Introduction To PM Flashcards
Retrospective memory is…
remembering information
acquired in the past.
For example, remembering a phone number, the
contents of a book or a lecture or what one did yesterday
Prospective memory is…
remembering to perform previously intended action at some point in the future.
Remembering to pass a message to a friend, to post a letter, make a phone call at 2 p.m., or take a pill every 4 hours 4 times a day
What are the three types of PM Tasks?
Time-based - A particular time or after certain amount of elapsed time
Event-based - Person, place, object, etc.
Activity-based - Before or after a particular activity
What is the precise pattern of findings in the age-prospective memory paradox?
Older adults outperform young in naturalistic PM tasks but young adults outperform older adults in the lab tasks
What are the overall conclusions on the effects of Age on PM and RM?
PM seems to be affected by age less than RM