CHAPTER 3: Alfred Adler "Individual Psychology" Flashcards
He stressed that one Individual is unique from one another.
Individual Psychology
When is Alfred Adler born?
February 7, 1870
Adler’s parents are:
Mother Pauline
Father Leopold
This is the reason why Adler was motivated to become a physician.
the death of his younger brother Rudolf
He is interested in ______ as a pivotal role in childhood development.
social relationships
Describe the overview of Individual Psychology
- Motivated mostly by social influence and striving for superiority/ success.
- A person is responsible for who they are.
- Influence of future perspective
- Psychologically healthy individuals are aware of what they are doing and why they are doing it.
Adler is married to ____ who is a feminist.
Raissa Epstein
The first Tenent of Adlerian Theory?
Striving for Success or Superiority
Subtopics under the 1st Tenent of Adlerian Theory
The Final Goal
Striving Force as Compensation
Striving for Personal Superiority
Striving for Success
It is described as fictional and has no objective existence
Final Goal
Self-centredness; is seen in individuals who manipulate social interactions for personal benefit.
Striving for Personal Superiority
helping others without a personal payoff
Striving for Success
The second Tenent of Adlerian Theory?
Subjective Perceptions
Expectation of the future
Subtopics under the 2nd Tenent of Adlerian Theory
Fictionalism and Physical Inferiorities
The third Tenent of Adlerian Theory?
Unity and Self-Consistency of Personality
Subtopics under the 3rd Tenent of Adlerian Theory
Organ Dialect
Conscious and Unconscious
“The disturbance of one part of the body is not isolation, but rather affects the entire person”.
Organ Dialect
The fourth Tenent of Adlerian Theory?
Social Interest
Described as oneness with all humanity
Social Interest
What does Gemeinschaftsgefühl mean?
social feeling or community feeling
“determining our future”
Style of Life
“freely choose our course of action”
Creative Power
The Fifth Tenent of Adlerian Theory?
Style of Life
The Sixth Tenent of Adlerian Theory?
Creative Power
The Four (4) Major Lifestyle Types in Individual Psychology
Ruling Type
Getting Type
Avoiding Type
Socially useful type
Style of Life that is Dominant and Aggressive
Ruling type
Style of Life that depend their decisions on others
Getting type
Style of Life that hates confrontations
Avoiding type
Style of Life in which individuals possessed adequate but not overbearing social interest and energy.
Socially useful type
Causes of Inferiority Complex
Organic Inferiority
It shields a person’s fragile self-esteem from public disgrace
Safeguarding Tendencies
Types of Safeguarding Tendencies
Undervalue other’s achievements and overvalue one’s own
Blame others for one’s failure to seek revenge
Use self-torture to hurt people close to them
Halt personality development by avoiding life difficulties
Types of Withdrawal Safeguarding Tendencies
Moving Backward
Standing Still
Constructing Obstacles
Reverting to a safe period of life
Moving Backward
Avoiding responsibilities to avoid failure
Standing Still
Procrastinating and giving excuses when faced with difficulties
Building barriers to overcome them and protect self-esteem.
Constructing Obstacles
“desirability of being manly”
Masculine Protest
Likely to have strong feelings of power and superiority, to be overprotective, and to have more than their share of anxiety.
Influenced by the perception of older siblings, competitiveness to challenge authority.
Second born children
Likely to be pampered and lacks independence.
Youngest children
They tend to be the mature ones in the Family Constellation
Only child
Holland’s Six Carrer Types
likes to work with animals, tools, or machines
likes to study and solve math and science
like to do creative activities like art and music
likes to do things to help people
likes to lead and persuade people
likes to work with numbers, records, and machines
The year of departure of Adler from the Psychoanalytic Society
In ____ , Adler became a charter member of Freud’s organization.
It unifies personality and makes all behavior meaningful.
The Final Goal
“subjective view of the world not reality shapes their behavior”
Subjective Perceptions
Adler emphasized ______ over causality or explanations of behavior in terms of future goals rather than past causes.
Style of Life is a pattern that is relatively well set by at what age?
4 or 5 years of age