Invertebrates Chart Flashcards
Genus/species: Taenia saginata (beef) Taenia solium(pork)
-Platyhelminthes (Flat worms)
Class: Cestoda
Genus/species: Taenia saginata (beef) Taenia solium(pork)
Layman term: Human Tapeworms
Disease: Taeniasis (pork and beef) Cysticercosis (pork only)
Symptoms: Taeniasis: Mild GI Pain Cysticercosis: Embeds in tissues, life threatening
Particulars: Humans get infected from eating contaminated meat.
Genus/species: Taenia pisiformis
-Platyhelminthes (Flat worms)
Class: Cestoda Genus/species: Taenia pisiformis Layman term: Dog and cat Tapeworm Disease: Dog and cat tapeworms Symptoms: diarrhea and gas Particulars: Dogs and cats get tapeworms by eating fleas, which have tapeworms in their intestinal tract.
Genus/species: Clonorchis sinensis
-Platyhelminthes (Flat worms)
Class: Trematoda Genus/species: Clonorchis sinensis Layman term: Liver fluke Disease: Granulomas Symptoms: Granulomas Particulars: Infection caused by ingestion of organism
Genus/species: Fasciolopsis buski
-Platyhelminthes (Flat worms)
Class: Trematoda
Genus/species: Fasciolopsis buski
Layman term: Giant intestinal fluke
Disease: Granulomas
Symptoms: Granulomas in intestines: GI pain, diarrhea
Particulars: Can get this from eating raw, contaminated water chestnuts
Genus/species: Schistosoma mansoni
-Platyhelminthes (Flat worms)
Class: Trematoda
Genus/species: Schistosoma mansoni
Layman term: Blood fluke
Disease: Schistosomiasis/ Swimmer’s itch
Symptoms: Schistosomiasis: Granulomas, Katayama’s fever, coughing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatosplenomegaly, and eosinophilia Swimmer’s Itch: America; duck host, eggs shed in feces. Larvae die under human’s skin; pruritus
Particulars: Schistosomiasis: “male menstruation”, Pharaoh’s curse. Female lives in the male. Human contact with infected water is needed to get the disease. Swimmer’s Itch: rub hard with towel.
Genus/species: Planaria
-Platyhelminthes (Flat worms)
Class: Turbellaria Genus/species: Planaria Layman term: free-living flatworm Disease: Non-parasitic Symptoms: Particulars:
Genus/species: Enterobius vermicularis
-Nematoda (round worm)
Class: Genus/species: Enterobius vermicularis Layman term: Pin worm Disease: Symptoms: pruritus on anus from eggs deposited on the perianal folds Particulars:
Genus/species: Ascaris lumbricoides
-Nematoda (round worm)
Genus/species: Ascaris lumbricoides
Layman term: Intestinal roundworm
Disease: Can block or perforate intestines when agitated. It can also block bile duct.
Symptoms: Reproduces quickly, but becomes agitated in a crowded environment, so it migrates within the body and can perforate the intestines. It can come out through the nose and mouth.
Particulars: The world’s largest worm, causes the most helminthes infections world-wide
Genus/species: Toxocara canis and cati
-Nematoda (round worm)
Genus/species: Toxocara canis and cati
Layman term: Dog and cat roundworms
Disease: Visceral Larva Migrans (VLM)
Symptoms: VLM: most have mild symptoms, some have brain, eye, heart and lung problems
Particulars: Not transmitted by fleas; newborn puppies might get them from their mother.
Genus/species: Necator americanus
-Nematoda (round worm)
Genus/species: Necator americanus
Layman term: American hookworm
Disease: Intestinal bleeding/ persistant anemia
Particulars: Disease usually begins after contact with infected soil. May cause pica (desire to eat soil to get iron because of anemia)
Genus/species: Ancylostoma braziliense
-Nematoda (round worm)
Genus/species: Ancylostoma braziliense
Layman term: Dog and cat Hookworms
Disease: pruritus / Loeffler’s Syndrome
Symptoms: Blood tests show an increase in eosinophils (a type of white blood cell) whenever a patient has ANY type of parasitic infection. Dog and cat hookworms usually just cause pruritis (itchy skin) in humans, but in Loeffler’s Syndrome, eosinophiles accumulate in the lungs, causing a type of pneumonia. People with pneumonia cough and have a fever.
Particulars: Serpentine tunnels: Cutaneous larval migrans (CLM)
Genus/species: Trichinella spiralis
-Nematoda (round worm)
Class: Genus/species: Trichinella spiralis Layman term: Threadworm Disease: Symptoms: Encyst in skeletal muscle Particulars: Transmitted by eating improperly cooked meat, usually pork. You cannot smoke, dry, or pickle pork for this reason. In the USA, would most likely to get it from infected bear meat (Alaska)
Genus/species: Hirudo medicinalis
-Annelida (segmented worms)
Class: Hirudinea Genus/species: Hirudo medicinalis Layman term: Leech Disease: Symptoms: Particulars: Annelida are coelomate (fluid-filled body cavity lined with mesoderm). Leeches are used in blood letting and as an anticoagulant to ensure blood flow to tissue, and as an anesthetic in microsurgery for finger amputations
Genus/species: Dermacentor
Class: Arachnia
Genus/species: Dermacentor
Layman term: Hard Ticks
Disease: 1) Ehrlichiosis (Erlichia bacteria) 2) Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Rickettsia rickettsia bacteria) 3) Tick paralysis
Symptoms: Ehrlichiosis: Fever, headache, fatigue, muscle aches (myalgia) Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: fever, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, myalgia, rash.
Particulars: ALL arthpods have segmted appendages. They have sight, unlike the worms (including Planaria). Hard ticks feed for days Soft ticks feed for minutes Arthropoda are of medical importance because they transmit disease-causing microbes.
Genus/species: Ixodes
Class: Arachnia
Genus/species: Ixodes
Layman term: Hard Ticks
Disease: Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) Babbesiosis (Babesia; US protozoa)
Symptoms: Lyme Disease: Fever, headache, fatigue, skin rash called erythema migrans. Can spread to joints, heart, and nervous system. Babesiosis: Fever, chills, myalgia, fatigue, hepatosplenomegaly, hemolytic anemia,
Particulars: Erythema migrans (characteristic rash)
Genus/species: Amblyomma
Class: Arachnia
Genus/species: Amblyomma
Layman term: Hard Ticks
Disease: Ehrlichiosis (Erlichia bacteria)
Symptoms: Fever, headache, fatigue, muscle aches
Genus/species: Ornithidoros
Class: Arachnia
Genus/species: Ornithidoros
Layman term: Soft Ticks
Disease: Endemic Relapsing Fever (Borrelia hermsii bacteria)
Symptoms: High fever, severe headache, myalgia, weakness, anorexia, cough. May have liver, spleen, rash, respiratory and brain involvement.
Genus/species: Sarcoptes scabiei
Class: Arachnia
Genus/species: Sarcoptes scabiei
Layman term: Itch Mite
Disease: Scabies
Symptoms: pruritus; highly contagious skin disease; likes thin moist soft tissues of the skin
Particulars: Can catch it from gym equipment
Genus/species: Dermatophagoides
Class: Arachnia
Genus/species: Dermatophagoides
Layman term: dust mite
Disease: Allergies (rhinitis, sneezing, tearing and pruritic eyes and throat), asthma
Particulars: Feed on dead skin; saliva is allergen
Class: Insecta
Layman term: Fleas
Disease: 1) Bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis bacteria)
2) Endemic Typhus (Rickettsia typhi bacteria) 3) Tapeworms in pets
Symptoms: Endemic typhus: Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, high fever, diarrhea, rash, cough, headache, joint pain (arthralgia), myalgia
Particulars: Bubonic plague almost wiped out Europe; outbreaks in San Bernardino from fleas on squirrels and other rodents. Endemic typhus from fleas on rodents in Texas
Genus/species: Pediculus humanis corporus
Class: Insecta
Genus/species: Pediculus humanis corporus
Layman term: Human Body Lice
Disease: Epidemic Typhus (Rickettsia typhi) Relapsing fever (Borrelia recurrentis)
Symptoms: Pruritis from louse. From epidemic typhus, symptoms include high fever, Chills, delirium, cough, joint pain (arthralgia), myalgia, photosensitivity, low blood pressure, rash, headache
Particulars: Nests in clothing and bedding; associated with unsanitary condtions. People used to boil their clothes. The person and the clothing need to be treated.
Genus/species: Pthirus pubis
Class: Insecta Genus/species: Pthirus pubis Layman term: Crab Lice Disease: pruritus Symptoms: Infest human pubic hair Particulars: STD or contaminated towels, clothing, or bedding