Introduction to Speech and language development Flashcards
Socially shared code for
representing concepts using arbitrary and rule-governed combinations symbols (can be conveyed by speech, gestures writing etc.)
Neuromuscular activity that turns
language into an oral sound signal and
transmits it to an aural receiver
What are the three Language domain according to Bloom?
Form, content, use
What are the elements in the Form domains of language?(3)
Phonology, Morphology, Syntax
What is the element in the Content domains of language?
What is the element in the Use domains of language?
What are the 5 branches in language?
Phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics
What is Phonology?
Study of the sound system and use of a language, the rules for their combination
What is a phoneme?
Smallest linguistic unit of sound
What is Morphology?
Study rules of the use of morphemes in a
language and internal organization of words
What are Morphemes?
Smallest unit of meaning in a language
What is Syntax?
Rules by which sentences are made and combining words into acceptable phrases and sentences
What are semantics?
Study of the meaning system of language and word meanings
What are pragmatics?
Rules for the use of language in social context like communicative competence – social conventions
Language is a__________ and ___________ system of conventional symbols that is used in __________ modes for thought and communication.
complex, dynamic, various modes
Exchange of information or messages sender and a receiver
Information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior
Why is language not equal to communication?
Language is unique (specific) in the human species Language is similar (or uniform) in humans
Animals can communicate but not produce language.
What are the specific characteristics of human language? (3)
- Productivity
- Semanticity or Symbolism
- Displacement
True of False: Children do not reach language milestones at the
same age regardless of the culture.
False, they do regardless of of culture. The order of appearance of developmental milestones
(e.g., speech) is not affected by culture or the language
to be learned
What does the interdependence model state in the prototypical cultural models of parenting?
• Child is a member of the community
• E.g. babies don’t sleep
alone, are in constant
body contact with
caregivers, and are less
talked too
What does the Autonomy model state in the prototypical cultural models of parenting?
• Child is an independent
• Lots of talk to the child
• Desire to see the child
develop independence
(e.g. sleep alone)