Introduction to Plan Making and Implementation Flashcards
Plan making is a three-part process, according to The Practice of Local Government Planning
- Goals and visions;
- Analysis of current problems; and
- Creation and evaluation of alternatives.
Research method that allows one to collect data on a topic that cannot be directly observed, such as opinions on downtown retailing opportunities. Gaging preferences and attitudes
sampling frame
Population of interest
Gathers information about a population at a single point in time. For example, planners might conduct a survey on how parents feel about the quality of recreation facilities as of today.
longitudinal surveys
Some cities conduct a citizen survey of service satisfaction every couple of years. This data can be combined to compare the differences in satisfaction between 1995 and 2005.
Written surveys
Mailed, printed in a newspaper, or administered in a group setting. Written surveys are very popular when a planner is trying to obtain information from a broad audience, such as general opinions about the community.
Group-administered surveys
Appropriate when there is a specific population that a planner is trying to target. example would be to survey participants in recreation programming by asking each person to complete a survey at the end of class.
Drop-off survey
The survey to be dropped off at someone’s residence or business.
Oral surveys
Administered on the phone or in person.
Phone surveys
Useful when you need yes/no answers.
Online surveys
These can be administered on a website, e-mail, or text message.
sample design
The sample should represent the population about which information is being gathered.
probability sampling
There is a direct mathematical relation between the sample and the population, so that precise conclusions can be drawn.
random samples
Where everyone has the same chance of being selected to participate in the survey
stratified samples
The total population is divided into smaller groups or strata to complete the sampling process. Example: age ranges.
cluster samples
Special form of stratified sampling, where a specific target group out of the general population is sampled from, such as the elderly, or residents of a specific neighborhood.
non-probability sampling
There is no precise connection between the sample and the population, so that the results have to be interpreted with caution since they are not necessarily representative of the population.
convenience sample
Individuals that are readily available
snowball sample
Where one interviewed person suggests other potential interviewees
volunteer sample
Consists of self-selected respondents
volunteered geographic information
When participants enter information on a web map
Types of non-probability sampling
convenience sample
snowball sample
volunteer sample
volunteered geographic information
Types of probability sampling
random samples
systematic samples
stratified samples
cluster samples
three important steps in the statistical process
1) collect data
2) describe and summarize
3) interpret
Types of measurement
Nominal data
Ordinal data
Interval data
Ratio data
Nominal data
Classified into mutually exclusive categories and lack intrinsic order. A zoning classification, social security number, and sex are examples of nominal data. Categories, label doesn’t matter.
Ordinal data
Ordered categories implying a ranking of the observations. Examples of ordinal data are letter grades, suitability for development, and response scales on a survey. Ordered categories, ranking only.
Interval data
Data that has an ordered relationship where the difference between the scales has a meaningful interpretation. Example of interval data is temperature. difference between 40 and 30 degrees is the same as between 30 and 20 degrees, but 20 degrees is not twice as cold as 40 degrees.
Ratio data
Gold standard of measurement, where both absolute and relative differences have a meaning. Example of ratio data is a distance measure, where the difference between 40 and 30 miles is the same as the difference between 30 and 20 miles, and in addition, 40 miles is twice as far as 20 miles.
Types of Variables
Quantitative variables
Qualitative variables
Continuous variables
Discrete variables
Mathematical representation of a concept. The measurement of that concept
quantitative variables
The actual numerical value is meaningful. Examples are household income, level of a pollutant in a river. Quantitative variables represent an interval or ratio measurement
qualitative variables
the actual numerical value does not have meaning. Example is zoning classification. Qualitative variables correspond to nominal or ordinal measurement.
Continuous variables
Numeric variables that have an infinite number of values between any two values. Example is water temperature.
Discrete variables
Only take on a finite number of distinct values. Example is the number of accidents per month.
binary (dichotomous) variables
Can only take on two values, typically coded as 0 and 1. Yes/No. True/False.
Descriptive Statistics
Describe the characteristics of the distribution of values in a population. Example is on average, AICP test takers in 2018 are 30 years old.
Inferential Statistics
Use probability theory to determine characteristics of a population based on observations made on a sample from that population. For example, we could take a sample of 25 test takers and use their average age to say something about the mean age of all the test takers.
Overall shape of all observed data
Descriptive statistics
Describe the characteristics of the distribution of values in a population. Example is on average, AICP test takers in 2018 are 30 years old.
It is a condition in which values are arranged identically above and below the middle of a data set or above and below the diagonal of a matrix
An asymmetric distribution, i.e., where there are either more observations below the mean or more above the mean.
It is a statistical description of the degree of peakedness of that distribution. For example, the ages of a sample of college freshmen would probably show kurtosis, having a high peak at age 18.
The difference between the largest and the smallest value.
normal (Gaussian distribution)
Bell Curve - values pile up in the center at the mean and fall off into tails at either end
Symmetric distribution
Where an equal number of observations are below and above the mean
Central tendency
The middle or center point of a set of scores. There are several ways to measure central tendency, including mean, median, and mode. The median is typically the preferred measure of central tendency.
the average of a distribution. For example, the mean of [2, 3, 4, 5] is (2 + 3 + 4 + 5)/4 = 3.5. The mean is appropriate for interval and ratio scaled data
weighted mean
When there is a greater importance placed on specific entries or when representative values are used for groups of observations.
Middle value of a ranked distribution. The median of [2, 3, 4, 5] would be (3 + 4)/2 = 3.5. The median is the only suitable measure of central tendency for ordinal data, but it can also be applied to interval and ratio scale data after they are converted to ranked values.
The most frequent number in a distribution. For example, the modes of [1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7, 7] are 3 and 7. The mode is the only measure of central tendency that can be used for nominal data, but it can also be applied to interval and ratio scale data.
A statistical measurement of the spread between numbers in a data set. The variance is the average squared deviation from the mean. A larger variance means a greater spread around the mean (flatter distribution), a smaller variance a narrower spread (a spikier distribution). Appropriate for interval and ratio scaled variables
standard deviation
Is the square root of the variance. Appropriate for interval and ratio scaled variables
degree of freedom correction
For precise coefficient estimates and powerful hypothesis tests in regression, you must have many error degrees of freedom, which equates to having many observations for each model term.
An extreme observation or measurement, that is, a score that significantly differs from all others obtained.
Coefficient of Variation
which measures the relative dispersion from the mean by taking the standard deviation and dividing by the mean. Appropriate for interval and ratio scaled variables
This is a standardization of the original variable by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation. For example, a z-score of more than 2 would mean the observation is more than two standard deviations away from the mean, or, it is an outlier in the sense just defined.
inter-quartile range (IQR)
This is the difference in value between the 25 percentile and the 75 percentile. The IQR forms the basis for an alternative concept of outliers.
Box Plot
Interquartile Range (IQR) visualized. Uses two fences at the first and third quartile. Observations that are outside these fences are termed outliers. Based on a ranking of low to high.
hypothesis test
A statement about a particular characteristic of a population (or several populations).
null hypothesis
There is no significant difference between specified populations, any observed difference being due to sampling or experimental error.
alternative hypothesis
The research hypothesis one wants to find support for by rejecting the null hypothesis.
two-sided (alternative hypothesis)
An alternative hypothesis can have differences in both directions are considered
one-sided (alternative hypothesis)
An alternative hypothesis can have only differences in one direction are considered, i.e., only larger than or smaller than, but not both
test statistic
Provides a way to operationalize a hypothesis test.
sampling error (sampling distribution)
Error in a statistical analysis arising from the unrepresentativeness of the sample taken. The sampling error is related to the sample size, with a larger sample resulting in a smaller error
systematic error
The data values obtained from a sample deviate by a fixed amount from the true values.
standard error
Pertains to the distribution of a statistic that is computed from a sample. For example, the sample average has a standard error, which is the same as the standard deviation of its sampling distribution.
statistical decision
The rejection of a null hypothesis
significance (p-value, Type I Error)
The error of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact true.
confidence interval
Displays the probability that a parameter will fall between a pair of values around the mean. Confidence intervals measure the degree of uncertainty or certainty in a sampling method.
t-test (student’s t-test)
Typically used to compare the means of two populations based on their sample averages. Test on the difference between means. Are the two groups part of the same population? A common application of the t-test is to test the significance of a regression coefficient.
ANOVA (analysis of variance)
More complex form of testing the equality of means between groups. For example, we would compare the average speed of cars on a street before (control) and after a street calming infrastructure was put in place (treatment).
A slight generalization of the t-test (allowing different variances in two groups).
Chi Square test
It is a test that assesses the difference between a sample distribution and a hypothesized distribution. Difference between observed and expected. Measure of fit.
Chi Square distribution
A skewed distribution that is obtained by taking the square of a standard normal variable (so, it only takes positive values).
correlation coefficient
Measures the strength of a linear relationship between two variables
The square of a correlation coefficient is often referred to as r2 (or R2)
positive correlation
High values of one variable match high values of the other, and low values match low values
negative correlation
High values of one variable match low values of the other, and vice versa
linear regression
Three major uses for regression analysis are (1) determining the strength of predictors, (2) forecasting an effect, and (3) trend forecasting.
dependent variable
A variable (often denoted by y) whose value depends on that of another. On the left-hand side of the equal sign
explanatory variables
On the right-hand side of the equal sign
The point at which either axis of a graph is intersected by a line plotted on the graph.
least squares
A method of estimating a quantity or fitting a graph to data so as to minimize the sum of the squares of the differences between the observed values and the estimated values.
Four major population estimation and projection methods
Linear, Symptomatic, Step-Down Ratio, and Cohort Survival.
Linear Method
The linear method uses the change in population (increase or decline) over a period of time and extrapolates this change to the future, in a linear fashion.
Exponential Method
Uses the rate of growth (or decline), i.e., the percentage change in population over a period of time to estimate the current or future population.
modified exponential method
Assumes there is a cap to the change and that at some point the growth will slow or stop, resulting in an S-shaped curved line.
Gompertz Projection
Further modification of the modified exponential, where the growth is slowest at the beginning and speeds up over time.
Symptomatic Method
Uses any available data indirectly related to population size, such as housing starts, or new drivers licenses
Step-Down Ratio Method
Uses the ratio of the population in a city and a county (or a larger geographical unit) at a known point in time, such as the decennial Census. For example, the population of Plannersville is 20% of the county population in 2000. If we know that the county population is 20,000 in 2005, we can then estimate the population of Plannersville as 4,000 (20%).
Distributed Housing Unit Method
Uses the Census Bureau data for the number of housing units, which is then multiplied by the occupancy rate and persons per household.
Cohort Survival Method
Uses the current population plus natural increase (more births, fewer deaths) and net migration (more in-migration, less out-migration) to calculate a future population. The population is calculated for men and women in specific age groups.
three major economic analysis methods
Economic base, shift-share, and input-output analysis.
Economic base analysis
Looks at basic and non-basic economic activities. Basic activities are those that can be exported, while non-basic activities are those that are locally oriented. The exporting industries make up the economic base of a region.
location quotient
Needed to identify economic base industries. The ratio of an industry’s share of local employment divided by its share of the nation (or other levels of government). <1 is importing economy. >1 is exporting economy
Shift-share analysis
Analyzes a local economy in comparison with a larger economy. This analysis looks at the differential shift, proportional shift, and economic growth.
proportional shift
The industrial mix effect is the number of jobs we would expect to see added (or lost) within an industry in your region, based on the industry’s national growth/decline.
differential shift
An extra bump in pay that some workers make for working outside of normal business hours
Input-output analysis
Quantitative method that links suppliers and purchasers to determine the economic output of a region. Identifies primary suppliers, intermediate suppliers, intermediate purchasers, and final purchasers
Primary suppliers
Do not purchase input for production. They typically purchase only final goods
Intermediate suppliers
Sell outputs to either intermediate or final purchasers
Intermediate purchasers
Buy outputs from others and use them as inputs to produce outputs
Final purchasers
Use their inputs as final goods
regional employment multiplier
relates a change in a region’s export employment to the resulting total employment change
A decrease in the value of a currency relative to other currencies.
acquisition cost
The cost of acquisition is the total expense incurred by a business in acquiring a new client or purchasing an asset.
Fair Market Value
Is the price that an asset would sell for on the open market
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
The standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data about the U.S. economy. The NAICS codes allow for planners to be able to select industry segments to analyze, for example conducting a shift-share analysis on a particular NAICS designated industry.
2010 Decennial Census of Population
One of the largest changes is the discontinuation of the long form.
2000 Census
First time allowed the respondents to select more than one race that they identify as.
Census Rate of Response
1990 and 2000, 65%
2010, 74%
Urbanized Area
Urban nucleus of 50,000 or more people.
Urban Cluster
Have at least 2,500 but less than 50,000 persons and a population density of 1,000 persons per square mile.
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
Includes at least one city with 50,000 or more inhabitants, or an urbanized area (of at least 50,000 inhabitants), and a total metropolitan population of at least 100,000.
Micropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
Has a population of more than 10,000 people and less than 50,000 people.
Census Designated Places (CDP)
Is the equivalent of an incorporated place for data purposes.
Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA)
Is made up of several Primary MSA’s. An example is the Dallas-Fort Worth Consolidated Metropolitan Area. Dallas and Fort Worth are each primary metropolitan statistical areas.
Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA)
To provide data description for areas where there is a core area with at least 10,000 people that when combined with other adjacent communities is socially and economically integrated.
A many-centered, multi-city, urban area of more than 10 million inhabitants, generally dominated by high-density settlement and complex networks of economic specialization
Hierarchy of Census Geographic Entities
Listed Below (NRDSCCBC) Nation Regions Divisions States Counties Census Tract Block Groups Census Blocks
Census Tract
Census tract typically has a population between 2,000 and 8,000 people. It is the smallest area where all information is released.
Census Block
Is the smallest level at which the Census data is collected. There are typically 400 housing units per block.
Census Block Group
A group of Census Blocks. They generally contain 600-3,000 people, and are used to present data and control block numbering.
Minor Civil Division (MCD)
Is a unit only used in 29 states and usually corresponds to a municipality.
Census County Divisions
are used in the 21 states that do not have MCDs.
Tribal Designated Statistical Area
Is a unit drawn by tribes that do not have a recognized land area. These are defined independently of the standard county-based census delineations.
Threshold Population
Is a term that is under a number of government programs to determine program eligibility. Threshold Population to qualify to receive Community Development Block Grant Funds.
Public Use Microdata Sample
Enable data users to create custom estimates and tables, free of charge
Public Use Microdata Areas
Are non-overlapping, statistical geographic areas that partition each state or equivalent entity into geographic areas containing no fewer than 100,000 people each.
fastest growing states
Nevada (35%), Arizona (25%), and Utah (24%)
top ten fastest growing metropolitan areas
Palm Coast, Florida
St. George, Utah
Las Vegas-Paradise, Nevada
Raleigh-Cary, North Carolina
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, Florida
Provo-Orem, Utah
Greeley, Colorado
Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos, Texas
Myrtle Beach-North Myrtle Beach-Conway, South Carolina
Bend, Oregon
American Community Survey (ACS)
Replaces the long form in the decennial Census. Takes a sample of the population and projects the findings to the population as a whole. 1 in 5 years.
Population Groups
Baby Boomers
Generation X
Generation Y
Generation Z
Baby Boomers
1946 and 1964
Generation X
1965 and 1976
Generation Y (aka Echo Boom or Millenials)
1977 and 2000
Generation Z
children born after 2000
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
field of computerized mapping
spatial data
The form of themes, layers, or coverages
The information about an object or feature
Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
Allows the incorporation of the location of features and facilities into databases.
Topographically Integrated Geographical Encoding and Referencing map, which is used for Census data. Includes streets, railroads, zip codes, and landmarks.
Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)
Is a new technology using a laser, instead of radio waves, that is mounted in an airplane to provide detailed topographic information
Is a simulation software program that models planning and urban development (MPOs).
ESRI software environment that allows agencies to analyze land use scenarios and create 3D images.
Urban Footprint
It uses a library of place types, block types, and building types to support interactive scenario building.
design charrette
An intensive collaborative effort that brings together citizens, stakeholders, and staff to develop a detailed design plan for a specific area. This is an effective technique for quickly developing consensus.
Delphi Method
Is a structured process of public participation with the intent of coming to a consensus. Complete a series of questionnaires, feedback is given, and answers are revised.
Nominal Group Technique
A group process involving problem identification, solution generation, and decision making that can be used for groups of any size that want to come to a decision by vote.
Uses a person who does not have a direct stake in the outcome of a meeting to help groups that disagree work together to solve complex problems and come to a consensus.
Is a method in which a neutral third party facilitates discussion in a structured multi-stage process to help parties reach a satisfactory agreement.
public hearing
These meetings allow formal citizen input at the end of the planning process. Hearings are considered ineffective at building public participation and consensus.
visual preference survey
Is a technique that can be used to assist citizens in evaluating physical images of natural and built environments.
Is an informal approach to gathering input in the initial stages of a project, or in trying to determine goals.
Coalition building
It requires individuals and groups to be willing to rise above their feelings of separateness and to actively collaborate in a spirit of mutual understanding, patience, and flexibility.
two types of coalitions
Internal - has a lead organization that makes the decisions. External - has all groups participate equally, with decisions worked out together by group representatives.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Any procedure, agreed to by the parties of a dispute, in which they use the services of a neutral party to assist them in reaching agreement and avoiding litigation
Is a technique used to settle disputes and reach agreements between two or more parties without the help of an outside facilitator, mediator, or arbitrator.
Is a process whereby citizens attend a series of meetings that provide the opportunity for them to offer input on how the community could be in the future.
1 mile in feet
5,280 feet
Three basic types of map projection
Conic, cylindrical, and planar
contour interval
Distance between contour lines. The closer the steeper.
Calculated by the change in elevation divided by the horizontal distance.
slope guidelines for urban development
0-0.5% = no drainage, not suited for development; 0.5-1% = no problems, ideal for all types of development; 1-3% = slight problems for large commercial areas; acceptable for residential; 3-5% = major problems for commercial/industrial/large scale residential; 5-10% = suitable only for specially designed development.
Floor area ratio (FAR)
Ratio of the amount of floor area on a parcel to the amount of land area of the parcel. Determine floor space in relation to the given size. If a 3 story building completely covers a parcel of land FAR = 3 (3:1)
Site Planning
Includes a range of factors including site selection, transportation, earthwork and utilities, and design of the site.
Cost-benefit analysis
Estimates the total monetary value of the benefits and costs to the community of a project(s) to determine whether they should be undertaken. Typically, this is used for public projects such as highways and other public facilities.
Jules Dupuit
Cost-benefit analysis
Cost-effectiveness analysis
A method for selecting among competing projects when resources are limited, was developed by the military.
cost-effectiveness ratio
(cost of new strategy - cost of current practice)/(effect of new strategy - effect of current practice)
Net Present Value
Shows the net monetary value of a project, discounted to today’s present value. To calculate net present value you need to know the years of the project’s lifespan, the quantified monetary benefits, the monetary costs and the interest rate for discounting purposes.
internal rate of return
Rate of return on a potential project. If the calculation results in an interest rate that is greater than the available market interest rate the project would be financially beneficial.
Goals Achievement Matrix (GAM)
It consists of a project evaluation matrix that includes competing projects in rows and the evaluation criteria in columns. The matrix shows the anticipated attainment of a project’s goals and the assignment of accomplishing a goal to a group.
Gantt Chart
This chart focuses on the sequence of tasks necessary for project completion. The length of each taskbar corresponds to the duration of each task. The relationship usually shows dependency, where one task cannot begin until another is completed.
Linear programming
Project management method that attempts to find the optimum design solution for a project.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
Scheduling method that graphically illustrates the interrelationships of project tasks. Good when precise time estimates are not available for project tasks. Large scale projects.
Critical Path Method (CPM)
A tool to analyze a project. Each project task has a known amount of time to complete and each task cannot be completed before the previous task is finished. The longest pathway is the critical pathway. Large scale projects.
operating budget
Includes everyday expenditures of an organization, such as supplies, personnel, and maintenance of office.
capital budget
Includes long-term purchases, such as a new building, recreation center, water main, or major equipment. Examples: Capital Improvements Program
Capital improvements programming (CIP)
Scheduling of selected physical plans and facilities for a community over a certain period of time.
Line-item Budgeting
The emphasis is on projecting the budget for the next year while adding in inflationary costs.
Planning, Programming, Budgeting Systems (PPBS)
A system to help management make better decisions on the allocation of resources among alternative ways to gain government objectives.
Zero-Base Budgeting (ZBB)
Starts at zero, justifying each individual expense for a reporting period. Emphasizes planning and fosters understanding within all units of an organization. The advantage of this method is that it requires a department to consider every aspect of its operation and concentrate on why it does things the way it does.
Performance-based budget
Is focused on linking funding to performance measures.
Uses current funds to pay for capital improvement projects
Reserve Funds
Funds that have been saved for the purchase of future capital improvements
General Obligation Bonds
Are voter-approved bonds for capital improvements. GO Bonds use the tax revenue of the government to pay back the debt
Revenue Bonds
Use a fixed source of revenue to pay back the debt.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
Allows a designated area to have tax revenue increases used for capital improvements in that area.
Special Assessments
Allows a particular group of people to assess the cost of a public improvement.
Allows a government to “rent-to-own.” The benefit is that the government does not have to borrow money to finance the acquisition of a major capital improvement.
Allow for all or a portion of the cost of a public facility to be paid for by someone other than the local government.
Progressive Tax
The tax rate increases as income rises. For example, the federal income tax system taxes those with high incomes a higher tax rate than those with low incomes
Proportional Tax
The tax rate is the same regardless of income. For example, a property tax rate is the same regardless of the price of your home.
Regressive Tax
The tax rate decreases as income rises.
Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA)
core + adjacent communities
Combined Statistical Areas
adjacent Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA)
Metro/Micropolitan Statistical Areas
core + surrounding counties
Principal Cities
largest incorporated place in Core-Based Statical Areas (CBSA)
base multiplier
ratio between total and basic employment. It gives a measure of how much additional value is created in the region for an additional dollar of outside money
Three components of Shift Share Analysis
National component
Industry component
Regional component
A diagram consisting of rectangles whose area is proportional to the frequency of a variable and whose width is equal to the class interval. Based on categories of value. Shows distribution of a variable visualized as a bar chart.
linear association between two variables. Pearson (continuous), Kendall-Spearman (rank)
dependent variable and explanatory variables. Linear relationship.
Spatial Data Sources
Digitizing, scanning, GPS, imagery, LIDAR
Grids (remotely sensed data). Continuous spatial surfaces.
geometric shapes (simple features).
Vector Data Types
Points, lines, polygons Networks Digital Elevation models (DEM) Triangular irregular networks (TIN) Spatial data is stored in layers
Measurement and representation of the earth. Gravitational Field.
approximation of the earth surface (geoid) as an ellipsoid to compute location. WGS84 (world geodetic system), NAD83 (north American datum. Mathematical approximation of the shape of the earth’s surface as an ellipsoid to compute location.
From angular measurement (lat and long) to euclidean coordinates (x, y). Distort at least one shape, distance, direction, and land area
Four characteristics of projections
Conformal (Shape
Equal area (Area)
Equidistant (Distance)
True direction (Direction)
Keeps the angles and directions. Good for navigation. Size and shapes distorted
Violate angles and shapes.
Choropleth Map
Popular thematic maps used to represent statistical data through various shading patterns or symbols on predetermined geographic areas
Equal Interval Classifications
Divides attribute values into equal size ranges.
The same value difference between categories but the number of observations in each can differ
Quantile distribution classification
Equal number of observations in each category but the value difference is not constant.
Natural Breaks Classification
Uses nonlinear algorithm to break data into optimal class range.
Heat map
Visualizes the concentration of points (hot spots). Shows the intensity of events.
Pioneer of overlay analysis
Ian McHarg, in Design with Nature
Paul Davidoff
1960s - Credited with creating advocacy planning. Correcting social injustices.
Sherry Arnstein
Created Ladder of citizen participation. 3 Levels of participation: citizen power, tokenism, non participation
Saul Alinsky
Chicago- community organizer. Very active and trying to motivate community engagement.
Capitalization Rate (cap rate)
Rate of return on a real estate investment. NOI/Current market value = Cap Rate
Net Operating Income
Gross operating income (or revenue) minus operating expenses.
Fiscal Impact Analysis
Projects cash flow to the public sector
Zoning Code
Composed of rules and regulations
Often refers to specifically a municipal law
More general and occurs at any scale of government
Building Codes
Based on health and safety standards and control design, construction, materials used in construction
Subdivision regulations
Control the manner in which blocks of land over a certain size may be converted into building lots
Subdivision Plat
Include site features (topography), lot dimensions and layout, streets, utilities
Zoning Ordinaces
Specify what can be constructed in each zone and what uses are allowable
Variances (zoning)
granted because of the specific physical characteristics of a particular property.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Deals with site specific modifications of local zoning regulations
Conditional (Special) Use Permit
Allows land uses in zones where the use isn’t currently allowed. Example: residential permit in an industrial zone
Overlay zone
Is a set of additional restrictions that are placed over the top of an existing zone. Two common overlays are for airports and historic preservation. Allows a community’s functional concerns to cut across existing zoning designations. Establishing additional standards. Example: Historic District
Floating zone
Delineates conditions that have to be met before the zoning district can be approved. Not currently on the zoning map. Defined by the type of zone that can be applied in a proposed location.
Planned Unit Development (PUD)
Floating zone intended to create a mix uses, density and infrastructure standards. Allow flexibility in the development standards for specific uses on site.
Form-based codes
Designed-based regulations, not guidelines. Translating the community vision into form. composed of building form and public space standards mapped to a regulating plan.
Building form standards
Relation to width of street, how accessible and welcoming front entrances are, where the parking is. Regulate simple things like minimum window area.
Public Space Standards
Regulate streets and how the streets interconnect and function as a system.
Transect Code
Applying an idea of urban to rural transect. A type of form based codes. Will have 6 zones that vary along an urban to rural continuum.
Smart Code
Transect based and Form based code.
Performance Zoning
performance standards regulate development by setting desired goals (no negative impact on watershed)
Managing Nonconformities: Rezone to minimize, sanction benign, phase out detrimental.
Design Review Boards
Implement urban design guidelines. Can deal with aesthetic issues. Can’t lack standards as basis of decision