Introduction to Neuropsychiatry Flashcards
What are some of the psychotic symptoms of dementia?
Hallucinations, Delusions and misidentifications.
What are the impacts of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) or neuropsychiatric symptoms?
They are very common and are likely to be the most problematic aspect for carers, and be a major source of caregiver distress. Both symptoms are strongly associated with nursing home placement.
What are the general functions of the frontal lobe?
Judgement, reasoning, behaviour, voluntary movements and expressive language.
What are the general functions of the temporal lobes?
Emotions, learning and memory, audition, olfaction and language comprehension.
What are the functions of parietal lobes?
Spatial orientation, perception, initial cortical processing of tactile and proprioceptive information and language comprehension.
Where does Alzheimer’s primarily affect?
Temporo-parietal area but can progress through the cortex over time
What is the difference between Lewy body dementia and Parkinson’s disease dementia?
They share many clinical, neurochemical and morphological features and distinction is based on what comes first; movement disorder or cognitive symptoms (dementia)
What are two key core diagnostic criterias for fronto-temporal dementia?
- Behavioural disorder eg, loss of social awareness, signs of disinhibition.
- Affective symptoms such as depression, anxiety but also emotional unconcern
Name an example of a core diagnostic criteria for vascular dementia?
Psudobulbar palsy - Personality and mood changes, abulia (lack of will power), depression, emotional incontinence.
What are some likely psychiatric symptoms of a patient with multiple sclerosis?
Clinical depression in 50%, Suicide, Mania, Pseudobulbar affect (disconnect between mood and affect, eg, tears without sadness), Psychosis is 2-3x more common
Where is the main damage to the brain in Huntington’s disease?
Caudate and putamen as well as cerebral cortex.
What are some of the neuropsychiatric symptoms of Huntington’s disease?
- Early depression and behavioural disturbances are common but psychotic symptoms are rare.
- Due to insight being retained until late stages there is a high suicide rate of 10%
What are the features of neuropsychiatric conditions in motor neuron disease?
- The neuropsych symptoms may precede motor symptoms.
- Has genetic/familial overlap with FTD (trinucleotide expansion)
What are some other names for functional neurological disorder?
- Functional movement disorder,
- Conversion disorder,
- Psychogenic seizures,
- Dissociative seizures,
- Non-epileptic seizures
What are functional neurological disorders?
They are problems with the functioning of the nervous system and how the brain and body sends and/or recieves signals.
Symptoms can include limb weakness/paralysis, seizures, tremors, slurred speech and blackouts. Symptoms can be improved with physio!
What is the cause of functional neurological disorders?
Triggers such as past trauma, stress, migraine, physical injury and infection which triggers abnormal patterns of brain functions.