CHAPTER 2: Sigmund Freud "Psychoanalysis" Flashcards
The Father of Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud
What are the cornerstones of psychoanalysis?
sex & aggression
Freud’s understanding of human personality are based on his____
*experiences with patients
*analysis of his own dreams
*vast readings in humanities and sciences
Freud emphasizes on ____ and ____ as determinants of personality.
unconscious; emotions
Freud was born on____
and died on _____
born on March/ May 6, 1856
and died on September 23, 1939
Freud was born in Freiberg, Moravia, now known as___
Czech Republic
Who is Freud’s father and Mother?
Jacob & Amalie Nathanson Freud
Illnesses with no organic cause that is characterized by paralysis or the improper functioning of certain parts of the body.
A person is induced into a state where the action is partially under the control of another person.
Individuals report everything that comes to awareness.
free association
Whom does Freud learn the hypnotic technique for treating hysteria?
Jean-Martin Charcot
Freud collaborated with ____ on the Case of Ana O with hysteria, and eventually developed “psychoanalysis”.
Josef Breuer
Freud Derived his Oedipus complex from his abandoned ____ theory.
Seduction theory
What are the Levels of Mental Life?
Mental elements in awareness at any given point in time.
Two (2) elements of consciousness?
Perceptual conscious system
Within mental structure
Memories that are not readily available but can be triggered.
Our drives and urges are beyond our awareness but can influence our words, feelings, or actions.
A portion of our unconscious originates from the experiences of our early ancestors that have been passed on to us through hundreds of generations of repetitions.
Phylogenetic endowment
What are the Provinces of the Mind?
It is the pleasure principle and source or biological drives, the unconscious region that operates to the demands.
ID (dus es) means “it”
It is the reality principle and the decision-making or executive branch of personality.
Ego (dash ich) means “I”
It is the morality principle that is the ethical and moral aspect of personality.
Superego (uber ich) means “above I”
Two (2) classification of superego
Ego Ideal
Reward experiences and tell us what “we should do”
Ego Ideal
Association of guilt and tell us what “we SHOULD NOT do”
What are the Stages of Development?
- Oral
- Anal
- Phallic
- Latency
- Genital
2 types of phases in the oral stage
a. oral receptive
b. oral sadistic
2 periods in the anal stage
a. early anal period
b. late anal period
Dormant period of psychosexual development.
It is where sexual reawakening happens.
Genital period
A stage attained after a person has passed through the earlier developmental periods in an ideal manner.
Psychological maturity
Significance of the first 4 or 5 years of life for personality formation.
Infantile period
What are the Dynamics of Personality according to Sigmund Freud?
Anticipation of future danger
3 types of anxiety
What are the 12 Defense Mechanisms?
- Compensation
- Denial
- Displacement
- Identification
- Introjection
- Projection
- Rationalization
- Reaction Formation
- Regression
- Repression
- Undoing
- Sublimation
Strong sexual or aggressive that patients develop toward their analyst during treatment.
Caused by the resistance of unconscious responses used by patients to block their own progress in therapy.
Negative transference
Surface meaning or the CONSCIOUS description given by the dreamer.
Manifest content
Refers to UNCONSCIOUS material in dream analysis.
Latent content
Dream analysis involves uncovering unconscious material through:
(identify and describe)
a. condensation - abbreviating unconscious material
b. displacement - replacing dream images with related ideas
Freudian Slips are also known as ___
Unconscious slips that have underlying significance