Fundamental Planning Knowledge Flashcards
The first national planning conference was held at the National Conference on City Planning and Congestion Relief in Washington, D.C. In the same year, the first city planning course was taught in Harvard’s Landscape Architecture Department
Walter Moody published Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago
1912 - adopted as an eighth-grade textbook by the Chicago Board of Education. This is the first known formal instruction in city planning below the college level.
Flavel Shurtleff wrote Carrying Out the City Plan
1914 - the first major textbook on city planning.
American City Planning Institute of Planners (ACIP)
Founded in 1917 by Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., was ACIP’s first president.The organization was renamed to the American Institute of Planners (AIP) in 1939. The AIP was the forerunner of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP).
American City Planning Institute and the National Conference on City Planning published the first issue of City Planning, the predecessor to the current Journal of the American Planning Association.
the American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO) was founded.
1971 - AIP adopted a Code of Ethics for professional planners.
1977 - first exam for AIP membership was administered.
1978 - American Planning Association was created through a merger of AIP and ASPO
1981 - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning published the first issue of The Journal of Planning Education and Research.
First land use zoning restriction
In 1867, San Francisco passed the first land use zoning restrictions on the location of noxious uses.
First local civic center plan
In 1903, Cleveland created the first local civic center plan in the U.S. Daniel Burnham, John Carrere, and Arnold Brunner were responsible for the plan’s development.
first major American city to apply City Beautiful principles
In 1906, San Francisco was the first major American city to apply City Beautiful principles, using a plan developed by Daniel Burnham.
first town planning board
In 1907, the first town planning board was created in Hartford, Connecticut.
first metropolitan regional plan
In 1909, Daniel Burnham created the first metropolitan regional plan for Chicago
first state to pass enabling legislation
In 1909, Wisconsin was the first state to pass enabling legislation
first city to use land use zoning
In 1909, Los Angeles was the first city to use land use zoning to guide development.
first full-time employee for a city planning commission
In 1914, Newark, New Jersey hired the first full-time employee for a city planning commission, Harland Bartholomew. Bartholomew went on to become one of the most famous planning consultants.
comprehensive zoning code
In 1916, New York City adopted the first comprehensive zoning code, written by Edward Bassett.
first regional planning commission
In 1922, Los Angeles County formed the first regional planning commission.
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act 1924
In 1924, Secretary Herbert Hoover of the U.S. Department of Commerce issued the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act.
first major U.S. city to adopt a comprehensive plan
In 1925, The City of Cincinnati was the first major U.S. city to adopt a comprehensive plan, produced by Alfred Bettman and Ladislas Segoe.
Standard City Planning Enabling Act
In 1928, the U.S. Department of Commerce, under Secretary Herbert Hoover, released the Standard City Planning Enabling Act.
first U.S. National Planning Board
In 1933, the first U.S. National Planning Board was created. It was later renamed the National Resources Planning Board and then abolished in 1943.
first federally supported public housing
In 1934, the first federally supported public housing was constructed in Cleveland, although the first to be occupied was located in Atlanta.
first state to introduce statewide zoning
In 1961, Hawaii was the first state to introduce statewide zoning, which was later amended in 1978.
This book resulted in housing reform in New York City.
How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis, published in 1890
This book initiated the Garden City movement.
Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform by Ebenezer Howard, published in 1898.
This book was adopted as a textbook for eighth graders in Chicago.
Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago by Walter Moody, published in 1912.
This book was the first major textbook on city planning.
Carrying Out the City Plan by Flavel Shurtleff, published in 1914.
This book centers on regional planning, and Geddes is known as the “father of regional planning.”
Cities in Evolution by Patrick Geddess, published in 1915.
This book was the first in the Green Book Series produced by the International City/County Management Association.
Local Planning Administration by Ladislas Segoe, published in 1941.
This book became a common textbook on land use planning.
Urban Land Use Planning by F. Stuart Chapin, published in 1957.
This book defines basic concepts within the city, such as edges and nodes.
Image of the City by Kevin Lynch, published in 1960.
Jane Jacobs provided a critical look at planners and planning, with a special focus on the mistakes of urban renewal.
The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs, published in 1961.
This book focuses on the negative effects of pesticides on the environment.
Silent Spring by Rachel Carlson, published in 1962.
This is a seminal book on historic preservation.
With Heritage So Rich edited by Alfred Reins, published in 1966.
This book focuses on conservation design using an overlay technique that was later the basis of GIS.
Design with Nature by Ian McHarg, published in 1969.
This book promotes the use of environmental psychology and sociology in urban design.
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces by William Whyte, published in 1980.
Charles Abrams
created the New York Housing Authority. In 1965 he published The City is the Frontier, a book that was highly critical of U.S. federal policies surrounding slum clearance, urban renewal, and public housing.
Thomas Adams
was an important planner during the Garden City movement. He was the secretary of the Garden City Association and became the first manager of Letchworth, U.K. He developed a number of garden suburbs in England and later went on to teach planning at MIT and Harvard.
Saul Alinsky
was an advocate of community organizing. Alinsky organized Chicago’s poor in the late 1930s and 1940s. In 1946, he published Reveille for Radicals, which encouraged those who were poor to become involved in American democracy. Later he published Rules for Radicals, which provided 13 rules for community organizing.
Sherry Arnstein
wrote “A Ladder of Citizen Participation” for the Journal of the American Planning Association in 1969. This article describes the levels of involvement by citizens depending on the form of participation utilized.
Daniel Burnham
was a Chicago architect and prominent proponent of the City Beautiful movement. He was the lead force behind the 1893 Columbian Exposition and later the 1909 Plan of Chicago. His most famous quote is “Make no little plans. They have no fire to stir men’s blood.”
Robert Moses
transformed New York City’s public works from the 1930s through the 1950s. He expanded the state’s park system and built numerous parkways. He also built parks, playgrounds, highways, bridges, tunnels, and public housing.
John Nolen
designed Mariemont, Ohio and was a leading planner and landscape architect. He made substantial contributions including creating the first comprehensive plan in Florida, contributing to the park system in Madison, Wisconsin and designing Venice, Florida.
Frederick Law Olmsted, Sr.
is considered the father of landscape architecture. He is responsible for many of the nation’s most important parks including Central and Prospect Parks in New York City, Niagra Reservation, and university campus landscapes. He was part of the design team for Riverside, IL, laid out in 1868.
Clarence Perry
developed the neighborhood unit concept which was implemented in Radburn, New Jersey. He was a key contributor to the 1929 Regional Survey of New York and its Environs.
Paolo Soleri
was an architect responsible for designing Arcosanti, an experimental utopian city in Arizona focused on minimizing the impact of development on the natural environment.
Clarence Stein
designed Sunnyside Gardens in Queens, NY, Radburn, NJ, and many other garden suburbs in the U.S. He was a major proponent of the garden city movement. He wrote New Town for America in 1951.
Rexford Tugwell
served as the head of the Resettlement Administration during the New Deal. He worked on the greenbelt cities program, which sought construction of new, self-sufficient cities. Tugwell was closely involved in the development of Arthurdale, West Virginia, a Resettlement Administration community. He later served on the New York City Planning Commission and served as governor of Puerto Rico.
Sir Raymond Unwin
was an English town planner and designer of Letchworth. He later lectured at the University of Birmingham in England and Columbia University. He wrote Town Planning in Practice, published in 1909.
Catherine Bauer Wurster
was a founder of American housing policy. She worked to reform policy that was related to housing and city planning. She served as executive secretary of the Regional Planning Association of America. She wrote Modern Housing and was influential in the passage of the Housing Act of 1937.
City Beautiful Movement:
City Beautiful leaders believed that creating a beautiful city would inspire residents to lead virtuous lives. During the late 1800s and early 1900s. Creation of Beaux-Arts style civic centers. Examples: white City and McMillian
Garden City Movement
In 1898, Ebenezer Howard wrote To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform. This book was later reissued in 1902 as Garden Cities of To-morrow. It explained the principles behind Garden City. After publishing the book he formed the Garden-City Association in England in 1899. Garden City was intended to bring about economic and social reform. Land ownership would be held by a corporation. In 1928, the construction of the first American Garden City in Radburn, New Jersey began, designed by Clarence Stein and Henry Wright. Most of the Garden Cities that were developed failed to attain Howard’s ideal. Most lacked industry and true city centers and, in the end, most became residential suburbs.
The City Efficient Movement
Was a reaction against the City Beautiful movement, which was seen as overly focused on beauty and not sufficiently concerned with matters of function and efficiency.
Resettlement Administration in 1935
President Roosevelt established the Resettlement Administration in 1935, during the Great Depression. This agency was responsible for the Greenbelt Towns Program (or Green Towns Program). The Green Towns program developed three cities based on Howard’s ideas: Greendale, Wisconsin; Greenhills, Ohio; and Greenbelt, Maryland.
New Towns Act in 1946
Following World War II, Great Britain passed the New Towns Act in 1946. This Act led to the development of more than a dozen new communities based on Howard’s ideas. World War II, Park Forest, Illinois was developed as a New Town.
Land Ordinance of 1785
provided for the rectangular land survey of the Old Northwest. The survey was completed following the end of the Revolutionary War and provided a systematic way to divide and distribute land to the public.
In 1862, Congress passed the Homestead Act
provided 160 acres of land to settlers for a fee of $18 and a guarantee of five years of residence. The result was the settlement of 270 million acres or 10% of the land area of the United States.
Congress passed the Morrill Act 1862
which allowed new western states to establish colleges
In 1891, the General Land Law Revision Act
Passed by Congress. This Act provided the President of the United States with the power to create forest preserves by proclamation.
Congress passed the Forest Management Act 1897
Allowed the Secretary of the Interior to manage forest preserves.
U.S. Reclamation Act 1902
It allowed the funds raised from the sale of public land in arid states to be used to construct water storage and irrigation systems.
In 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt
Appointed a Public Lands Commission to propose rules for land development and management.
Antiquities Act 1906
The first law to provide federal protection for archaeological sites. The Act allowed for the designation of National Monuments.
In 1935, the Resettlement Administration
Formed to carry out experiments in population resettlement and land reform. The result was the development of Greenbelt towns.
In 1944, the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act
GI Bill, guaranteed home loans to veterans. The result was the rapid development of suburbs.
The Chicago Plan of 1909
Developed by Daniel Burnham, was the first regional plan in the U.S. It focused on incorporating ideas from the City Beautiful movement, especially waterfront development, parks, and civic center spaces. It was criticized for failing to address issues like housing, poverty, and transportation efficiency. It did not foresee the looming impact of the automobile.
first comprehensive plan
Developed in Cincinnati in 1925, under the direction of Alfred Bettman and Ladislas Segoe. The Cincinnati Plan focused on infrastructure projects and called for planning to be controlled by a citizen city planning commission.
1922 and 1929, the Regional Plan for New York and Environs
The plan focused on suburban development, highway construction, and suburban recreational facilities. Stein and Mumford were involved in the creation of the plan.
The U.S. Housing Act of 1954
The largest impetus for comprehensive planning. The Act required cities to develop comprehensive plans and provided funding for planning under Section 701. One of the problems with the 701 plan is that it led to the creation of plans for the purpose of acquiring federal funds rather than trying to truly plan for communities.
During the 1970s and 1980s, comprehensive plans shifted to more of a social focus.
The emphasis moved to concerns of equity, neighborhood preservation, affordable housing, environmental protection, and historic preservation.
The 1970s also saw the introduction of the state into comprehensive planning.
Two States required comprehensive planning in 1970’s
Oregon and Minnesota passed laws requiring comprehensive planning.
First Amendment
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and Freedom of Association. Freedom of speech applies to adult uses and signs. Freedom of religion applies to religious facilities. Freedom of association applies to group homes.
Fifth Amendment
Just compensation for takings. This amendment applies in cases of takings and eminent domain.
Fourteenth Amendment
Due process, substantive due process, procedural due process, and equal protection. Due process can be applied to takings, eminent domain, and exactions (a condition for development imposed on a parcel of land). Substantive due process is about the validity of the rule itself, which in planning might include issues of aesthetics. Procedural due process is about whether the rules were applied fairly, which in planning might include how an ordinance was applied. Equal protection is often applied to exclusionary zoning.
Welch v. Swasey; 214 U.S. 91 (1909)
The Court established the right of municipalities to regulate building height.
Eubank v. City of Richmond; U.S. Supreme Court (1912)
The state had a statute authorizing cities and towns to establish building lines. The ordinance allowed the owners of two-thirds of the land abutting any street to request a building line.
Hadacheck v. Sebastian; U.S. Supreme Court (1915)
The Court first approved the regulation of the location of land uses. The court found that a zoning ordinance in Los Angeles that prohibited the production of bricks in a specific location did not violate the 14th Amendment Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.
Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co.; U.S. Supreme Court (1926)
The Court found that as long as the community believed that there was a threat of a nuisance, the zoning ordinance should be upheld.
Nectow v. City of Cambridge; U.S. Supreme Court (1928)
Two years after Euclid v. Ambler, the Court used a rational basis test to strike down a zoning ordinance because it had no valid public purpose (e.g., to promote the health, safety, morals, or welfare of the public).
Brandt Revocable Trust v United States (2013)
The Court found that the 1875 General Railroad Right-of-Way Act grants an easement for the railroad’s land. When the railroad company abandons the land, it should be settled as an easement and if the easement is abandoned, the easement disappears and the land reverts to the previous owner.
Massachusetts v. EPA, Inc.; U.S. Supreme Court (2006)
The Court held that the EPA must provide a reasonable justification for why it would not regulate greenhouse gases.
Rapanos v. United States; U.S. Supreme Court (2006)
The Court found that the Army Corp of Engineers must determine whether there is a significant nexus between a wetland and a navigable waterway.
SD Warren v. Maine Board of Environmental Protection; U.S. Supreme Court (2006)
The Court found that hydroelectric dams are subject to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act.
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project Inc.; US Supreme Court (2015)
In this case, the Supreme Court was asked to evaluate whether disparate impact is the appropriate standard in which to evaluate the impact of the Fair Housing Act. The result is that policies that even inadvertently relegate minorities to poor areas violate the Fair Housing Act.
Golden v. Planning Board of the Town of Ramapo; New York State Court of Appeals (1972)
The court upheld a growth management system that awarded points to development proposals based on the availability of public utilities, drainage facilities, parks, road access, and firehouses. A proposal would only be approved upon reaching a certain point level.
Construction Industry of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma; U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit (1975)
The Court upheld quotas on the annual number of building permits issued.
Associated Home Builders of Greater East Bay v. City of Livermore; California Supreme Court (1976)
The Court upheld temporary moratoriums on building permits.
Young v. American Mini Theaters, Inc.; U.S. Supreme Court (1976)
The Court upheld a zoning scheme that decentralized sexually oriented businesses in Detroit. (1st Amend)
Metromedia, Inc. v. City of San Diego; U.S. Supreme Court (1981)
The Court found that commercial and noncommercial speech cannot be treated differently. The court overruled an ordinance that banned all off-premises signs because it effectively banned noncommercial signs. (1st Amend)
Members of City Council v. Taxpayers for Vincent; U.S. Supreme Court (1984)
The Court upheld a Los Angeles ordinance that banned attaching signs to utility poles. If the regulation is based on sign content, it must be justified by a compelling governmental interest. The Court found that aesthetics does advance a legitimate state interest. (1st Amend)
City of Renton v. Playtime Theatres, Inc.; U.S. Supreme Court (1986)
The Court upheld a zoning ordinance that limited sexually oriented businesses to a single zoning district. (1st Amend)
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000
Strengthen the right of incarcerated individuals to assert their religious principles and to help religious institutions avoid state regulations of their property through zoning restrictions (1st Amend)
Reed et al. v Town of Gilbert Arizona (2014)
Gilbert’s sign ordinance restricts the size, number, duration, and location of certain types of signs, including temporary signs. The Court found the sign ordinance was content-neutral. (1st Amend)
United States v. Gettysburg Electric Railway Company; U.S. Supreme Court (1896)
The Court ruled that the acquisition of the national battlefield at Gettysburg served a valid public purpose. This was the first significant legal case dealing with historic preservation. (5th Amend)
Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon; U.S. Supreme Court (1922)
The Court found that if a regulation goes too far it will be recognized as a taking. This was the first takings ruling and defined a taking under the 5th Amendment.
Berman v. Parker; U.S. Supreme Court (1954)
The Court held that aesthetics is a valid public purpose. The Court also found that urban renewal is a valid public purpose. (5th Amend)
Fred French Investing Co. v. City of New York; New York Court of Appeals (1976)
In this case, the city had put in place a regulation that required the placement of a public park on private property, leaving no income producing use of the property. The Court invalidated the regulation, but it was not ruled as a taking that should receive compensation. (5th Amend)
Penn Central Transportation Co. v. The City of New York; U.S. Supreme Court (1978)
The Court found that the New York City Landmark Preservation Law as applied to the Grand Central Terminal did not constitute a taking. (5th Amend)
Agins v. City of Tiburon; U.S. Supreme Court (1980)
The appellants had acquired five acres of unimproved land for residential development. The zoning ordinance placed the appellants’ property in a zone with density restrictions (one single-family residence per acre). The Court upheld a city’s right to zone property at low-density and determined that the zoning was not a taking. (5th Amend)
Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corporation; U.S. Supreme Court (1982)
The cable television company installed cables on a building to serve the tenants of the building and to serve other buildings. The Court found that the government authorized a permanent physical occupation of private property that therefore constituted a taking requiring just compensation. (5th Amend)
First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Glendale v. County of Los Angeles; U.S. Supreme Court (1987)
The Court found that if a property is unusable for a period of time, then not only can the ordinance be set aside, but the property owner can subject the government to pay for damages. The Court found that the County could either purchase the property out-right or revoke the ordinance and pay the church for its losses during the time of the trial. (5th Amend)
Keystone Bituminous Coal Association v. DeBenedictis; U.S. Supreme Court (1987)
Pennsylvania’s Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act prohibits coal mining that causes subsidence damage to pre-existing public buildings, dwellings, and cemeteries. Requires that 50 percent of the coal beneath four protected structures be kept in place to provide surface support. The Court found that the enactment of regulations did not constitute a taking and was justified by the public interests protected by the Act. (5th Amend)
FCC v. Florida Power Corporation; U.S. Supreme Court (1987)
Public utilities challenged a federal statute that authorized the Federal Communications Commission to regulate rents charged by utilities to cable TV operators for the use of utility poles. The Court found that a taking had not occurred. (5th Amend)
Nollan v. California Coastal Commission; U.S. Supreme Court (1987)
The question before the Court was whether the California Coastal Commission’s requirement that owners of beachfront property seeking a building permit need to maintain beachfront access constitutes a property taking in violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. The Court agreed that a legitimate interest is served by maintaining a “continuous strip of publicly accessible beach along the coast,” but that California must provide just compensation to beachfront property owners for the public use of their land. (5th Amend)
Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council; U.S. Supreme Court (1992)
The Court found that there is a taking if there is a total reduction in value (no viable value left) after the regulation is in place (except where derived from the state’s law of property and nuisance). The Court found that Lucas purchased the land prior to the development regulations being put in place, and so the regulation constituted a taking. (5th Amend)
Dolan v. City of Tigard; U.S. Supreme Court (1994)
The Court overturned an exaction that required dedication of a portion of a floodplain (to create a greenway and bicycle path) by a commercial business that wanted to expand. The “rough proportionality” test was created from this case: “an exaction is legitimate only if the public benefit from the exaction is roughly proportional to the burden imposed on the public by allowing the proposed land use.” (5th Amend)
Suitum v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency; U.S. Supreme Court (1997)
The Court, in this case, was answering the question of whether an owner must attempt to sell their development rights before claiming a regulatory taking of property without just compensation. The Court ruled that Suitum did not have to attempt to sell developmental rights before filing a regulatory taking suit. (5th Amend)
City of Monterey v. Del Monte Dunes at Monterey Ltd.; U.S. Supreme Court (1999)
The Supreme Court upheld a jury award of $1.45 million in favor of the development based on the city’s repeated denials of a development permit for a 190-unit residential complex on oceanfront property. The court found the repeated denials of permits deprived the owner of all economically viable use of the land. (5th Amend)
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island; U.S. Supreme Court (2001)
The question before the Court was whether a property owner who acquired title to a property after regulations were in place could still bring a takings claim under the Fifth Amendment. The Supreme Court found that acquisition of title after the effective date of regulations does not bar regulatory taking claims. (5th Amend)
Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. et al. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency et al.; U.S. Supreme Court (2002)
The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency imposed two moratoria on development in the Lake Tahoe Basin while the agency formulated a comprehensive plan for the area. A group of property owners sued, claiming a taking. The Court found that the moratoria did not constitute a taking requiring compensation. (5th Amend)
Lingle v. Chevron USA, Inc.; U.S. Supreme Court (2005)
The Court overturned a portion of the Agins v. City of Tiburon precedent. The Court found that Takings clause challenges had to be based on the severity of the burden that the regulation imposed, not the effectiveness of the regulation in furthering the governmental interest. (5th Amend)
City of Rancho Palos Verdes v. Abrams; U.S. Supreme Court (2005)
The Court ruled that a licensed radio operator that was denied a conditional use permit for an antenna could not seek damages because it would distort the congressional intent of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. (5th Amend)
Kelo v. City of New London; US Supreme Court (2005)
The Supreme Court ruled that economic development, even if it involves taking land for private development, is a valid use of eminent domain. The Court reasoned that it is not in a position to determine the amount or character of land needed for a particular public project. (5th Amend)
Stop the Beach Renourishment Inc v. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (2009)
The Supreme Court ruled that submerged lands that would be filled by the state for beach reclamation did not constitute a taking of property without just compensation (in violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments).
Koontz v. St. John’s River Water Management (2012)
Mr. Koontz requested a permit from the St. John’s River Water Management to develop additional land beyond what was allowed under the original permit. St. John’s agreed to issue the development permit on the condition that Koontz deed the rest of his property into a conservation area and complete additional mitigation work. The Supreme Court found in favor of Koontz, noting that there was no specific regulation requiring the dedication and mitigation work and that a taking had occurred. (5th Amend)
Munn v. Illinois; U.S. Supreme Court (1876)
The Court found that the regulation of private property does not violate due process when the regulation becomes necessary for the public good. (14th Amend)
Mugler v. Kansas; US Supreme Court (1887)
The Court found that a state law prohibiting liquor sales did not constitute a taking and violation of due process. (14th Amend)
Village of Belle Terre v. Boaraas; US Supreme Court (1974)
The Court upheld a regulation that prohibited more than two unrelated individuals from living together as a single-family. The court found that a community has the power to control lifestyle and values. The Court thus extended the concept of zoning under the police power to include a community’s desire for certain types of lifestyles. (14th Amend)
Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation; US Supreme Court (1977)
The court reviewed a zoning case that denied a rezoning of a property from single-family to multi-family. The Metropolitan Housing Development Corp. (MHDC), a nonprofit developer, contracted to purchase a tract within Arlington Heights in order to build racially integrated low- and moderate-income housing. The US Supreme Court found that there was insufficient evidence to prove that the Village acted in a racially discriminatory manner and overturned the findings of the previous two courts. (14th Amend)
Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Township of Mount Laurel; New Jersey Supreme Court (1975)
The Court found that Mount Laurel had exclusionary zoning that prohibited multi-family, mobile home, or low- to moderate-income housing. The Court required the town to open its doors to those of all income levels.(14th Amend)
City of Boerne v. Flores; U.S. Supreme Court (1997)
This case challenged the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The City of Boerne, Texas prohibited a church in a historic district from enlarging. In the end, the city and church came to an agreement to leave 80 percent of the church intact and allow a new 750-seat auditorium on the rear of the auditorium. (14th Amend)
Concentric Circle Theory
Ernest Burgess in 1925. He believed that cities grow in a series of outward rings, and land use is based on distance from downtown. 5 Ring Theory 1) Central Business 2) industrial zone 3) transition zone 4) Residential zone 5) commuter zone
bid rent curve
Theory of the price and demand for real estate change as the distance from the central business district (CBD) increases.
Sector Theory
Homer Hoyt in 1939. That land uses vary based on transportation routes. The city, as a result, was a series of sectors radiating out from the center of the city.
Multiple Nuclei Theory
Harris and Ullman in 1945. Cities develop a series of specific land use nuclei. A land use nucleus is formed because of accessibility to natural resources, clustering of similar uses, land prices, and the repelling power of land uses.
Central Place Theory
Walter Christaller in 1933. Size and spacing of cities The theory states that there is a minimum market threshold to bring a firm to a city and there is a maximum range people are willing to travel to receive goods and services. a way of understanding the hierarchy of retail establishments in cities (for example nail salons on every block, a grocery store every 10 blocks, and a large shopping center servicing a much larger area).
Rational Planning
Set Goals Determine Alternatives Evaluate the Alternatives Choose an Alternative Implement the Alternative Evaluate
Select an alternative that is good enough. Not good for wicked problems EX: homelessness
While this model has been discredited, it can still be seen in use in all areas of the planning practice. In particular, transportation planning is one area in which rational planning persists.
Incremental Planning
959, Charles Lindblom. Decision-makers compare and evaluate increments.The planning process is focused on solving existing problems rather than on achieving a future desired state. Ex: zoning ordinances
Mixed Scanning
Amitai Etzioni. Views planning decisions at two levels: the big picture and the small picture. Ex: a comprehensive plan would be created using the rational planning approach, while the implementation of the plan would use an incremental approach.
Advocacy Planning
1960s by Paul Davidoff. A way to represent the interests of groups within a community.
Norman Krumholz
equity planning in Cleveland during the 1970s and helped make the needs of low-income groups the highest priority.
Transactive Planning
1973, John Friedmann. A way to get the public more involved in the planning process. The planner meets with individuals in the community to discuss issues and help develop a plan. Through a process of “mutual learning,” the planner shares technical knowledge, while the citizens provide community knowledge.
Radical Planning
1987, John Friedmann. Involves taking power away from the government and giving it to the people. In this process, citizens get together and develop their own plans.
Communicative Planning
Currently the theory of choice among planning practitioners. Tries to use a rational model as a basis for bringing mutual understanding among all stakeholders. Planners can provide the stakeholders with information and bring people together to discuss the issues.
Tenth Amendment
Gives states the rights and powers “not delegated to the United States.
Dillon’s Rule
Rights of cities are only those that have been specifically authorized by the state.
Home Rule
Cities have the right to develop their own regulations, except where the state has specifically stated otherwise.