Introduction to Parasites Flashcards
when 2 symbionts are merely travelling together and there is no physiological or biochemical dependence on part of either participants.
the relationship when both symbiotic partners benefit from the association.
the relationship when one partner benefits from the association but the host is neither helped nor harmed.
the relationship in which one of the of participants, the parasite, either harms or lives on the expense of its host.
describes a parasite that lives on the external surface of the host
describes a parasite that lives inside the host
Obligate Parasite
is a parasite that cannot complete the life cycle without spending at least part of it in a parasitic relationship with the host.
Facultative Parasite
are not normally parasitic but can become so when enters the host
Accidental Parasite
a parasite that enters or attaches to the body of a host that is different from the normal one.
Permanent Parasite
spends all its life within or on the host
Temporary or Intermittent Parasite
e.g. mosquito or a bug. Feeds and leaves
is another term for temporary parasites.
are insects, typically wasps or flies. Their immature stages lives on another insect and kill it.
Definitive host
the host in which the parasite reaches sexual maturity.
An intermediate
is sometimes required for the parasite development, but no sexual maturation takes place.
Paratenic or transport host
the host where the parasite remains alive without development or multiplication. These hosts may bridge an ecological gap between the intermediate host and definitive host
Host specificity
determine the range of hosts infected by a parasite.
Reservoir host
any animal that harbors a parasite that can be transmitted to human, even if the animal is a normal host of the parasite.
occurs when a parasite hosts other parasites