Introduction to Personality Theory Flashcards
It is the Latin word “persona” that is masked and used by actors to portray a role or false appearance.
Contribute to individual differences in behavior; may be unique, common, or shared but their PATTERN IS DIFFERENT for each individual.
Unique qualities of an individual that include attributes: temperament, intelligence, and physique.
Set of related assumptions that allows scientists to use logical deductive reasoning to formulate testable hypotheses.
aims at developing a theory
aims at testing an existing theory
It is the love of wisdom
Nature of knowledge
What is
1. Conceptual:
2. Operational:
Conceptual: definition given by the book
Operational: how we use/ apply those definitions
What is
1. Independent Variable:
2. Dependent Variable:
Independent Variable: affects the dependent variable (can be manipulated)
Dependent Variable: presumed effect
Following what the majority wants
Extracting definition to generate new explanation/ definition.
META Analysis
Classification of things according to their natural relationships.
What are the essence of a theory?
*Generates Research
*Organizes data
*Guides Action
What are LOTS Data?
Life data
Observed data
Test data
Self report data
Five (5) Perspectives in Personality Psychology
- Psychodynamic Theories
- Humanistic- Existential Theories
- Dispositional Theories
- Biological- Evolutionary Theories
- Learning- Social Cognitive Theories
Measuring instrument is the extent to which it yield consistent results.
Degree to which an instrument measures what is is supposed to measure.
What are the two (2) types of validity?
Construct validity
Predictive Validity
Types of Construct Validity.
Convergent Validity
Divergent Validity
Discriminant Validity
It measure hypothetical construct with no physical existence.
Construct Validity
It correlate highly (converge) with scores on a variety of valid measures on the same construct.
Convergent Validity
Has low or insignificant correlation and do not measure that construct.
Divergent Validity
Discriminates between 2 groups known to be different/ unrelated.
Discriminant Validity
A test that can predict future behavior.
Predictive Validity.