Invasion Ecology Flashcards
What are the determants of species success and dynamics?
- Variability in supply of recruits
- Oiceanographic influences of dispersal
- Larval behaviour
- Settlement process
- Variation in the receiving environment
- Anthropogenic transport pathways
What is an exotic species?
“a species introduced to a region beyond the range in which it evolved (e.g. outside its native range)
What is an invasive species?
An invasive species that becomes abundant or infuential in the habitats and bioregions it has invaded with adverse environmental, economic or ecological consequences
- invasive is relative (subjective term)
- Most introduced species are not invasive
- a species may be invasive in some regions but not others
What is invasion ecology?
Case and consequence of biological invasions
- Examines the factors that influence estabilshment, spread and impact of introduced impact if introduced species
- a multidiscipplinary science that combines elements from various fields of study
Why do we stud invasions?
- to understand how humans affect the distribution and abundance of other species
- invasions are altering ecosystems worldwide
- invasions are a major cause of extinctions
- invasions impact mulitple aspcts of society
- to precent or combat invsions
What barriere determin species dispersal?
- Geographic barriers
- Physiological barriers
- Demographic resistance
- biotic resistance
How do humans create new dispersal pathways?
- pollution
- habitat degradation/modification
- over harvesting
- loss of biodiversity
How do invasions without human influence occur?
- rare on human time scales
- occur over small spatial scales
- require the removal of either
- a georgaphic barrier
- a physiological barrier
What are 6 pathways created by humans that are responsible for invasions?
- Maritime transport pathway
- Mining and exploratoin pathway
- marine aquaculture pathway
- commvercial fishing pathway
- sport and recreation pathway
- research and education pathway
Name four ship borne invasions of New Zealand
- Clubbed sea squirt (Styela clava)
- Underia pinnatafida
- Asian paddle crab (Charybdis japonica)
- Mediteranian fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii)