Assessment of Cognitive Functioning Flashcards
What is PTA?
Post traumatic amnesia
Period of recovery following brain injury
Disorientation (unable to locate themselves in time and place)
Antero-grade amnesia (unable to remember new events/experiences occurred after brain injury)
Why should cognitive function be assessed?
Can aid the delivery of medical treatment
Can help make a diagnosis
Allows a judgement about capacity to be made
Assessment of risk of the patient
Allows ideas regarding driving ability, working ability, home living standards to be explored
What is the purpose of a bedside assessment?
Raises the possibility of cognitive impairments which may need further assessment/onward referral and may impact treatment/consent
What is covered in a clinical interview regarding cognitive function?
Language (word finding, errors (semantic/phonetic), poor understanding, inappropriate answers, reading and writing errors
Processing speed, slowed down, not following conversation
Excecutive Functioning - stuck on ideas/tasks, difficulty making decisions
Personality - behavioural changes, disinhibition, loss of interest/motivation
Visual Spatial - route finding, spatial orientation, fine motor tasks
What are the screening assessments for cognitive impairment?
NOT MMSE - severe memory impairments can still pass, not subtle enough
Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination - 111 (ACE 111)
What are the 5 domains which the Adenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination assesses?
- attention/orientation
- memory
- language
- verbal fluency
- visuospatial skills
Also includes the MMSE
What is included in the MMSE?
Examines functions including registration (repeating named prompts), attention and calculation, recall, language, ability to follow simple commands and orientation
Serial seven’s is counting down from 100 in sevens

What is important to consider when performing a cognitive function examination?
Patients language might not have english as their first language
Eyesight or hearing may be impaired
Patient may be fatigued
Patient may be confused or delerious
Patient may be influenced by the likes of privacy, noise and disturbances
Patient may be anxious
Patient may not be motivated or have good attention
What is the management for those with cognitive impiarment?
Monitoring change in the patient
Impact of medication on cognition
Rehabilitation (cognitive)
Behavioural management
Support and education (for famiies)
Advice on return to work / education
Advice on care requirements
If taking a history for a patient with cognitive impairment, what are key areas to pick up on?
The event or condition which is associated with the cognitive defecits
Past medical history
Psychiatric history
Developmental (attention defecit disorder, autism spectrum disorder, learning difficulties)
Family (medical, neurological, psychiatric)
Adverse events
Something current that could be impacting on cognition (infection, substances?)
What are important questions to ask about presenting problems?
How they have changed over the course of time
Exacerbating/Alleviating factors
What they think it is
The impact on work or hobbies daily living?
Legal involvement?