph change
Three examples of antimicrobial substances
- Antibiotics
- Antiseptics
- Disinfectants
What is present in a bacterial broth?
Distilled water
Bacterial culture
What is zone of inhibition?
A clear patch in lawn of bacteria where bacteria can’t grow
How to sterilise a insulated loop before and after use
Pass through Bunsen burner flame for 5 seconds