Introduction to the Nervous System Flashcards
Why does the cornea have two basement membranes?
Because it has two layers of epithelium
What are the names of the basement membranes?
Bowmans membrane (basement membrane of corneal epithelium) and descents layer which is the basement membrane of the endothelium.
What type of epithelium is the outer epithelium of the cornea?
Stratified squamous non-keratinised
How does the cornea receive nutrition?
Diffusion, no blood vessels
Damage to which layer of the cornea will result in scar formation?
Bowmans membrane
What does OD and OS mean?
OD means right eye and OS means left eye
How does the cornea remain transparent?
- Histologically – regular arrangement of collagen in stroma
- No blood vessels
- Endothelium cell layer has a pump that actively keeps the aqueous humor out.
What is the advantage of avascularity of the cornea in terms of transplant?
Means there is a lesser chance of foreign antigens from a corneal graft being recognised by the recipient, so lesser chance of graft rejection.
What is responsible for suspending the lens?
Suspensory ligaments
What is the anterior/posterior segment?
Behind the lens is the posterior segment, in front is the anterior segment.
What makes up the anterior segment of the eye?
Anterior segment contains an anterior and posterior chamber.
Where does aqueous humour flow?
Flows out of the angle of the anterior chamber.
Which layer of the retina contains the nerve fibre layer?
Layer 9
Which layer of the retina contains the layer of rods and cones?
Layer 2
Which level of the retina contains the pigment epithelial layer?
Layer 1
What is the significance of the fovea centralis?
Packed with cones, area of maximum visual acuity
What is different about the layers of the membrane over the fovea centralis?
All the upper layer of membrane is pushed aside so that light can directly strike rods and cones - very thin layer
What is meant by cataract?
Lens opacification
Why is the lens predisposed to becoming opaque?
It is avascular and has its basement membrane on the outside - therefore the lens cannot shed its old fibres
What shapes your eyelid?
Tarsal plate
What is the function of the tear film?
- Keeps cornea moist , prevents drying
- Washes away any particulate foreign bodies
- Has antibodies and lysozymes to kill microbes
- Smooths outer surface of cornea providing smooth surface for refraction.
What are the three layers of the tear film?
- Layer 1: mucinous layer (~30%) overlying corneal epithelium
- Layer 2: aqueous layer (~69%) lies over the mucinous layer
- Layer 3: oily layer (<1%) is the most superficial

What nerves are responsible for the secretion of tears into the conjunctival sac?
Parasympathetic nerves from CN2
What happens when we blink?
Sharp lower border of the upper eyelid distributes the tear film evenly
What stimulates blinking?
Tears evaporate and oily layer becomes close to the mucin layer, when the 2 layers touch each other this stimulates further blinking