Gram Positive Chart Flashcards
Staphylococcus aureus
Gram + COCCI
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal flora, opportunistic pathoge
Portal of Entry: gets in by any break in skin
Toxins: Endotoxin
Virulence Factors
Other: Salt tolerant so can live on skin Dessication tolerant, so can be found on fomites Methicillin is drug of choice (DOC) unless it is a MRSA strain.
Name of Disease: 1) Food poisoning from the ingestion of enterotoxin-contaminated food 2) Cutaneous diseases such as scalded skin syndrome, impetigo, folliculitis, and furuncles 3) Systemic diseases such as toxic shock, bacteremia, endocarditis, pneumonia, and osteomyelitis, MRSA (“mersa”)
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: 1) NVD, may progress to dehydration, headache, muscle cramping, and changes in blood pressure and pulse rate 2) Inflammed skin, pustules 3) Fever and tissue distruction
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Gram + COCCI
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal flora, opportunistic pathogen
Portal of Entry: gets in by any break in skin
Virulence Factors: Produces a biofilm Quarum sensing
Other: Differentiated from S. aureus in that S epidermidis is coagulase negative and does not ferment mannitol. Differentiated from S. saprophyticus in that S. epidermidis is sensitive to Novobiocin
Name of Disease: Wound infections
Staphylococcus haemolyticus
Gram + COCCI
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal flora, opportunistic pathogen
Portal of Entry: axillae, perineum, and ingunial areas of humans
Virulence Factors
Name of Disease: Skin infections
Staphylococcus saprophyticus
Gram + COCCI
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal urogenital flora
Portal of Entry: Urinary tract
Virulence Factors
Other: Coagulase negative and resistant to Novobiocin
Name of Disease: Causes UTI (urinary tract infections)
Streptococcus pyogenes
Gram + COCCI
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal flora in pharynx
Portal of Entry: Upper respiratory mucus
Virulence Factors: Capsule
Other: Group A; Beta hemolytic, bacitracin sensitive Drug of choice is erythromycin
Name of Disease: 1) pharyngits 2) Scarlet fever 3)Pyoderma (Impetigo) 4) Toxic Shock Syndrome
5) Necrotizing fascitis
6) Rheumatic fever
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: 1) Strep throat 2) Rash that begins on chest and spreads 3) pus filled lesion on face, arms or legs 4) Bacteremia and multisystem failure 5) destroys muscle and fat tissue 6) inflammation that leads to damage of heart valves
Streptococcus agalactiae
Gram + COCCI
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal GI / GU flora
Portal of Entry: GI, genital, or urinary mucus
Virulence Factors
Other: Group B; Beta hemolytic, most common cause of sepsis and meningitis in infants <3 months. The newborn contracts it in the birth canal of a mother who has it in the vagina
Name of Disease: neonatal sepsis and meningitis in infants
Enterococcus faecalis
Gram + COCCI
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal colon flora
Portal of Entry: fecal oral route
Toxins: Endotoxin
Virulence Factors
Other: Group D; Alpha hemolytic, grows on bile esculin media
Name of Disease: Nosocomial infections
Steptococcus pneumoniae
Gram + COCCI
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal flora of mucous membranes
Portal of Entry: Upper respiratory mucus
Virulence Factors
Other: No Lancefield classification, so called Viridins; alpha hemolytic. DOC is erythromycin. Vaccine available
Name of Disease: 1) pneumonia 2) meningitis 3) endocarditis and bacteremia 4) Dental caries and plaques 5) sinusitis and otitis media (ear)
Bacillus cereus
Gram + RODS
Host/Pathogen relationship: Soil organism
Portal of Entry
Toxins: Endotoxin
Virulence Factors: Motile, endospores
Other: Food poisoning
Name of Disease: 1) Rapid-onset emetic syndrome 2) Slow onset diarrheal syndrome
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: 1) N/V within 1-5 hours after food ingestion (esp boiled rice and dairy)
2) Diarrhea 8-16 hours after contaminated food ingestion (meat, vegetables, sauces, pasta, desserts, dairy)
Bacillus anthracis
Gram + RODS
Host/Pathogen relationship: Soil organism
Portal of Entry: 1) Inhalation of spores 2) Inoculation of spores into the body through a break in the skin 3) Ingestion of spores
Toxins: Anthrax toxin
Virulence Factors: Non-motile, endospores
Name of Disease: 1) Inhalation anthrax 2) Cutaneous anthrax
3) GI anthrax (ingested)
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: 1) Flu-like, then labored breathing, shock, and death 2) Eschar and toxemia 3) Intestinal hemorrhage and death
Clostridium perfringens
Gram + RODS
Host/Pathogen relationship: Soil organism
Portal of Entry: ingestion or wound
Toxins: endotoxin
Virulence Factors: Motile, endospores
Other Food poisoning or trauma
Name of Disease: 1) Food poisoning 2) Gas gangrene (spores enter a wound)
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: 1) NVD 2) Necrosis (tissue death) wtih gas production
Clostridium difficile
Gram + RODS
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal GI flora
Portal of Entry: Auto
Toxins Endotoxin
Virulence Factors: Motile, endospores
Other: Antibiotic complication
Name of Disease: 1) Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea (occurs after antibiotics are used for something else) 2) Pseudomembranous colitis
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: 1) Severe diarrhea and abdominal cramps, fever 2) Pustules throughout the colon
Clostridium botulinum
Gram + RODS
Host/Pathogen relationship: Soil organism
Portal of Entry: Ingestion or wound
Toxins: Botulism toxin
Virulence Factors: Motile, endospores
Other 1) Canning foods at home, dented cans 2) Giving babies honey
3) Stepping on foreign body in soil
Name of Disease 1) Food-borne botulism 2) Infant botulism
3) Wound botulism
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: 1) Progressive paralysis, death by suffocation 2) Constipation, failure to thrive 3)Progressive paralysis, death by suffacation
Clostridium tetani
Gram + RODS
Host/Pathogen relationship: Soil organism
Portal of Entry: Wound
Toxins: Tetanus toxin
Virulence Factors: Motile, endospores
Other Prevention by tetanus toxoid
Name of Disease Tetanus
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE Spastic paralysis and death by suffocation
Gram + RODS
Host/Pathogen relationship Soil organism Portal of Entry Ingestion Toxins Virulence Factors :Motile, no endospores Other avoid undercooked vegetables, unpasteurized milk, undercooked meat, and all soft cheeses Name of Disease: Food poisoning SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: NVD
Proprionibacterium acnes
Gram + RODS
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal skin flora Portal of Entry Clogged sebaceus gland Toxins Virulence Factors Motile, no endospores Other Name of Disease Acne vulgaris SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: pimples
Gram + RODS
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal skin flora
Portal of Entry: Inhaled or skin contact
Toxins: Diptheria toxin
Virulence Factors: Motile, no endospores
Other Vaccine available (DPT: diptheria, pertussus, tetanus)
Name of Disease Diptheria
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: pseudomembrane over trachea, death by suffocation
Nocardia asteroides
Gram + RODS
Host/Pathogen relationship: Soil organism
Portal of Entry: Inhaled or wounds
Virulence Factors: Motile, no endospores
Name of Disease: 1) Pneumonia 2) Infected wounds
3) CNS infections
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: 1) Pneumonia 2) Infected wounds 3) CNS infections
Actinomyces israilii
Gram + RODS
Host/Pathogen relationship: Normal oral flora
Portal of Entry: Auto
Virulence Factors: Motile, no endospores
Other Post-dental procedures and human bite wounds
Name of Disease 1) Maxillary osteomyelitis 2) Infection from human bite wounds
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE 1) Bone infection of the maxilla 2) Infection from human bite wounds
Acid Fast Bacteria
Host/Pathogen relationship: Obligate Intracellular pathogen
Portal of Entry: Inhaled droplets from infected person
Virulence Factors
Other: Cell wall of mycolic acid (acid fast); grows slowly inside host cells; skin test available
Name of Disease Tuberculosis
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: Nodules in lungs, bloody cough
Acid Fast Bacteria
Host/Pathogen relationship: Obligate Intracellular pathogen
Portal of Entry
Virulence Factors
Other Cell wall of mycolic acid (acid fast); grows slowly inside host cells
Name of Disease : Hanson’s Disease (leprosy)
SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE: Skin anethesia, tissue distruction, disfigurement, loss of fingers/toes