introduction to program design Flashcards
specific warm-ups
-utilizes actions and muscles to be used during activities that reflect clients goals -specific muscles and neural patterns are primed for maximal effort
training frequency
number of exercise bouts per week
recovery period
duration of time between exercise sessions
benefits of warm-up
increased neural sensitivity and transmission speed greater movement economy and ROM increased oxygen and blood delivery increased enzymatic and metabolic activity heightened muscle temperature
rest periods
duration of time between sets
needs analysis is based on
screening and testing to provide the information for program development based on adaptation needs
warm up
period of preparation for physical activity by gradual increases
training duration
length of time in physical effort
benefits of cool down (5)
-prevention of blood pooling -maintenance of cardiac output via veinous blood return to heart -improved overall recovery -reduced risk for cardiac irregularities or dangerous event -reduction of blood/muscle lactate and stress hormones
training intensity
level of effort performed
General warm-ups
-gross motor activation via basic movements i.e. jogging, jumping rope, cycling -can last 5-10 min depending on intensity
energy continuum
energy system to fuel work
what is progressive preparation
acclimating body for more challenging work
Functional warm-up:
Focuses on therapeutic actions, injury prevention, proprioception, and improved movement economy (usually includes working on problem areas) -usually performed in progressive circuits
11 principles of exercise program design
progressive preparation energy continuum exercise selection periodization exercise order training frequency training duration training intensity rest periods training volume recovery periods
training volume
qty of total work performed
phasic adaptive system to maximize desired responses
Performance (sport-specific) warm-ups:
-Includes actions and neural patterns to improve performance in a particular sport or activity -Duration can reach 15-20 mins (general movements followed by neural preparation) Example: jumping rope for 3 mins → mobility drills → muscle activations drills → moderate-intensity ballistics with 5-10% of training intensity
types of warm-ups
general specific functional performance (sport specific)
example bench press warm up
12 reps 65% 1RM 10 REPS 70% 1RM 8 REPS 77.5% 1RM Work sets 3x6 reps 82.5% 1RM
purpose of cool downs
-brings body back down to resting homeostatic state -immediately after exercise -low intensity -large muscles through full ROM